Navy HMAS Warramunga Undocked After AMCAP Upgrade


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The Royal Australian Navy (RAN) Anzac-class frigate HMAS Warramunga (FF 152) was undocked at Henderson Shipyard, Western Australia after more than a year out of the water as part of her Anzac Midlife Capability Assurance Program (AMCAP) upgrade.

Warramunga is the third Anzac class frigate to receive a full AMCAP upgrade by the Warship Asset Management Alliance (WAMA) after HMAS Arunta and HMAS Anzac completed the upgrade in 2019 and 2020 respectively.

The AMCAP upgrade includes significant improvements to major platform systems such as the communications centre, and the replacement of the ship’s long range air search radar.


The upgrade saw the installation of a new mast which accommodate the SEA 1448 Phase 4B – Long Range Air Search Radar, as well as a radar system to provide an improved Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) capability both of which were designed by Canberra-based company CEA Technologies. The new 1448 mast was designed and built by BAE Systems to support the CEAFAR2-L Phased Array Radar capability, in addition to the existing CEAFAR1-S and 1-X PAR capabilities.

The AMCAP program ensures that Anzac Class Frigates will be sustained for the remainder of their service life, allowing them to remain an effective fighting unit until they are replaced by the new Hunter Class Frigate fleet.

The WAMA Alliance is a strategic partnership between the Commonwealth of Australia, BAE Systems, SAAB Australia, and Naval Ship Management Australia (NSM) to deliver total asset management of the Anzac Class Frigates.

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