Poland Polish Army tests anti-missile and anti-aircraft Patriot system


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Polish President Andrzej Duda took part in the tests for the Patriot system, which is designed as part of the multi-layered anti-missile and anti-aircraft defence system Wisła (Vistula). Minister of Defence Mariusz Błaszczak and head of the National Security Bureau Jacek Siewiera were also present for the tests held in Toruń.

“It seemed impossible but it happened. In 2018 Minister Błaszczak signed a deal with the US for the first part of the Patriot system for Poland, the first part of the interoperational, multi-layered anti-missile and anti-aircraft defence system Wisła to be integrated with Pilica and Narew systems, considered to be the most advanced in the world at the moment,” President Duda said.

He added that this kind of defence system is an absolute necessity in guaranteeing Poland’s security in the face of the war in Ukraine and the increased threat.

“Polish Patriots are already integrated and we begin building our multi-layered defence system. After introducing F-35 jet fighters our army will get the full image of the battlefield and a unique security,” Minister Błaszczak said.

He explained, the Patriot system will become the main part of the mid-range defence system whereas the Narew system and Piorun rocket launchers will provide short-range protection.

Patriot is a surface-to-air missile system manufactured by the US defence contractor Raytheon. It makes use of both an advanced aerial interceptor missile and high-performance radar systems. Up to now, it has been purchased by the armed forces of the Netherlands, Poland, Germany, Japan, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Taiwan, Greece, Spain, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Romania and Sweden.


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