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Kyrgyzstan-Tajikistan conflict

Isa Khan

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Kyrgyzstan reports 13 deaths in territorial clashes with Tajikistan

Kyrgyzstan has reported a death toll of 13 on its side after border clashes with Tajikistan.

The two central Asian countries have traded fire in a dispute over a large area of territory.

Thirteen people have died amid 134 casualties since military units from both countries started fighting, the Kyrgyz health ministry said in a statement.

Two other wounded were in serious condition, it said. The last death toll was three the previous day.

Among the victims in Kyrgyzstan is a girl "born in 2008", the same source said.

Some 11,500 residents of two districts in the Batken region have been evacuated, according to the authorities of this border area with Tajikistan where the fighting was most intense.

"They have been placed in specially equipped places...or have gone to the homes of family members," they said in a statement.

On Thursday afternoon, Kyrgyz diplomacy announced that the foreign ministers of both sides had agreed on "a complete truce" from 16:00 (CEST) and the "return of troops to their previous places of deployment".

A statement from Tajikistan’s state information service acknowledged on Friday that the two sides had reached "a mutual agreement to end the armed conflict, and withdraw military personnel and equipment to places of permanent deployment.

The clashes along the border between the two poor, mountainous countries have been the most violent in years.

Thursday's clash between their two armies raised fears that it could escalate into a wider conflict.

A police official in the Kyrgyz region of Batken told the AFP news agency by phone that shooting had continued overnight "but not intensively", and that fighting was "between both civilians and soldiers".

Tajikistan officially reported only two bullet wounds, but the Russian news agency Ria Novosti, citing a source in the town hall of the border town of Isfara, reported at least three dead and 31 injured on the Tajik side.

Border disagreements between three countries sharing the fertile Fergana Valley - Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan - stem from demarcations made during the Soviet era. The borders separated certain groups from their homelands.

More than a third of the Kyrgyz-Tajik border is disputed, including the area around the Tajik enclave of Vorukh, where Thursday's conflict erupted, a regular stumbling block to land and water claims.



In the Leilek region, on the Kyrgyz-Tajik border, a firefight is taking place again. The shooting takes about an hour. There are police officers among the wounded.

Social networks report the seizure of villages in the Leilek region by citizens of Tajikistan. However, the Department of Internal Affairs did not confirm this information, but did not deny it either.



Chairman of the State Committee for National Security Kamchybek Tashiev returned from negotiations with the Tajik side, in which he himself, the plenipotentiary representative of the government in the Batken region, Omurbek Suvanaliev, and the head of the State Border Service of the State Committee for National Security Ularbek Sharsheev took part.

Kamchybek Tashiev clarified that today they decided to withdraw all troops from the line of state borders, Kyrgyzstan - to Batken, Tajikistan - further away.

“In the next few days, we will definitely solve the problems of state borders, carry out demarcation and delimitation, and immediately install the wire. Tajikistan asked to open a corridor to Vorukh and connect electricity in the enclave. But we decided to discuss this issue yet, "- quotes Kamchybek Tashiev" Cactus ".

Kamchybek Tashiev promised that all burnt houses will be rebuilt with the help of the state or the Tajik side.

“I promise you that I will not give up a single meter of strategically important land. But keep in mind that there will be no demarcation without the the exchange of land, ”he said.
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The situation at the border. Shooting takes place at times in border areas

13,500 people were evacuated from the border areas of the Leilek region. 7 thousand 93 people were resettled from Batken to the region. Citizens housed in a safe area are provided with comprehensive support.

In the village of Kok-Terek, Batken region, 17 houses were burned. In addition, there are burnt houses and gas stations in the villages of Sada, Maksat of the Kulundu aiyl aimag, in the villages of Zhashtyk, Borborduk, Arka of the Jany-Zher aiyl aimag.


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To summarize the news about the conflict :

We should expect that the there will exchange of land so that some of 7000resettled people will lose their homes.

In capital city of Krygztan people start raising found for the region.


