The Turkic World should unite


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'World's Turkic states should unite, much like EU model'

Turkic people separated by geography can unite, become one nation, says Azerbaijani academic, political activist

Jeyhun Aliyev |17.09.2020
'World's Turkic states should unite, much like EU model'

The world's Turkic states should come together and join forces similar to the EU, an Azerbaijani academic and political activist told Anadolu Agency in an interview.
Yasaman Qaraqoyunlu, a member of Azerbaijan's National Academy of Sciences and head of the Whole Azerbaijan movement, said in an interview that on Tuesday 11 political parties and public figures – including herself – inked a declaration proposing the unification of the Turkic states across the world.

She said that declaration urged that a strategic military alliance agreement must be signed between Azerbaijan and Turkey, noting that the “terrorist-separatist regime” of Armenia in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan poses a “real and open threat” to the interests not only of Azerbaijan, but also of Turkey.

While urging a mutual deployment of military bases in two countries, the declaration also called to intensify negotiations with other Turkic states to promote and expand the unity, and ultimately, achieve the establishment of a "Turkic Union" similar to the EU model.

“The theoretical foundations of the idea of unification of the Turkic world date back to the early 20th century,” she said, adding that the Bolshevik Revolution and policies of Russia prevented the realization of the idea.

But with the collapse of the former Soviet Union, the unity idea came up once again, she said.
Qaraqoyunlu said that today there are many organizations working for the integration of the Turkic world, including the Turkic Council, International Organization of Turkic Culture, Turkic Culture and Heritage Foundation, Turkic Business Council, International Turkic Academy, Turkic Universities Union, and others.

“However, these organizations are not enough for the integration process of the Turkic world,” she said, noting that based on the common Turkish language, they should be created on common education policy, tourism, economy, culture, and environment "where the nations can unite."

Not only organizations and governments, but also the people and NGOs must work hard so that the "Turkic people separated by geographies" can unite and become one nation, she said.
“The establishment of a common army and economy is a main condition for unity.”

If a "Turkic Union" is established, a common security doctrine and policy can be followed against a number of countries that threaten the Turkic world, she said.
The establishment of the union “from the Adriatic to China” borders would benefit the states and help those countries take a common stance against threats, Qaraqoyunlu added.

Global arena
The "world chess board" has witnessed three processes in the last 30 years, she said.
“With the collapse of the Soviet Union, the bipolar world came to an end.”

The “construction of a unipolar world” under the US leadership through globalization process has begun, but not completed yet, Qaraqoyunlu stressed.

Global powers with different cultures, such as China, Russia, Iran, Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan, India, and Pakistan have on the other hand started the process of building a “multipolar world”, she said.

“The construction of a multipolar world would be possible with transformation of states into superpowers based on several criteria such as religion, language, and culture. That is why the Turkic world must unite under the leadership of Turkey so that the country becomes a global superpower,” she said.

The 21st century will be based not on interstate relations, but on civilizations and intercultural relations, Qaraqoyunlu said, adding that in this new system, the Turkic world must act as a single force, a “super-socio-cultural system” and power.



Nice pipedream since the early 90s but is just a series of unnecessary unions and meetings only one ex Soviet republic that's Turkic Turkey has cultivated a relationship to high levels is Azerbaijan rest of others are in Russia/ and increasingly Sinos sphere


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Nice pipedream since the early 90s but is just a series of unnecessary unions and meetings only one ex Soviet republic that's Turkic Turkey has cultivated a relationship to high levels is Azerbaijan rest of others are in Russia/ and increasingly Sinos sphere

Actually the country that is pushing for a full-blown Turkic union more than anyone else is Kazakhstan. Nursultan Nazarbayev is now the honorary president of the Turkic Council... Day by day, he and his associates work towards creating a solid, unified Turkic world. Though it may appear as if no progress has been made, it's actually quite the opposite.


