Tenders, privatizing and investments 2002-


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I think it's important to have a thread like this to gather as much information as possible on how the Turkish Government has been spending taxpayers money.

In developed countries budget discussions and transparency is very important, so whilst some may prefer only promoting the good things it is equally important to dig up the bad things. Regardless of what politicians say.

Each post must contain at least the following (if it is relevant):

- The Investment/privatizing (Bridge, road, schools, mosques, factories, airport etc.)
- Amount invested/ROE (if possible, it may not have been disclosed to public, in that case state so clearly)
- Tender process (Who participated, who won)

That said, we've many good investments, but while the results are speaking for themselves it's necessary to ensure accountability as well with regards to cost and process.

Videos (timestamp please), articles (quote, highlight if necessary), dubious sources are welcome as long as the source can be linked.

Some who are too much pro one side has a tendency to completely ignore realities of the other side. So consider this thread a social experiment and let's try cutting it up and presenting it.

I'd like to read about the good stuff too you know.


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Projects: Ankara-Polatli-Afyonkarahisar-Usak-Manisa-Izmir Railway

Amount: 2,3 Billion Euro (Yes, not TL, but Euro). (around 21,4 Billion TL exch. rate 7)

Tender process: Completion of tender has been postponed several times, and it was also tendered once before by Transpost & Infrastructure Ministry.



Accumulated cost from previous terms are not accounted for.

Financing information is not disclosed.

Source: https://www.sozcu.com.tr/2020/yazarlar/cigdem-toker/21-4-milyar-tllik-ihale-pazarlikla-6079813/

Accountability is very important, the source may be biased, but regardless of that, if there is a claim of discrepency it must be investigated and audited and relayed to the public even if it is an ombudsman that has to do it.


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There is a regulation in the AKP’s bag that makes it difficult to follow up controversial projects​

October 7, 2020


As soon as the new legislative year begins in the Parliament’s Plan and Budget Commission, a regulation that stipulates concealing the details of the controversial projects while preparing the budget from the bag proposal, which was discussed at jet speed. The proposal, signed by the AKP deputies, was accepted by the TBMM Plan and Budget Committee.

In the reports of the TCA recently submitted to the Turkish Grand National Assembly, it was stated that while the record-level payments and irregularities related to many project-based public investments, such as city hospitals, bridges and highways, created public debate, while preparing the budget according to the regulation accepted in the commission, it was stated that the follow-up on project basis was prevented. According to the regulation named “performance-based program budget”, functional classification by function will not be made while preparing the budget from now on; It was pointed out that the follow-up of project-based investments in public expenditures would be difficult. Opposition representatives criticized that regulation would compromise the transparency of public spending and return to the pre-2003 system.

Bülent Kuşoğlu, a member of the TBMM Plan and Budget Committee and the Deputy Chairperson of the CHP, said, “The functional budget has been issued. In other words, financial transparency is being removed. From now on, we will not be able to see or inspect the money given to city hospitals and bridges ”. Speaking to Cumhuriyet, CHP member Kamil Okyay Sındır stated that the change was a scandal and said, “There is no project-based budgeting in the new regulation. Until today, the targets and activities, the projects within the scope of those activities and the source of the projects could be seen. Now, this will not be a project, but an activity-based budget arrangement. “A more general budget proposal will come, and then it will turn into a form with a partially restricted control possibility.”



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Uh... Antalya's harbor has been sold to Qatar...

"sakli gizli Katara satildi" Sold off to Qatar secretly.

Annual income 47 mio USD, but it was sold off to Qatar for 20 mio USD annually for 7 years ?


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Fikirtepe, a neighborhood in Istanbul’s Kadıköy district, was one of the first zones selected to be a part of the government's ambitious "urban transformation" project in Istanbul. Thirteen years later, the process has been muddled with legal disputes and disagreements between contractors and homeowners. Government officials on Monday pledged to finally complete the project and shared a new road map for the area.

Guess who is going to pay to complete these projects... NOT AKP and every dime they own.


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Guess who is going to pay to complete these projects... NOT AKP and every dime they own.
Moreover the subcontractors are freely roaming and scamming other people in different cities, they are not jailed or faced consequences of what they done in Istanbul.


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MUĞLA GÜLLÜK LİMANI PROJESİ (link below contains all related articles)​


"Güllük Limanı’nın yandaşa peşkeş çekilmesine izin vermeyeceğiz"​

Güllük Liman Sahasının 45 yıl süreyle özelleştirilmesi Milas halkı tarafından protesto edildi.​

Güllük Limanı’nın yandaşa peşkeş çekilmesine izin vermeyeceğiz


Özelleştirme İdaresi Başkanlığı’nın, Türkiye Denizcilik İşletmeleri A.Ş.ye ait “Güllük Liman Sahası”nın 45 yıl süreyle “İşletme Hakkının Verilmesi” yöntemiyle özelleştirilmesi Milas halkı tarafından protesto edildi.

