Israel The largest military exercises of Israel and the United States "Juniper Oak".


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The largest joint US-Israeli military exercise in history has begun. The Juniper Oak exercise will be one of the most significant maneuvers between the two allied states, which will involve thousands of units, dozens of ships and 142 aircraft. The Juniper Oak military exercises will last until Friday and aim to deepen cooperation between the US and Israeli military as tensions rise over Iran's nuclear program. During the exercise, missile boats and submarines of the IDF Navy will conduct joint maneuvers with an American aircraft carrier. In addition, at sea, at a great distance from the coast, refueling of missile boats of the Saar-5 type by an American tanker will be practiced. The allies are working out command and staff interaction, the use of aviation in combat operations at sea, refueling aircraft in the air, "electronic attacks", suppressing enemy air defense, intercepting aircraft, and much more.


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