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True, but we should continue with what we have and work towards better cooperation. Today that dream might not be realistic seeing as how many of the turkic countries aren’t anywhere near Turkeys level, hell not even Kazakhstans level.

The best we can do is improve and increase cooperation especially raising cultural awareness.

Assuming all turkic nations improve and grow as Turkey then in 30-50 years it’s no longer an impossible dream.

They should be able to grow considering technological level of today.


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There are Uzbekistan nationals and Turkmenistan nationals living and working in my neighborhood in Istanbul.

Another decade and Türkiye can be the pillar nation where other Turkic nations can lean on. It is all up to Türkiye's realization of its potential and strengthening itself to support most of the need of a Turkic commonwealth. Today's hydrocarbon finds can foster Tukey's economy to get to where we deserve to be. Turkey's GDP stands on the world average of $10k. Once we achieve the $25k level a closely knit commonwealth would be a natural outcome. Which can happen in 13-14 years.


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The stronger Turkiye is, the easier it will be to make strong ties with these Turkic countries.
A lot of people from different countries actually looking up to Turkiye as a big brother country.
We can clearly see the arab leaders shaking in their pants, they even become brothers with the jews to counter TC fright :eek:


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Imagine the armed forces put together now we have our own Turkic Coalition Forces.

Say it happens for argument sake....what are your and others thoughts here on how this may manifest as pressure brought to bear on East Turkestan?

That to me would be the real definitive litmus test on ethnic-based brotherhood across countries of the steppe, caspian and anatolia+thrace.


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A lot of countries trying to burn down the Turkish rise, they can't stand the idea of a powerful Turkiye/ Turks one more time like in the past.
But......if it come to this we will again and again rise from the ashes no matter what and take our place ! Like the legend of the Phoenix...
It's our destiny to rule the world, so get in line behind us!

Ne söz ama ha, yaz bi kenara


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Unions are very easy to speak of but difficult to bring into constitutional writing as the largest question is sharing of power. For example a turkic union as a constitutional union i.e. under a single sovereign authority which could be an individual or institution, . If such a union is to be done then that is the first question that should be looked into. Solve a perfect power sharing that would satisfy most parties and you can have a union that wont break apart.
I think Azerbaijan and Turkey will be the litmus test here. If in the future they formulate a power sharing formula then they can merge however otherwise apart from International cooperation, it will be very hard to get anything on the ground concrete. For example, Pakistan and Afghanistan had alot of similarity and in the 1950s there was great talks of a union to this extent that liaqat is quoted to have said that power sharing is not a problem as what is good for King Zahir Shah of Afghanistan is good for Pakistan but despite that such a union fell apart due to lack of power sharing agreement.

Sovereign countries hold their sovereignty in a very jealous fashion and we see this everywhere even in the Arab nationalistic unions and them falling apart. Sovereign nations dont willfully give up their sovereignty so easily and in a system where states will be sovereign, constitutional writ will be a nightmare.


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Unions are very easy to speak of but difficult to bring into constitutional writing as the largest question is sharing of power. For example a turkic union as a constitutional union i.e. under a single sovereign authority which could be an individual or institution, . If such a union is to be done then that is the first question that should be looked into. Solve a perfect power sharing that would satisfy most parties and you can have a union that wont break apart.
I think Azerbaijan and Turkey will be the litmus test here. If in the future they formulate a power sharing formula then they can merge however otherwise apart from International cooperation, it will be very hard to get anything on the ground concrete. For example, Pakistan and Afghanistan had alot of similarity and in the 1950s there was great talks of a union to this extent that liaqat is quoted to have said that power sharing is not a problem as what is good for King Zahir Shah of Afghanistan is good for Pakistan but despite that such a union fell apart due to lack of power sharing agreement.

