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Russia Missile and Air Defence programs


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Just days before the 71st anniversary of the Soviet Union’s first atom bomb test in 1949, Russian state-owned nuclear corporation Rosatom has released rare and clear footage of the 1961 test detonation of Tsar Bomba, the most powerful weapon ever created by humans.

The 30-minute documentary published by Rosatom on August 20 chronicles the fateful day in October 1961 that the Soviet Union detonated a 50-megaton nuclear weapon on a remote Arctic island. Known simply as “Product 202,” the bomb’s colossal size and power earned it the moniker “Tsar Bomba” - the king of bombs.

To give an idea of this bomb’s power, consider that the United States’ most powerful bomb, the Castle Bravo test in 1952, was at most 22 megatons, and the bomb that destroyed the Japanese city of Hiroshima in 1945 was just 16 kilotons - in other words, Tsar Bomba was about 1,325 times stronger. Its incredible power came from nuclear fusion, the same energy-producing reaction that powers the sun.

In the film, the huge bomb is seen being loaded onto a railcar for transport to the far north, where it arrives under the guise of a typical boxcar at Olenya Air Base, just south of Murmansk.


Product 202 "Tsar Bomba" being loaded onto a railcar for transport


The railcar transporting Product 202 "Tsar Bomba" is disguised as an ordinary cattle car for transport

At the airport, aircraft are being loaded up with test equipment, including tons of cameras on both a specially modified Tu-95V bomber (NATO reporting name “Bear”), painted all-white to reflect the nuclear flash, and a Tu-16 bomber that will serve as its tailplane. The sight of the huge bomb underneath the bomber is almost comical, and when it drops over the test site on Novaya Zemlya, a parachute is used to slow its descent and buy the aircraft time to escape its destructive blast.


The 50-megaton Product 202 "Tsar Bomba" thermonuclear bomb is dropped from a Tu-95V bomber over Novaya Zemlya, Soviet Union, on October 30, 1961

The Tu-95 was at an altitude of roughly 34,000 feet when it dropped the bomb, which detonated about 13,000 feet above the ground to minimize radiation.

The film then captures the moment of detonation from several points of view, including on the ground and onboard the Tu-95V. The colossal explosion created such a mushroom cloud that it towered 6.2 miles over the island, and the blast was visible 621 miles away on the mainland. The bomber, which had only made it 28 miles away by the time the bomb exploded, recorded the horrifying fireball and mushroom cloud, which eventually reached 56 miles across.




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The Russian manufacturer of the infamous AK-47 assault rifle, Kalashnikov Group, has unveiled the newest special corps chassis SKKSH-586, which developed as a transport base for air defense missile systems, at the Army 2020 forum.

Kalashnikov subsidiary Mytishchi Machine-Building Plant designed and manufactured the new hull-type chassis to carry air defense systems, such as Tor or Buk.

The lightweight aluminum chassis body, providing better protection against sharp and bullets implements without additional attachments, allows more efficient use of the usable volume and reduces the final weight of the vehicle. With its high cross-country ability, the SKKSH-586 is capable of swimming over water obstacles by using two water-jet propulsion devices, according to a companynews release.

The chassis is equipped with a hydromechanical automatic transmission, an on-board information and control system, a main and backup power source, as well as heating, ventilation, air conditioning and video surveillance systems.

Along with the placement on the chassis of the equipment and equipment of the warhead of the Tor-M2K air defense missile system, studies are being carried out to use the SKKSH as a carrier wheelbase for the Buk self-propelled medium-range surface-to-air missile system, Pantsir self-propelled anti-aircraft gun missile system, as well as multiple launch rocket systems.


Colton Jones
AUG 22, 2020 1:11 PM


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Vladimir Isachenkov, The Associated Press
August 9

Russian Army RS-24 Yars ballistic missile makes its way through the Red Square during the Victory Day military parade marking the 75th anniversary of the Nazi defeat in WWII, in Moscow on June 24, 2020. (Pavel Golovkin/Pool via AP)
MOSCOW — Russia will perceive any ballistic missile launched at its territory as a nuclear attack that warrants a nuclear retaliation, the military warned in an article published Friday.