Güllük Limanı’nda bir araya gelen Milas halkı “Özelleştirme istemiyoruz, kıyılar halkındır” şeklinde slogan atarak, özelleştirme kararına karşı çıktı. CHP Milas İlçe Başkanı İlgin Göktepe, Milas Belediye Başkan Yardımcısı Cüneyt İlter, Belediye Meclis Üyeleri ve CHP Milas İlçe Örgütü’nün katıldığı eylemde açıklama yapan CHP Muğla Milletvekili Mürsel Alban, “Özelleştirme ihale ilanında buranın ne amaçla özelleştirileceği belirtilmemiştir. İşletme hakkının verilmesi yöntemiyle özelleştirileceğine dair ihaleye çıkan bu limanın kullanım amacı ne olacaktır?” diye sordu.


Milas halkının, bu limanın özelleşmesine karşı olduğunu vurgulayan CHP’li Alban, limanın taşıma-boşaltma amaçlı kullanılmasının Güllük’te var olan turizm potansiyelini bitireceğini ifade etti. Yerel yönetimin ve halkın özelleştirme sürecindeki düşüncelerinin gözardı edildiğini ve fikirlerinin alınmadığının altını çizen Alban açıklamasında şunları kaydetti:

“İhalenin “pazarlık usulü ile gerçekleştirileceği, ihale Komisyonunca gerekli görüldüğü takdirde ihale, pazarlık görüşmesine devam edilen teklif sahiplerinin katılımı ile açık artırma suretiyle sonuçlandırılabileceği belirtilen ilanda, liman işletmesinin hangi amaçla kullandırılacağı belirtilmemiştir. Bu durum başta bölge halkı başta olmak üzere, konuyla ilgili kesimler tarafından tartışma konusu olmuştur. İşin kapsamı tam olarak belirtilmemesi, limanın yükleme-boşaltma mı yoksa yat limanı olarak mı hizmet vereceği konusu belirsizlikte kalmıştır. Muğla ilimiz, Milas İlçemiz sınırlarında bulunan Güllük Liman Sahası’nın işletme hakkının verilmesi ilanında belirtilmeyen noktaların açığa çıkması amacıyla soruyoruz;

Liman yükleme-boşaltma limanı olarak mı kullanılacaktır, yoksa marina mı yapılacaktır?

Bölge halkı ve yerel yönetimin buranın kullanım amacıyla ilgili görüşleri vardır. Bu özelleştirme sürecinde bu kesimlerin görüşleri eden alınmamıştır?

Kullanım amacı tamamen işletmecinin keyfiyetine bırakılmıştır. Limanın yandaşa peşkeş çekilmesine izin vermeyeceğiz.”


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Turkey, Qatar ink 10 new deals​


Turkey, Qatar ink 10 new deals

Turkey and Qatar signed 10 new deals on Nov. 26 at a joint meeting held at the presidential palace in Ankara.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Qatar's Emir Tamim Hamad al-Thani co-chaired the closed-door meeting.

The 10% sale of shares of Turkey's stock exchange Borsa Istanbul topped the list of agreements made during the day.

Another agreement was inked to transfer shares of Istanbul's Istinye Park, a luxury shopping mall.

A memorandum of understanding (MoU) was signed for joint investment in the Made in Istanbul Golden Horn Project.

The transfer and purchase of shares of the Middle East Antalya Port Operators from Turkey's Global Ports to Qatar's Terminals W.L.L. was also agreed upon.

An MoU was signed for joint promotion activities between Turkey's Commerce Ministry and Qatar's Free Zone Administration.

Another deal was reached on the establishment of a joint trade commission between the two countries.

Several MoUs were also signed for water administration, improved economic and monetary cooperation, and family and social services.

A statement of intent was signed for an exchange program for diplomats of both countries.

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu and his Qatari counterpart Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani also signed the joint statement of the 6th iteration of the meeting.

The meeting was also attended by Turkish National Defense Minister Hulusi Akar, Treasury and Finance Minister Lutfi Elvan, Trade Minister Ruhsar Pekcan, Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Adil Karaismailoğlu, Agriculture and Forestry Minister Bekir Pakdemirli, Family, Labor and Social Services Minister Zehra Zümrüt Selçuk, Communications Director Fahrettin Altun, presidential spokesman Ibrahim Kalın, Turkey Wealth Fund CEO Zafer Sönmez and many businesspeople.