Sovereign countries hold their sovereignty in a very jealous fashion and we see this everywhere even in the Arab nationalistic unions and them falling apart. Sovereign nations dont willfully give up their sovereignty so easily and in a system where states will be sovereign, constitutional writ will be a nightmare.
We don't need to go that far as to merge nations. All we need to do is make close relations enough to watch each other back and increase wealth. A military pact and common policy in foreign relations is good enough to maximize common strength. Like a tighter knit EU. Or EU with military. Somewhere between EU and US.


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We don't need to go that far as to merge nations. All we need to do is make close relations enough to watch each other back and increase wealth. A military pact and common policy in foreign relations is good enough to maximize common strength. Like a tighter knit EU. Or EU with military.

An EU alone would be wonderful and difficult in itself much less a tighter EU for the EU contains some extremely important things where nations would differ and such would be very hard.

1. Same currency. The European Union has Euro and while not all the countries follow the currency, Euro has a significant impact on the economy of EU countries and a single currency would mean that it would complicate the economic system in itself as the Turkish lira is stronger than most CARS nations own currency. Basically the Lira will become the Euro in this union if its like EU and the lira will suddenly struggle alot if it would be forced to carry the burden of say Uzbekistan or even Kazakhistan. Ofcourse it would require a Turkic central bank like the ECB and that would have to be centered in Turkey since out of all of them Turkey is the most economically strongest and industrially developed.

2. Then we have free passage. So as you know the situation in Central Asia isnt rosy and when Turkey opens its doors, it will be a flood gate and i can literally see people from Uzebekistan and turkmenistan or Kazakhistan storming the economically string turkey home to jobs, a better life and a better opportunity for the people and Turkey would have to deal with that influx whilst keeping the local populace happy and ofcourse to do this turkey will have to ask its newly united friends to develop and they will say that they dont have funds and the new turkic bank will have to provide and realize that they are dealing with a country that has transparency ranking of 113 and Pakistan has 120 so a country that is near as corrupt as Pakistan and we have eaten IMF, world bank, chinese loans and so much more. Soviet union was extremely corrupt and these ex soviet states have inherited that corruption.

3. Then we have the system of law. Now the EUC is basically a union court and not a national court yet it will have to create a semblance of sovereign authority over those nations. You see the EU legal system is complicated since you have free movements and with free movements you can have resettlements and you can have somebody initiating proceedings from one end of the union to the other thus you have European union law which is being constantly interpreted and evolving to accommodate which member states can hear which petition and where and then we have actions where the EU acts as a singular union and situations where members act as personal capacity. Ofcourse this must be looked at from the lens of European parliament as well and the council of countries.

All in all there are many many complications which is why i suggest answering those complications through legal and academic research and papers so that when such a step is taken, all these questions are answered before they are raised. A situation where they are met with confusion and silence will result in a mess. I am not dissuading from such, infact the opposite. I would say that by answering the complicated stuff first, you are able to present a model, a genuinely working model that can answer all the fears and can bring forth a proper and long lasting resolution. We often talk about AF-Pak union but there is no academic or legal work done on it. the universities and research centers are key here and without their support, it simply wont work


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I would suggest that use of the Solar system as a analogy would be instructive. In such system one body is the anchor and provides sufficient gravitrional pull to old others [planets/countries] in it's pull and thus provide order. In the western world USA provides the gravitational pull. The dominant state has to be signficantly stronger then all the others. This is why the western order works so well today. USA is so dominant that it's puill overcomes any other forces.

I can see that Turkey could rise to be the dominant force to pull in all Turkic peoples into it's orbit down the road. Certainly this would not be a dream project but doable in few decades.

Talking of dream projects I would love to see a Iranic union. Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Tajikistan and even Ossetians in Russia with a close association with Turkic world to north-west of the Iranic world. I know, I know this is a dream ... must have inhaled some intoxicant by mistake !



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My dying wish would be the one country that contains all Turkic people in!

If I ever get a chance to make change about this topic I will do it!