Russian President Vladimir Putin is ready to play a mediating role in resolving the conflict between Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. Press secretary of the Russian leader Dmitry Peskov told reporters about this.

“Of course, given our commonality in various formats - this is the CSTO and others, of course, President Putin is always ready to play a mediating role in resolving acute problems that may arise between the participating countries. He has already demonstrated this many times, ”Peskov said, answering a question about the possibility of mediation by the head of the Russian state in the conflict between Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.



Omurbek Suvanaliev, plenipotentiary representative of the Batken region, commented to news agency on the situation with the destruction of residential buildings in Kyrgyz villages.

The editorial office receives videos showing how citizens of Tajikistan are bulldozing houses in the villages of the Leilek region and are shelling.

Commenting on the situation, Omurbek Suvanaliev said that the Tajik side, indeed, destroyed several houses in the village of Arka, Zhany-Zher aiyl district.

“But now, after negotiations, they are leaving the Kyrgyz villages and remove the equipment,” the regional plenipotentiary said.



In the village of Kyzyl-Bel on the Kyrgyz-Tajik border, another shootout. Local residents told news agency.

It is clarified that the shooting began at 4:14 pm.

“Howitzers are on display from the side of Tajikistan. The situation is tense, ”the editorial staff reported.

The Border Service of the State Committee for National Security of Kyrgyzstan has not yet commented on the situation.


The situation on the Kyrgyz-Tajik border has stabilized and the exchange of fire has completely stopped. Omurbek Suvanaliev, plenipotentiary representative of the government in Batken region, told news agency.

As it became known to news agency, members of the interdepartmental bilateral commission on border delimitation and demarcation will arrive in Batken tomorrow.

The servicemen of Tajikistan are no longer on the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic. The plenipotentiary representative of the government in Batken oblast Omurbek Suvanaliev informed news agency.

According to him, a special commission was created with the participation of representatives of the two countries.

“Now we are bypassing the places where the accumulation of weapons and military equipment was observed. Members of the commission are checking whether there are no Tajik troops on the ground. The commission was created on a parity basis, ”Omurbek Suvanaliev said.

At the moment, traffic on the Osh - Batken - Isfana highway has been resumed. The border guards of both countries withdrew the military forces, the embassy said.
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Tajiks bulldozers destroyed Kyrgyz houses


Destruction of a house by Tajiks in Kyrgyzstan

After the talks, the Tajik side began to leave Kyrgyz villages and remove bulldozers.

In Kyrgyzstan, in the village of Arka, Tajiks bulldozed houses in Kyrgyzstan. The video of the event was published by the telegram channel Sputnik Kyrgyzstan.

The footage shows civilians watching a bulldozer break the walls of village houses.

"After the talks, the Tajik side began to leave the Kyrgyz villages and clean the bulldozers," the head of the Batken region, Omurbek Suvanaliyev, told reporters.



A fire broke out again in the village of Maksat at night. Local resident Burul Kudaiberdiyeva told news agency.
According to her, the village remains at the disposal of the Tajik side.
"Here they rob, then set fire to houses. Our soldiers are still outside the village. We cannot return to Maksat, "she said.



In the village of Dostuk, Leilek region, they shoot again. Local residents told news agency.

According to them, there are wounded.

“One soldier was wounded in the leg. He was now taken to the regional hospital. I am going to a neighboring village to take medicines there and pick up the doctors, ”said Tamara Momunova, an employee of the local hospital.


Citizens of Tajikistan again blocked the Osh-Batken-Isfana highway in the Tort-Kocho area of the Batken region today at about 11.00, despite the previously reached agreements. The situation in the area is tense.


As of 11.30 am, the situation on the Kyrgyz-Tajik section of the state border is characterized as relatively tense. This was reported by the Public Relations and Media Department of the State Border Service of the State Committee for National Security.

It is specified that the Tajik side completely blocked the road in the Tort-Kocho area.

"In the direction of the Tajik-Kyrgyz state border on the territory of Tajikistan, the movement of military equipment was recorded," the Border Service said.

The situation on the Kyrgyz-Tajik section of the state border is tense. The border service of the State Committee for National Security informs news agency.

