Spanish Army artillery first fires Expal 155 mm ER ammunition

Isa Khan

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According to B. Carrasco in Infodefensa, the Field Artillery Command (Mando de Artillería de Campaña , MACA) of the Spanish Army has carried out the first firing exercise with the SIAC 155/52 towed howitzer and the new 155 mm extended range ammunition from the Spanish company Expal.

The exercise with this type of ammunition called ER02 BB (Base Bleed, extended range) took place during the Gazola 21 maneuvers this June, at the San Gregorio National Training Center in Zaragoza. These maneuvers are the most important of the year for MACA. The tests in live-fire exercises with this ammunition were planned for 2020 but had to be delayed due to the Covid pandemic. The same exercise will later take place with the ATP M-109 A5E self-propelled howitzer, once the program underway to change the tubes of this veteran platform is completed.

In October 2020, the Expal company was awarded a contract from the Spanish Army for the supply of 155 mm extended range ammunition for an amount of EUR 3Mn. This is the second contract within the framework agreement that the company signed with the Army Logistics Support Command (MALE) in mid-2018.


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