The harsh warning in the official military newspaper Krasnaya Zvezda (Red Star) is directed at the United States, which has worked to develop long-range non-nuclear weapons.
The article follows the publication in June of Russia’s nuclear deterrent policy that envisages the use of atomic weapons in response to what could be a conventional strike targeting the nation’s critical government and military infrastructure.

In the Krasnaya Zvezda article, senior officers of the Russian military’s General Staff, Maj. Gen. Andrei Sterlin and Col. Alexander Khryapin, noted that there will be no way to determine if an incoming ballistic missile is fitted with a nuclear or a conventional warhead, and so the military will see it as a nuclear attack.
“Any attacking missile will be perceived as carrying a nuclear warhead,” the article said. “The information about the missile launch will be automatically relayed to the Russian military-political leadership, which will determine the scope of retaliatory action by nuclear forces depending on the evolving situation.”

In this photo taken from undated footage distributed by Russian Defense Ministry Press Service, an intercontinental ballistic missile lifts off from a truck-mounted launcher somewhere in Russia. (Russian Defense Ministry Press Service via AP)

In this photo taken from undated footage distributed by Russian Defense Ministry Press Service, an intercontinental ballistic missile lifts off from a truck-mounted launcher somewhere in Russia. (Russian Defense Ministry Press Service via AP)
The argument reflects Russia’s longtime concerns about the development of weapons that could give Washington the capability to knock out key military assets and government facilities without resorting to atomic weapons.

In line with Russian military doctrine, the new nuclear deterrent policy reaffirmed that the country could use nuclear weapons in response to a nuclear attack or an aggression involving conventional weapons that “threatens the very existence of the state.”
The policy document offered a detailed description of situations that could trigger the use of nuclear weapons, including the use of nuclear weapons or other weapons of mass destruction against Russia or its allies.
In addition to that, the document states for the first time that Russia could use its nuclear arsenal if it receives “reliable information” about the launch of ballistic missiles targeting its territory or its allies and also in the case of “enemy impact on critically important government or military facilities of the Russian Federation, the incapacitation of which could result in the failure of retaliatory action of nuclear forces.”

Russian RS-24 Yars ballistic missiles roll in Red Square during the Victory Day military parade marking the 75th anniversary of the Nazi defeat in Moscow on June 24, 2020. (Alexander Zemlianichenko/AP)
Russian RS-24 Yars ballistic missiles roll in Red Square during the Victory Day military parade marking the 75th anniversary of the Nazi defeat in Moscow on June 24, 2020. (Alexander Zemlianichenko/AP)
U.S.-Russia relations are at post-Cold War lows over the Ukrainian crisis, the accusations of Russian meddling in the U.S. 2016 presidential election and other differences.
Russian officials have cast the U.S.-led missile defense program and its plans to put weapons in orbit as a top threat, arguing that the new capability could tempt Washington to strike Russia with impunity in the hope of fending off a retaliatory strike.
This shows the launch of what President Vladimir Putin described as a Russian nuclear-powered intercontinental cruise missile. (RU-RTR Russian Television via AP)

Russia’s new nuclear policy could be a path to arms control treaties
The document offers a valuable window into Russia’s strengths and vulnerabilities as they appear from Moscow.
Sarah Bidgood
The Krasnaya Zvezda article emphasized that the publication of the new nuclear deterrent policy was intended to unambiguously explain what Russia sees as aggression.
“Russia has designated the ‘red lines’ that we don’t advise anyone to cross,” it said. “If a potential adversary dares to do that, the answer will undoubtedly be devastating. The specifics of retaliatory action, such as where, when and how much will be determined by Russia’s military-political leadership depending on the situation.”



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According to information released by the Russian Press Agency, TASS on August 25, 2020, Russia’s latest S-500 air defense missile system has entered acceptance trials, said Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Borisov at the Army-2020 military technical forum that takes place in the Moscow Region.
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Artist view of new Russian-made S-500 air defense missile system. (Picture source Military Watch Magazine website)

“The fact is that acceptance trials have begun and today the S-500 simplified configuration is already available and work is underway to purchase parts for its serial production,” he said.

Russian Deputy Defense Minister Alexey Krivoruchko said in February that military specialists had held the trials of the world’s unrivaled surface-to-air missiles for the latest S-500 air defense system last year.