Erdoğan later in the day said that the two leaders had very productive meetings.

"We will continue our solidarity with the brotherly people of Qatar, with whom we have deep-rooted ties of affection, in every field," Erdoğan said on Twitter.

In a tweet, the Qatari emir said he had a "productive meeting" with Erdoğan.

"During the meetings, Turkey and Qatar reaffirmed that the two sides are determined and willing to enhance the strong brotherhood ties and strategic partnership ties in various fields," Qatar’s Shura Council also said in a statement.
In the past, the two countries made a total of 52 agreements and five joint declarations.

With the latest meeting, the total number of agreements has risen to 62.

In previous meetings, the committee reached consensus in many significant issues in the fields of economy, industry, safety, investment, energy, culture, intellectual property, education and youth.

The trade volume between the two countries increased by 6% in 2020 to reach $1.6 billion.

Qatar’s investments in Turkey reached $22 billion, according to data provided by Turkey’s Doha Embassy.

TWF is not subject to the tender laws, and RTE can do with it whatever he wants.


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Interesting how Mansur Yavas goes through some wasteful projects and how much it cost for Ankara.


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This Channel "KamuGözü" seems to show projects and their costs.

Bravo, I applause this kind of information sharing. Just want to add that I hope budget and incurred cost is reviewed by an accountant firm and we're told the reviewed cost.


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Update on public projects.

2. part of Ankara- Nigde highway 4 B TL finished.

KMO Highway 13,6 B TL finished


Overall spendings in the periode.

Kara Yolu = Highway

Demir Yolu = Railway

Deniz Yolu = Sea (port)

Haberlesme = Communication

Hava Yolu = Air (port)


Traffic intensity.
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40 billion closed tender​

The total amount of undisclosed auctions is approximately 40.5, and the amount of announced auctions is 1 billion 446 million TL. Cengiz Holding bought 1.37 billion TL of this.​

28 December 2020 10:12Updated: 28 December 2020 10:21
40 billion closed tender

CHP Deputy Chairman Ahmet Akın said that the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure made almost all of the tenders for projects consisting of high-speed train, subway, tramway construction and construction works in 2020, with bargaining procedure, which is considered to be an exception.

CHP member Akın, who said that the amount was estimated to reach 42 billion TL, prepared a compilation about the tenders held by the General Directorate of Infrastructure Investments (AYGM) under the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure in 2020, without announcement and by inviting certain companies.

According to the report of Mahmut Lıcalı from Cumhuriyet, the following determinations were made in the study carried out by Akın:


12 tenders were held by AYGM on a bargaining basis, covering construction and construction works. The tenders were organized without announcement and with the invitation of certain companies. Only 4 of the 12 tenders were shared with the public. In other words, 76 percent of the tenders held by bargaining were hidden from the public. It is estimated that the total amount of the auctions made by bargaining method is approximately 42 billion TL. It was noteworthy that almost all of the aforementioned amount consisted of auctions whose results were not announced to the public.


According to the legislation, the total amount of the 4 tenders made with the bargaining method, the results of which are announced to the public, was 1 billion 446 million TL, while one of the companies defined as the gang of 5, known for its proximity to the government, took the biggest share here. Cengiz Holding had the biggest share with TL 1.37 billion in the negotiated tenders announced.


It is estimated that the total amount of the negotiated tender, whose results have not been disclosed, is approximately 40.5 billion TL. In these 8 tenders, companies known for their closeness to the government took the lion's share. Accordingly, a total of 11 billion 770 million TL tenders were awarded to Kolin, Kalyon and Cengiz companies with 4 different projects.

CHP Deputy Chairman Akın said, “The AK Party government did not like the public procurement legislation and changed this legislation according to their own. They made great efforts to distribute the tenders at will.

The Public Procurement Law No. 4734 has been amended many times since 2003. Instead of obeying the law, they made up the law. Thus, address delivery tenders were launched. In order to do this, the AK Party started to make the exception procedure by exploiting the exceptional provisions of the Public Procurement Law. Negotiated tenders are also a result of this. "They give the money of the people to the supporters in this way."