Philip the Arab

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I would suggest that use of the Solar system as a analogy would be instructive. In such system one body is the anchor and provides sufficient gravitrional pull to old others [planets/countries] in it's pull and thus provide order. In the western world USA provides the gravitational pull. The dominant state has to be signficantly stronger then all the others. This is why the western order works so well today. USA is so dominant that it's puill overcomes any other forces.

I can see that Turkey could rise to be the dominant force to pull in all Turkic peoples into it's orbit down the road. Certainly this would not be a dream project but doable in few decades.

Talking of dream projects I would love to see a Iranic union. Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Tajikistan and even Ossetians in Russia with a close association with Turkic world to north-west of the Iranic world. I know, I know this is a dream ... must have inhaled some intoxicant by mistake !

View attachment 1592
Iraqis on average are not Indo Iranian people, they are semites which are very different from Iranic ethnic groups.


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An EU alone would be wonderful and difficult in itself much less a tighter EU for the EU contains some extremely important things where nations would differ and such would be very hard.

1. Same currency. The European Union has Euro and while not all the countries follow the currency, Euro has a significant impact on the economy of EU countries and a single currency would mean that it would complicate the economic system in itself as the Turkish lira is stronger than most CARS nations own currency. Basically the Lira will become the Euro in this union if its like EU and the lira will suddenly struggle alot if it would be forced to carry the burden of say Uzbekistan or even Kazakhistan. Ofcourse it would require a Turkic central bank like the ECB and that would have to be centered in Turkey since out of all of them Turkey is the most economically strongest and industrially developed.

2. Then we have free passage. So as you know the situation in Central Asia isnt rosy and when Turkey opens its doors, it will be a flood gate and i can literally see people from Uzebekistan and turkmenistan or Kazakhistan storming the economically string turkey home to jobs, a better life and a better opportunity for the people and Turkey would have to deal with that influx whilst keeping the local populace happy and ofcourse to do this turkey will have to ask its newly united friends to develop and they will say that they dont have funds and the new turkic bank will have to provide and realize that they are dealing with a country that has transparency ranking of 113 and Pakistan has 120 so a country that is near as corrupt as Pakistan and we have eaten IMF, world bank, chinese loans and so much more. Soviet union was extremely corrupt and these ex soviet states have inherited that corruption.

3. Then we have the system of law. Now the EUC is basically a union court and not a national court yet it will have to create a semblance of sovereign authority over those nations. You see the EU legal system is complicated since you have free movements and with free movements you can have resettlements and you can have somebody initiating proceedings from one end of the union to the other thus you have European union law which is being constantly interpreted and evolving to accommodate which member states can hear which petition and where and then we have actions where the EU acts as a singular union and situations where members act as personal capacity. Ofcourse this must be looked at from the lens of European parliament as well and the council of countries.

All in all there are many many complications which is why i suggest answering those complications through legal and academic research and papers so that when such a step is taken, all these questions are answered before they are raised. A situation where they are met with confusion and silence will result in a mess. I am not dissuading from such, infact the opposite. I would say that by answering the complicated stuff first, you are able to present a model, a genuinely working model that can answer all the fears and can bring forth a proper and long lasting resolution. We often talk about AF-Pak union but there is no academic or legal work done on it. the universities and research centers are key here and without their support, it simply wont work
I think the idea behind EU is good. Problem is the schengen and one currency policy.

IMO only net payers to EU should have schengen rights, free movement. Opening up to all EU members was a mistake.

I imagine a turkic union should focus on supporting eachothers development. While working towards a solid governance. Kazakhstan is fortunate to have their founding father. But the same can’t be said about the others. Perhaps because they’re in a more volatile region.

But that is where I think the current cooperation get into the picture.

Corruption is an issue, but I hope progres are being made.

But I imagine that it will take much longer than some say.

At least another 30 years unless they are blessed with good leaders and his team.

As I said in another thread, education and patriotism/nationalism is the key here.

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