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While waiting to buy Su-30s, Iran puts into service three own-made ‘updated’ fighters


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TEHRAN, (BM) – At a ceremony yesterday [June 25 – ed.] the Iran Aircraft Manufacturing Industrial Company (HESA) handed over to the Islamic Republic Air Force three locally produced Kosar fighters, learned

Read more: The US is facing Iran in a possible deal for a Russian Su-30 and Chinese J-10

The event was attended by Defense Minister Brigadier General Amir Khatami, Iranian Army Commander Brigadier General Abdolrahim Musavi, Iranian Air Force Commander Brigadier General Aziz Nasirzadeh.

The Kosar combat training fighter was introduced back in July 2017 and demonstrated to an international audience at the MAKS air show in Moscow, the Iranian news agency Mehr reports on Thursday.

A twin-engine twin-seat aircraft successfully passed test flights on August 21, 2018 in the presence of President Hassan Rouhani.

Kosar has many advanced features, including an integrated avionics and fire control system, multi-function digital displays, an advanced HUD system to improve strike accuracy and an advanced multi-function fire control radar to accelerate the identification of targets and external threats, Mehr notes.

The aircraft is mass-produced in single and double versions, the latter of which can be used both for military and educational purposes.

The commander of the Shahid-Lashkari airbase in Tehran, Brigadier General Mohammad Zalbeiji told Mehr in late May that “the fighter is equipped with the most modern equipment and is capable of using high-precision weapons.”

What is Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA)?

Iran and the Six of international negotiators reached a historic agreement in July 2015 to resolve the long-standing problem of the Iranian atom. The months-long negotiations culminated in the adoption of a joint comprehensive plan of action (JCPOA), the implementation of which will completely remove Iran’s previously imposed economic and financial sanctions by the UN Security Council, the United States and the European Union.

The agreement also provided that the arms embargo will be lifted from Iran within 5 years, arms deliveries are possible earlier, but only with the permission of the UN Security Council. The deal in its original form did not survive even three years: in May 2018, the United States announced a unilateral exit from it and the restoration of stringent sanctions against Tehran.

The United States wants the arms embargo on Iran to continue

As we reported on June 24 the United States of America will not allow Iran to buy Russian or Chinese fighter jets, regardless of whether the UN extends the arms embargo on the Islamic Republic in October.

The Secretary of State noted that the termination of the ban on the sale of weapons to Tehran would mean that he could buy fighters, such as the Russian Su-30 or Chinese J-10. According to the American politician, this cannot be allowed.

“With these deadly planes, Europe and Asia will be at gunpoint in Iran. The United States will never let this happen,” wrote Pompeo.

He attached a drawing to his publication, which depicts the radius of action of the Su-30 and J-10, respectively, 3,000 and 1,648 km. The figure shows that a Russian fighter from Iran will be able to fly to Germany, Switzerland, Finland, Italy and other countries.

The Chinese fighter, according to this scheme, will be able to reach the southwestern borders of some countries of Eastern Europe.

The United States and Russia are facing each other over Iran’s arms embargo

The United States has submitted [yesterday, June 23 – ed.] to the UN Security Council a draft resolution on the extension of the arms embargo against Iran, which expires this fall.

Earlier, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov sent a letter to UN Secretary General Anthony Guterresch, in which he mentioned that senior representatives of the US State Department are promoting ideas on imposing an unlimited arms embargo on Iran through the Security Council and on using the mechanisms provided for in resolution 2231 (governing the establishment of the Joint Comprehensive action plan).

At the same time, the Russian minister emphasized that there are no objective reasons to raise the issue of the arms embargo against Iran. He recalled that the “permissive order of deliveries” of military equipment to Iran was temporary – this was done to launch the agreements reached in 2015, which is now irrelevant.

As Lavrov emphasized, the application of restrictions on the supply of arms to Iran after October 18, 2020 “was never intended, and there are no legal or other reasons to reconsider this understanding.”