He said in December 2019 that the preliminary tests of the S-500 antiaircraft missile system would begin in 2020 and the commencement of its serial deliveries to the troops was scheduled in 2025.

Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu earlier said that the deliveries of the latest S-500 surface-to-air missile systems to the troops would begin in 2020. Russia has been training specialists to learn to operate the new system at the Military Academy of the Aerospace Force in Tver since 2017.

Russia is developing the S-500 with a view of its operation in the next 25 years. As the Western media reported, the new Russian missile system strikes the target at a range of 481.2 km or 80 km more compared to any existing missile system.



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In the defense industry fair "ARMIYA-2020" held in Russia, inaccurate shots made by laser-guided missiles became the subject of the agenda. In the event held in a private area within the scope of the fair.

- First, the shooting was made with the T-90A tank.
The first missile fell before reaching its target, the second missile suffered the same fate; finally, the hit was recorded on the 3rd shot.

- Then the T-80V tank sent its missile, but the first 2 shots of this tank did not find the target.

- Later, shots were made with the T-80UE-1 tank. While the first missile did not find the target, the 2nd and 3rd shots were hit.


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S-500's Acceptance Tests Begin

S-500's Acceptance Tests Begin

Russian Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Borisov announced that the next-generation missile system, the S-500 Prometey (Prometheus), has entered the acceptance test phase. Borisov added that they are continuing to purchase parts for mass production of the system.

Russian Defence Minister Sergey Shoigu said the delivery of the S-500 missile system to troops would begin in 2020.

The Military Aviation Academy in Tver has been training experts to use the new system since 2017.

The S-500, which is said to destroy hypersonic weapons along with aerodynamics and ballistic targets, is expected to neutralize targets from a distance of 600 km.



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S-500's Acceptance Tests Begin

Russian Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Borisov announced that the next-generation missile system, the S-500 Prometey (Prometheus), has entered the acceptance test phase. Borisov added that they are continuing to purchase parts for mass production of the system.

Russian Defence Minister Sergey Shoigu said the delivery of the S-500 missile system to troops would begin in 2020.

The Military Aviation Academy in Tver has been training experts to use the new system since 2017.

The S-500, which is said to destroy hypersonic weapons along with aerodynamics and ballistic targets, is expected to neutralize targets from a distance of 600 km.

Last year when news of the S-500 was picked up more and more in the international press, Russian defense officials made the claim that ‘Prometheus’ is capable of reaching targets in space.

It's developer, the VKO Almaz-Antey, or "Air and Space Defense Corporation" - which is a Russian state-owned company and the country's largest defense tech contractor - had touted that the S-500 can successfully take out “ballistic missiles of all types” and crucially that it's missiles are capable of “working outside the atmosphere where aerodynamic control is impossible.”




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Russian Tornado-S MLRS fires new missile

Tornado-S multiple launch rocket system (MLRS) can now fire a longer-range missile distinguished by high precision. Flight parameters are preset to guide each missile to the target in flight.

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Tornado-S 300mm MLRS Multiple Launch Rocket System

The new missile for Tornado-S has been recently tested at Kapustin Yar range, Russian Defense Ministry sources said. Missile and artillery troops trained new automatic controls which unite Tornado-S and Iskander-M. A missile battalion of the Eastern Military District operated together with a battalion of the Southern district. Iskander has a range of 500 km which exceeds the 120-km flight distance of Tornado-S missiles. It is not disclosed how much the new missile will extend the range. Designers earlier promised 200 km.

The new Tornado-S missile can turn to the target in flight. The parameters are preset for each missile before the launch. “There is the main fire direction and the depression angle is calculated for each missile,” expert Viktor Murakhovsky said. “It is similar to the vertical launch of antiaircraft missiles. They are popped up by a gunpowder pressure accumulator and the depression generator then switches on to turn the missile to the target. The MLRS missile leaves the guide and turns to the necessary angle by the azimuth. The salvo is thus distributed along the frontline,” he said.

An ordinary MLRS guides the package of missiles to one point. They fly in one direction and cover the targeted space. However, in modern warfare troops and hardware never concentrate in one place near the frontline. Artillery, air defense, armored vehicles and infantry are deployed at a distance from each other. The new missiles can hit a group of targets at a major distance from each other by one salvo.