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Secret tender in Atatürk Forest Farm​

It turned out that a special tender was held for the land opposite the Beştepe Complex, which was built on the Atatürk Forest Farm land. Parking is foreseen in the area ...​

04 March 2021 08:16Updated: 04 March 2021 08:22
Secret tender in Atatürk Forest Farm

Two separate tenders were held on February 22, 2021 for the "agricultural area next to Ankapark" located in Atatürk Forest Farm (AOÇ). While Ankara Metropolitan Municipality won the first tender, the result of the second tender and who won it was not announced.
According to the news of Veli Toprak from Sözcü, CHP Ankara Deputy Ali Haydar Hakverdi submitted a motion to the Turkish Grand National Assembly with the request of Agriculture Minister Bekir Pakdemirli to answer the issue. Hakverdi reminded that a tender was held for the lease of the first degree natural protected area of 74 thousand square meters in AOÇ as parking, recreation and agricultural area.
CHP's Hakverdi said, “In this tender, Ankara Metropolitan won the tender to lease a total of 35 thousand 382 square meters of real estate for 10 years for 75 thousand TL. A second tender was held. Who or who won the tender for the car park opposite the Presidential Palace. How many buildings, which are subject to lawsuit, were built in violation of Atatürk's conditional inheritance? " asked.



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The level of corruption and moral corruption is unbelievable.


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Judicial brake to the scandalous tender to the acquaintance​

It was claimed that scandals were experienced in the "Kocaeli City Hospital Tramline construction work" tender that EZE İnşaat Anonim Şirketi, owned by Metin Güneş, the boss of MET-GÜN, which created a controversy with the tenders it received from IMM during the AKP period, was awarded by the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure.​

31 March 2021 09:31Updated: 31 March 2021 09:32
Judicial brake to the scandalous tender to the acquaintance

It was reported that irregularities were detected in the bidding process of MET-GÜN brought to the judiciary.
Ankara 3rd Administrative Court, which did not find the bargaining procedure in accordance with Article 21 / b of the Public Procurement Law, which is used in cases such as natural disasters, in accordance with the law, determined that it was not acted on the basis of the 'public interest' during the tender process and canceled the tender.


According to the news of Hazal Ocak from Cumhuriyet, the tender of Kocaeli City Hospital Tram Line Construction Work was carried out by the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure on September 17, 2020, according to the article 21 / b. The approximate cost of the tender was 323 million 491 thousand 722 liras, and the duration of the work was 730 days. 4 bidders were invited to the tender. EZE İnşaat Anonim Şirketi won the tender for 284 million lira. In the records of the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce, Metin Güneş, the Chairman of the Board of this company, appears. Again, according to the records, the address of the company is at METGÜN plaza in Maslak, where the company MET - GÜN is also located.


Körfez Branch of Güneş Asfalt Ticaret ve Sanayi Company filed a lawsuit for the cancellation of the tender for various reasons. The ministry, which gave defense to the case held at the Ankara 3rd Administrative Court, stated that the work required special skills in terms of construction technique and that the site was delivered by signing a contract with the most advantageous bidder company on 30 October 2020.


The striking findings of the court regarding the tender process are as follows:
In order for the bargaining procedure to be applied in the tender, the work must be completed as soon as possible. The duration of the tender is 730 days. In other words, the duration of the work does not comply with the terms of the bargaining clause. Considering this period, the court did not find compliance with the law in the negotiation of the tender.

The court also asked the companies invited to the tender during the lawsuit process and asked for all the documents, but only the invited companies were sent to the court. Information and documents regarding the subjects competence of the companies have not been sent. In the court decision, he reminded the ministry that the administrations do not have an unlimited discretionary power to determine who will be invited to bargain tenders and that this power should be used in the public interest. In addition, the court concluded that "public resources are not used effectively and efficiently and the companies are invited to tender without determining any qualification criteria" as a result of not presenting any information and documents regarding the competence of the companies.


Another striking detail in the decision was revealed in the examination of the competence information of Eze İnşaat Anonim Şirketi. In the records, it was determined that the company work experience certificate consists of the asphalt coating work of the IMM Machinery Supply Branch Directorate. The court stated that "it is understood that there is no work experience certificate regarding the works within the scope of the tram line construction work and similar works".


As a result, the court concluded that "the companies invited to the tender do not meet the qualification criteria, do not act in line with the public interest and service requirements, the work experience certificates of the companies invited to the tender are not in accordance with the job description and are not sufficient, there is no compliance with the law in the tender." The court found it unlawful to hold the tender on a bargaining basis and unanimously canceled the tender on December 29, 2020.


Metin Güneş, which was reflected in the press that he received billions of lira construction and asphalt tender from IMM during the AKP period, had a lien decision of 565 million lira he obtained from abroad for the construction of the metro after Ekrem İmamoğlu was elected the IMM President. IMM, whose money was confiscated, became a court with Güneş; The lawsuit is still ongoing



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Apparently these bridges were built with PPP cooperation and state has guarenteed certain amount of traffic and failure to meet those the state pays the difference.

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