“The US mission has distributed its draft resolution on the extension of the arms embargo on Iran,” the agency’s source said.

A copy of the draft resolution is at the disposal of

In this draft, the Security Council decides that after the expiration of the measures introduced in resolution 2231, “all member states must impede the direct, indirect, or indirect supply, sale or transfer to Iran of their citizens or their ships or aircraft … weapons and related materials.“

An exception may be if the special committee approves, at least 30 days in advance, such activities “for humanitarian purposes or for any other tasks that are consistent with the objectives of this resolution.”

In addition, the document implies a ban on the supply, sale or transfer of weapons from Iran. UN member countries, according to the text, should prohibit their citizens from purchasing weapons from Iran. The authors prohibit states from sharing with Iran specialists, knowledge, and financial resources that can be used to create and maintain weapons. The US also proposes to ban Tehran from taking such actions against the outside world.

Countries should freeze the financial assets of individuals and entities that violate these provisions, it follows from the text.

The document involves the creation of a committee that would monitor the implementation of the provisions of this resolution. In addition, he would have to determine the persons and structures whose financial assets must be frozen.

The resolution refers to all recent allegations made against Iran. In particular, the authors refer to the report of the UN Secretary General, who claimed that the cruise missiles used to attack the Abkaik and Khurais refineries in Saudi Arabia in September 2019 were of Iranian origin.

The drafters of the resolution also mention the report of the UN expert group on Yemen, which stated that the attack was not carried out by the Hussites.

The authors accuse Iran of attacks on oil tankers. According to the text, the Security Council is invited to “express serious concern about the December 27 attack on the Iraqi military base in Kirkuk, which killed a US citizen and injured several US and Iraqi troops.”

In a letter to the UN Secretary General, Lavrov recalled that the United States withdrew from the JCPOA – thereby, according to him, the American leadership officially refused to fulfill the obligations arising from the JCPOA and enshrined in resolution 2231.

The Russian Foreign Minister called absurd and irresponsible statements that the US is not going to return to fulfill its obligations under the JCPOA, but intends to use the rights allegedly arising from resolution 2231.

HESA Koswar fighetr?

Kowsar is a fourth-generation fighter manufactured in Iran. Iran began production of fourth-generation Kowsar fighter jets. This aircraft is entirely developed in Iran.

First introduced in August 2018. The fighter is equipped with a ballistic computer and a multi-purpose radar. The Kowsar production line at the Iranian Aircraft Manufacturing Company on Saturday, November 3, 2018, was launched by Iranian Army Commander Abdulrahim Mousavi and Iranian Defense Minister Amir Khatami.

Iran plans to supply Syrian Air Force Kowsar fighters. Kowsar is designed to support short-range army units. The fighter will be available in single and double versions. According to Western aviation analysts, the Kowsar fighter is ineffective as a weapon in modern warfare, but as a training aircraft it has some positive potential.

Kowsar is an advanced copy of the Northrop F-5 American multirole fighter, which was developed back in the late 50s of the last century.



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It is my assessment that the Kowsar (re-hashed) F-5 is just a 'numbers fighter' and a training platform (two seaters), even with 4th Gen avionics. Clearly, Iranians are not planning to deploy them as frontline fighters, they have been operating these for some 40 plus years, they know its limitations.

The notable thing is, they are now capable of mass producing something, even if these are F-5's (or F-20 Tigershark design, improved version).

While 'experts' are all opinionated about this 'development' (some scoffing at F-5 situation), I am sure they will get SU-30's (and J-10's) as soon as the suppliers are capable. Su-30's can also be sourced from China (Shenyang J11/J16), with Chinese engines and armaments all integrated. Although these Chinese Su-30/Su35 copies will not have thrust vectoring like the Russian ones, they still have other notable qualities nonetheless.

So the Iranians will have options. That in itself will be a leap for the Iranians as far as frontline air-offensive capability.

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