Unrest in Karakalpakstan


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Today, looking through the news, I noticed the riots in Karakalpakstan. The Karakalpaks are a Turkic people from the Kypchak group, their ancestors were part of the Nogai Horde. They have long been saying on forums that they want to secede from Uzbekistan and become an independent state.



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Do we know if this sort of seperatism has been lurking under the surface or is this something that has been instigated by some.


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Do we know if this sort of seperatism has been lurking under the surface or is this something that has been instigated by some.

From what little I gathered they are actually even a "sovereign" state that only remained a part of Uzbekistan with the right to secede, promising to hold a referendum eventually for it. It seems to be a pre-condition, which means without it they have no desire to be part of the state. Karakalpakstan already lost much of its autonomy and has one in name only, but even only in name its about the symbolism behind having it. So yeah there does seem to be somewhat popular view based on anecdotal evidence on separatism, or at least full autonomy. Again that is only surface level knowledge I picked up. Seems that Soviet tomfoolery once again plays a big role in the entire debate.


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Sympathetic people to the Karakalpaks are the Kazakh oppositionists. These oppositionists are also opponents of Russia, also opponents of the incumbent president of Kazakhstan, Tokayev.
It seems to me that there is the former antagonism between the nomad and the settled resident. Nomads in the Middle Ages despised the settled inhabitants, they called them Sart. Kazakhs and Karakalpaks are direct descendants of nomads, and Uzbeks are descendants of settled inhabitants. In addition, the Kazakhs and Karakalpaks are the peoples of the Kypchak group, and the Uzbeks are the Karluks.

Here is what I translated from a Russian analytical article https://vpoanalytics.com/2022/07/09/kazahskie-natspaty-v-amplua-karakalpakskih-revolyutsionerov/
And, indeed, there is a channel on YouTube that defends Karakalpak activists, also trying to free their leader Dauletmurat Tazhimuratov. Information in Russian

Kazakh "national patriots" – in the role of "Karakalpak revolutionaries"


Karakalpak interest of Kazakh national patriots with a Ukrainian flavor

Commenting on the events in Nukus, the Uzbek ambassador to Kazakhstan, Saidikram Niyazkhojaev, repeated the version that the riots were organized by external forces. At the same time, Niyazkhodzhaev refused to say whether there were citizens of Kazakhstan among the detained rebels, since "the secrecy of the investigation does not allow us to inform about the details." Nevertheless, participation in the rebellion of the Karakalpaks living in Kazakhstan is not hidden.
It is known that the bulk of the inhabitants of the Uzbek autonomy, due to difficult living conditions, work in Kazakhstan: the language is similar, the hydrocarbon deposits of Mangystau make it possible to earn good money. According to various sources, there are 7-15 thousand Karakalpaks in Western Kazakhstan, and this region, controlled by the fighting Aday (one of the clans of the Younger Zhuz), has recently been the main point of destabilization of Kazakhstan. One Zhanaozen is worth something! Yes, and the January riot began in these parts.
Therefore, one should not be surprised that excited Karakalpaks began to cross the border to participate in the riots. Radio Azattyk, a foreign agent in Russia, cites the story of an eyewitness and participant in the events, Bakhyt Dombaev (name changed for security reasons), who worked in Kazakhstan and went to “make a revolution” in Nukus. Characteristically, a migrant worker complaining about the lack of funds, forced to work abroad, flew to Nukus from Aktau by plane. Then it turned out that he had already participated in the riots in August 2019, after which he hid in Kazakhstan. The actions he describes in Nukus look like the words of an experienced person: “We were going to break through the OMON line in order to get to Aksaray ... when it got dark, they began to burn tires.”
Where does a worker from Kazakhstan get such information?
We pointed out that with the beginning of the events in Nukus, actions in support of the Karakalpak rebellion took place in Aktau and Atyrau. The majority of Kazakh nationalists tried to prevent the suppression of the rebellion. Dos Koshim said: “It was a mistake that Karakalpakstan was taken from the Kazakh ASSR and transferred to the RSFSR, and then to Uzbekistan. In terms of culture and language, the Karakalpaks are close to the Kazakhs.” On the video from the streets of Nukus, Karakalpaks were repeatedly shown crying out for help to the Kazakhs.
Central Asia specialist Alexander Knyazev says: “So far, the Karakalpak separatists have no support groups in the region. Such media and propaganda provocations are often supported by Kazakh nationalist groups.” Really. Kazakh social networks opposed Merziyoyev, comparing him with Lukashenka and Putin.
The leading information mediators of the conflict in Karakalpakstan were the Base telegram channel and the YouTube channel of the same name, which were created and maintained by Aidos Sadykov and his wife Natalya Sadykova.


Spouses Sadykovs at the place of emigration

Aidos is a well-known figure in Kazakhstan, an activist of the "Azat" party, a failed organizer of the Gastat ("Kastet") group, an eternal oppositionist. So after the Maidan, the Sadykovs fled to Ukraine, which widely accepts shellfish from Kazakhstan, providing them with the conditions to continue their activities. In Kyiv, the Sadykovs have created their own information channels, their connections with the SBU and CIPSO are known.
It was on the telegram channel “Base” that a photo of “an activist girl who came out with a poster in one of the European countries: “Russia kills in Ukraine, Uzbekistan kills in Karakalpakstan!” The girl's face is covered, although it resembles the face of Natalya Sadykova.
Activist in "one of the European countries"
“The club of dictators called the CSTO, as one would expect, supported Mirziyoyev, and not the Karakalpaks,” write Kazakh emigrants, who warmed themselves at the trough of the Ukrainian special services and incited passions in their homeland.


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The eternal Kypchak strikes again. Kypchaks working together to split Uzbekistan.

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