“Distance and azimuth angle parameters can be preset for each missile. Thus, they can destroy a battalion of air defense launchers located at a distance from each other. Ordinary projectiles can destroy one-two targets and the area around them. The new missiles have an extended elliptical destruction zone. The turning capability distributes the missiles along the frontline ten times more,” Murakhovsky said.

Tornado-S is the most powerful MLRS in the world. It has 12 launchers which can fire single missiles or a salvo. Tornado-S has to replace BM-30 Smerch in artillery formations.

Besides Tornado-S, there is 122mm Tornado-G which replaces BM-21 Grad in regiments and battalions.

Tornado-S has an upgraded launcher with automatic fire controls and guided and unguided longer-range missiles. The new MLRS has GLONASS satellite communications and automatic guidance and fire control system. The operator has to put in coordinates, engage the guides and fire. It is not necessary to manually put in the data. The system can itself receive and process information from reconnaissance vehicles or drones. The launcher always knows its coordinates due to GLONASS and the computer can calculate the parameters for target destruction. Communication equipment transmits weather, air and missile defense data from the headquarters. They are taken into account in planning the strike.

A salvo of one upgraded launcher can fulfill the mission previously entrusted to an MLRS battalion with unguided projectiles, the Izvestia said.


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Nor S-500, neither Tornado belongs to the term “Strategic Force” which means long range weapons that can deliver nuclears.


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Russia's new Skyfall missile that will be able to fly around Earth for YEARS and will be ready to launch nuclear strike at any moment, Britain's defence intelligence chief warns

  • Skyfall missile can 'attack from unexpected directions,' says Defence chief
  • Accident involving the missile caused radiation spike and left at least five dead
  • Russian president Vladimir Putin has called it 'a radically new type of weaponry

Russia's new Skyfall missile will be able to fly around Earth for years and launch a nuclear strike at any moment, Britain's defence intelligence chief has warned.

The 9M730 Burevestnik missile, also known as Skyfall by Nato, has been linked to the deaths of at least five scientists in an accident in Nyonoksa, north eastern Russia, that caused a radiation spike 'one thousand times higher than lethal,' last August.

Britain's Chief of Defence Intelligence, Lt Gen Jim Hockenhull, told a media briefing: 'Moscow is testing a subsonic nuclear-powered cruise missile system which has global reach and would allow attack from unexpected directions'.


Russia's Skyfall missile would be able to fly around the Earth for years and could launch a nuclear strike at any moment


Russian President Vladimir Putin has reportedly called the missile as a 'radically new type of weaponry'

It's understood the missile will be able to fly around the Earth for years, ready to launch a nuclear strike at any moment.

Last year it was reported that the weapon could be ready to launch by 2025.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has reportedly called it 'a radically new type of weaponry' with 'unlimited range and unlimited ability to manoeuvre'.

Lieutenant-General Hockenhull says the West is having to keep pace with adversaries who do not play by the rules with nations such as Russia and China continually challenging the existing order without prompting direct conflict.

He said that 'conventional threats remain' but 'hostile states are willing to take incredible risks'.

Lt Gen Jim Hockenhull said Russia is 'pushing the boundaries of science and international treaties' and the nuclear-powered missile could have 'a near-indefinite loiter time'.

He was quoted by The Sunday Telegraph as he spoke at the Five Eyes intelligence hub at RAF Wyton, in Cambridgeshire.

Five Eyes is an intelligence alliance made up of experts from the UK, US, Australia, New Zealand and Canada.

At the media briefing, the Chief of Defence Intelligence warned Russia had invested in submarines and underwater capabilities, including an unmanned water vehicle, 'capable of delivering a nuclear payload to coastal targets, or even carrier groups at sea,' that could also target internet cables.


Lt Gen Jim Hockenhull, the British Chief of Defence, said the missile had global reach and could 'attack from unexpected directions'

He told the briefing how Russia's army was smaller than during the Cold War, but had changed its approach to warfare since then.

He said: 'They have looked hard at the West to see where best to place their investments to give us the most challenges.'

Britain has long accused Russian operatives of using the Novichok chemical weapon on former double agent Sergei Skripal in Salisbury in 2018.

Mr Skripal and his daughter Yulia were two of five people exposed to the substance, both spending weeks in hospital recovering.


