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Where are we going; – Out of control the debt: Almost 400 billion or 190% on GDP


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An unprecedented collapse much worse than in the years 2009-2010 which was used as an occasion for the assignment of.

A collapse that raises questions about ’ this very existence and continuity of the Greek state.

Debt is in absolute numbers increased by 20%, on GDP it is increased by 80% ( from 126% it is close to.

Specifically, the country's public debt reaches the amount of 400 billion euros, while « bomb » state guarantees in businesses are, individuals and banks whose amount is close to 30 billion euros.

According to the official data of the Ministry of Finance, the total public debt of the country, at the end of last May, was reduced to two billion, compared to December 2021 and 13.5 billion compared to last year at the same time

The reason for the debt increase is the over-indebtedness to which the Public Debt Management Agency has taken refuge in order to cover the deficits of Krita.

The growth of debt combined with the uncertainties it causes in the economy is a resounding « bell-ringer », and.

Already, the interest rate of ten-year bonds has skyrocketed to 4.2% from 1.04% in May 2021, while similar bonds have.

In addition to the direct public debt of Central Administration, there is also « hidden » debt. These are the state guarantees provided by the State to guarantees to public and private companies, individuals and banks.

According to the data of the General Accounting Office of the State, the amount of state guarantees at the end of last March amounted to 28.6 billion.

This amount is not included in the public debt. The debt records the falls of the guarantees, ie the amount that the body did not repay in time or the natural person to whom. In essence, this is a potential debt.

Of the total amount of 28.86 billion euros, 18.56 billion euros are for guarantees given to banks under the program.

The debt of the General Government

It should be noted that the specific data concern the gross public debt or Debt of the Central Government, which differs from the Debt of the General Government, which is the indicator of monitoring the performance of states.

According to Eurostat's definition, the total gross debt is deducted from:

Government bonds held by insurance funds and local authorities, the so-called intra-government debt, which is in line with.

Coins and investments in government bonds of legal entities, the amount of which will amount to 16.2 billion euros this year.

In other words, about 36.2 billion euros are deducted from the total debt.

With the removal of the intergovernmental debt, the general government debt was set at the end of March at 358.35 billion euros.

At the same time, it should be noted that interest rates are paid for the total debt and not just for the debt of the General Government.



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basically debt slavery as a means to keep greece under the control of northern europeans. Debt costs germany nothing in reality and in return they get real tangible goods and services as well assets from greece. Meanwhile they get to keep greece in constant antagonism against Turkey.

But Greece for much of the past 2000 years, really since the romans invaded has been a failed state dominated by outsiders.
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