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Western Sahara: the Polisario Front wants to "intensify" the armed struggle


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The situation in Western Sahara
Western Sahara: the Polisario Front wants to "intensify" the armed struggle

Brahim Ghali, chef du Front Polisario, pose au camp de réfugiés de Boujdour en Algérie le 16 octobre 2021. Il annonce ce 19 novembre vouloir <em>"intensifier"</em>&nbsp;&nbsp;la lutte armée contre le Maroc.

Brahim Ghali, leader of the Polisario Front, poses in the Boujdour refugee camp in Algeria on October 16, 2021. He announces on November 19 that he wants to "intensify" the armed struggle against Morocco.
© AP Photo / Bernat Armangue

The Polisario Front has decided to "intensify" the armed struggle against Morocco to establish its sovereignty over the entire disputed territory of Western Sahara, the leader of the independence movement Brahim Ghali said on November 19.
"The Saharawi people have decided and taken the sovereign decision to intensify their just war of liberation by all legitimate means, and in the first place the armed struggle, until the establishment of the sovereignty of the Saharawi Republic (self-proclaimed by the Polisario) throughout its territory, "said Brahim Ghali at the opening of a meeting of the Polisario leadership, according to the Sahrawi press agency SPS.

On November 13, 2020, a ceasefire concluded in 1991 between Morocco and the Polisario Front under the auspices of the UN had shattered after the deployment of Moroccan troops in the far south of Western Sahara to dislodge separatists who blocked the only road to Mauritania, illegal according to the Polisario.

(RE) read: Western Sahara: a UN mediator is responsible for relaunching the dialogue

The latter has since declared a state of war.

At the end of October, the UN Security Council called on "the parties" to resume negotiations "without preconditions and in good faith", by passing a resolution extending Minurso, the UN mission in the disputed region.

Western Sahara is considered a "non-self-governing territory" by the UN in the absence of a final settlement. Rabat, which controls nearly 80% of the territory, proposes an autonomy plan under its sovereignty. The separatists of the Polisario Front, them, continue to demand a referendum of self-determination.

The status of this territory constitutes the main dispute between the two heavyweights of the Maghreb, Morocco and Algeria, the main support of the Polisario.

(RE) read: Western Sahara: how far can the tensions between Algeria and Morocco go?

At the end of August, Algeria severed diplomatic relations with Morocco, due to "hostile actions" by the kingdom, a decision described as "completely unjustified" by Rabat.

The tension has further increased in recent weeks after Algeria reported in early November of a bombing blamed on Morocco which caused the death of three Algerian truckers in Saharawi territory.


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United States of America
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Tweet says PLF wants Pantsir to hunt UAV, but Algeria tells them to look at other ways and learn from Yemen.
Morocco intends annexing the Western Sahara and deprive the Sahrawis from their freedom, while turning the Western Sahara into an international destination for Casinos and Tourism that will benefit only the King and his Makhzen entourage.

We are at a moment of truth. Algerian military experts are warning Morocco to back away from the Western Sahara altogether, otherwise reprisal will be harsh.
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