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US wants Pakistan to keep Afghan border open for refugees.


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WASHINGTON: The United States wants Pakistan to keep its borders with Afghanistan open for Afghan refugees, a demand that could strain already tense relations between the two countries.

“So, in a place like Pakistan, it’ll be important that their borders remain open,” said a senior State Department official while briefing journalists on the new US refugee admission programme for Afghan nationals.

“Obviously, if people go north or if they go via Iran to Turkey …(they) have an opportunity both to enter the country as well as to register with either the government or with UNHCR,” the official added.

The new programme, announced on Monday, applies to those who worked on US-funded projects and to Afghans employed by a US-based media or non-governmental organisation (NGO).

Demand could strain already tense ties

An earlier programme, known as the Special Immigration Visa (SIV), covers interpreters and others who worked for the US government agencies, and their families.

Besides Pakistan, the US State Department has also asked Turkey to allow Afghans to stay in the country for up to 14 months before they are resettled in the United States.

National Security Adviser Moeed Yusuf said at a briefing in Washington this week that arrangements should be made to keep displaced Afghans inside their country instead of pushing them into Pakistan.

“Why make them dar-ba-dar (homeless)? Make arrangements for them inside their country. Pakistan does not have the capacity to take more refugees.”

The Turkish government too has criticised the US plan to use third countries to resettle Afghans, saying the move would cause a “great migration crisis” in the region.

“We do not accept the irresponsible decision taken by the United States without consulting our country,” the Turkish Ministry Foreign Ministry said in a statement issued in Ankara.

“If the United States wants to take these people to its country, it is possible to transfer them directly to their country by planes.”

There are two countries that can play a pivotal role in this resettlement plan, Iran and Pakistan. Since the United States does not have diplomatic relations with Iran, US policy makers look at Pakistan to help them implement this programme.

Pakistan, however, appears reluctant to do so. Since 1979, Pakistan has hosted millions of Afghans and more than three million are permanently settled in the country. Pakistani officials argue that their economy is not strong enough to absorb more refugees.


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WASHINGTON: The United States wants Pakistan to keep its borders with Afghanistan open for Afghan refugees, a demand that could strain already tense relations between the two countries.

“So, in a place like Pakistan, it’ll be important that their borders remain open,” said a senior State Department official while briefing journalists on the new US refugee admission programme for Afghan nationals.

“Obviously, if people go north or if they go via Iran to Turkey …(they) have an opportunity both to enter the country as well as to register with either the government or with UNHCR,” the official added.

The new programme, announced on Monday, applies to those who worked on US-funded projects and to Afghans employed by a US-based media or non-governmental organisation (NGO).

An earlier programme, known as the Special Immigration Visa (SIV), covers interpreters and others who worked for the US government agencies, and their families.

Besides Pakistan, the US State Department has also asked Turkey to allow Afghans to stay in the country for up to 14 months before they are resettled in the United States.

National Security Adviser Moeed Yusuf said at a briefing in Washington this week that arrangements should be made to keep displaced Afghans inside their country instead of pushing them into Pakistan.

“Why make them dar-ba-dar (homeless)? Make arrangements for them inside their country. Pakistan does not have the capacity to take more refugees.”

The Turkish government too has criticised the US plan to use third countries to resettle Afghans, saying the move would cause a “great migration crisis” in the region.

“We do not accept the irresponsible decision taken by the United States without consulting our country,” the Turkish Ministry Foreign Ministry said in a statement issued in Ankara.

“If the United States wants to take these people to its country, it is possible to transfer them directly to their country by planes.”

There are two countries that can play a pivotal role in this resettlement plan, Iran and Pakistan. Since the United States does not have diplomatic relations with Iran, US policy makers look at Pakistan to help them implement this programme.

Pakistan, however, appears reluctant to do so. Since 1979, Pakistan has hosted millions of Afghans and more than three million are permanently settled in the country. Pakistani officials argue that their economy is not strong enough to absorb more refugees.
I hope Turkey and Pakistan will keep rejecting. No amount of approval of Export of ATAK helicopter engine to Pakistan would be enough to cover the cost and problems of hosting the refugees.

Perhaps forcing US to open mission on border to Afghanistan could be a solution, like 100 m from the border to process papers, while Afghans stay in Afghanistan. Or have them fly to UAE :) :):)


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Funny how Muslim countries have became dumping grounds for refugees.

While Europeans and Americans preach of tolerance and humanism Bs.

If they care so much about tolerance than they should take them in if not tolerance is just a byword for geopolitical interests.


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Murica will ask other countries to take in refugees while when it comes to Israel its a different story see how they justify Israel not taking one because they have a right to defend their borders and their country.

Double standards at best. Send Israel some refugees. Israel needs to learn some tolerance since its a deeply racist society.


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These countries invade and intervene in countries across the globe with impunity - although post 1990 their favourite target is Muslim countries on the rim of Europe. Libya, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and then when waves of refugees are trigerred by these botched interventions which almost always leave more instability then there was before they cry about the West being 'flooded by Muslim hordes'.

And now what strikes me about this event is they want Pakistan and Turkey to be America's fall guys for the inevitable refugee flood. As said here best solution is placing camps just across the border.

And I can only salute the guys who built the fence on the Af-Pak border. It's now going to earn every dollar. The other issue Pakistan will face is we will get terrorists sliding in with the refugees who will again begin planting bombs in the cities which will of course attract Western media with headlines like 'Pakistan imploding'.
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