The missile, also known as 9M730 Burevestnik in Russia, has been linked to an explosion in Nyonoksa, north eastern Russia, last August

Dawn Sturgess, 44, of Amesbury, Wiltshire, died in July that year after coming into contact with a perfume bottle thought to originally contain the poison, while her partner, Charlie Rowley, spent nearly three weeks in hospital.

Lt Gen Hockenhull said: 'Whilst conventional threats remain, we have seen our adversaries invest in artificial intelligence, machine learning and other ground-breaking technologies, whilst also supercharging more traditional techniques of influence and leverage.

'As we have seen in Salisbury, hostile states are willing to take incredible risks.

'We must make sure that we have both the intent and the capability to ensure that such wanton acts of irresponsibility will not go unpunished.'

Lt Gen Hockenhull described Iran and North Korea as regional threats, but warned China posed the biggest threat to stability around the world.



There is a reason why Russians always say their nuclear weapons,missiles and Navy are their only best friend,countries can backstab you any moment its because of their Armed Forces and huge geopolitical clout Russia is still relevant in world politics eventhough they have been dwarfed by both the United States and China plus they only somewhat recovered from the Soviet collapse of the early 90s


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I always found somewhat perplexing this latest re-incarnation of ye olde SLAM/Project Pluto.

I mean, it is as insanely counter-intuitive now, as it was back then. What possible use could justify the expense of bringing this to a service-able TRL, which is a decade away?


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I always found somewhat perplexing this latest re-incarnation of ye olde SLAM/Project Pluto.

I mean, it is as insanely counter-intuitive now, as it was back then. What possible use could justify the expense of bringing this to a service-able TRL, which is a decade away?
I guess they are preparing for defence against aliens in the future. ;) ;) ;)
Aliens like @KAL-EL :cool::cool::cool:


I suppose this missile would be limited to flying in the Russian and international airspace? I doubt any other country would want a nuclear-powered missile loitering in their skies. That's like a Chernobyl because of a bird strike sort of scenario. But yes, an extremely radical concept all the more reason for other industrial countries (Turkey included) to think about their own nuclear deterrence capabilities.


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What the hell.

I initially thought this was a missile which goes into space then renters wherever it wants...

But this is a hundred times more bizarre.


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What the hell.

I initially thought this was a missile which goes into space then renters wherever it wants...

But this is a hundred times more bizarre.
I cant mention him(the one above you) but he is planning an invasion,the Russians are our only hoop.


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T-90 Tank Accidentally Hit by Missile During Russian Exercise

T-90 tank accidentally hit by Russian ATGM Image via social media

A Russian T-90 tank was accidentally hit by an anti-tank guided missile (ATGM) during exercises held in the Astrakhan region on September 15.
Pictures of the damaged T-90 tank appeared in various social media but there is no official confirmation of this incident from the Russian military. Currently, multinational exercise “Kavkaz 2020” (“Caucasus 2020”) are being held there from September 15–26. These exercises are spread over the southern Astrakhan region, Prudboi, Ashuluk, Kapustin Yar, Nikolo-Aleksandrovskii and several air-training grounds.
According to some reports, anti-tank missile systems were used during the military exercises, including the Konkurs ATGM with the 9M113M ATGM. One report said that during the exercise the Konkurs ATGM missile hit a tank involved in the exercise. The photo shows that the combat vehicle was seriously damaged, while there was no armor penetration, but there was obvious damage to the mounted protection elements of the tank, reported.
While the ATGM has caused significant damage to the tank from the side, it has not penetrated the armor preventing more serious damage. It is not known if there was any crew in the tank.

Besides Russia, the Kavkaz exercise includes members of Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) incuding China, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. additional foreign participants reportedly will include Mongolia, Syria, Iran, Egypt, Belarus, Turkey, Armenia, Turkmenistan and even Myanmar.
Images, supposedly of the tank hit by the ATGM, show damage to the side above the running gear with no sign of the ATGM tearing the armor. Some Netizens have identified the tank as the T-90A while other claimed it was the first generation T-90 which does not have armor protection to stop a latest generation ATGM such as the Konkurs.
T-90 Tank Accidentally Hit by Missile During Russian Exercise

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