According to her, in the Arka area of the Leilek district of the Batken region, Tajik servicemen opened fire on the houses of citizens of Kyrgyzstan. The villagers were previously evacuated.

Border units of the SS GKNB took up defensive positions.

Today, bodies of two more victims of the incident on the Kyrgyz-Tajik border arrived from the village of Internationale.

P.S.( during 3 days three times i wrote " they agreed ceasefire" then " shooting started". I cant keep up the pace of conflict. Tadjiks seem villain vandals who won't give Krygyzs breathing unless they leave Tadjikistan.)
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What is happening on the Kyrgyz-Tajik border and what is threatening Central Asia?

( From bbc russian to english)
April 30, 2021

The clash between Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan began on Thursday near the water intake of the "Main" river Ak-Suu in the disputed area, where Tajik border guards installed video cameras, and Kyrgyz residents opposed it.

Border guards from both sides were involved in the clash and a firefight broke out. About 20,000 locals from the Kyrgyz side were evacuated, and troops from both sides were drawn to the border line.

The total length of the state border line between Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan is 980 kilometers, of which almost half (400 km) is not marked on the ground.

These are 70 disputed border areas between countries, where clashes between border guards and locals often break out.

Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan argue over water every year. Why did the aggravation turn into violence this time?

On average, there are about 10 inter-communal conflicts a year in the Fergana Valley, where three state borders run between Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.


Most of the clashes take place around enclaves, geographical islets of one republic, completely surrounded by the territory of another country.

There are eight large enclaves in the valley. Three of them belong to Tajikistan, four to Uzbekistan and one to Kyrgyzstan.

The cause of conflicts is often in the division of common resources: drinking and irrigation water, land for irrigation and pastures. For example, both Tajiks and Kyrgyz use the Golovnaya water intake in the Kok-Tash village of the Batken region.

Some of them develop from domestic fights into skirmishes, and it depends on the local authorities, as well as on the governments of both countries, how quickly conflicts on the ground are resolved.

Why can't countries agree on a border in this region? What is Russia's role?


On the border between Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan - about 70 disputed areas

Most of the conflicts occur on the Kyrgyz-Tajik border, where there are most of the disputed territories.

The basis of these conflicts lies in history, when the borders of the Central Asian republics were administrative and the Soviet authorities designated them, guided by considerations of shared resources, regardless of ethnicity.

For example, Sokh is an Uzbek enclave on the territory of Kyrgyzstan (in the Batken region), where about 60 thousand ethnic Tajiks live.

"It is important to understand that the reference in the negotiations goes to two packages of maps of territories and documents dated in different years. The first package, from the time when the Kyrgyz ASSR was already separated, and Tajikistan and Uzbekistan remained together, and the second, when the Tajik ASSR also separated from the Uzbek Therefore, when negotiations are underway, it is so difficult to reach an agreement, "Chynara Esengul notes.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, it took Kyrgyzstan about 10 years to reach an agreement on a border line with China and Kazakhstan.

Of the total length of the border between Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan, only 15% remain undescribed. Negotiations accelerated with the coming to power of the current President of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

The negotiation process with Tajikistan is more complicated due to the large number of disputed areas, which are strategically important for both countries due to shared resources.

The current conflict with Tajikistan has unambiguously exacerbated the negotiation process on the delimitation of the border, and it is possible that countries will need a third party to resolve the conflict.

This could presumably be the UN or Russia, since both countries are members of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO). A regular meeting of the CSTO secretaries is being held in Dushanbe on Friday. At the same time, there are Russian military bases in both Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.


At the moment, the number of people injured during the conflict on the Kyrgyz-Tajik border has reached 163 people. First Deputy Minister of Health Aliza Soltonbekova announced this at a press conference.

According to her, the death toll is 33 people.

The number of people evacuated as a result of the conflict on the Kyrgyz-Tajik section of the border is 27 thousand 358 people. Citizens living in the villages of Arka, Ak-Tatyr, Samarkandek, Zhany-Zher, Kulundu were evacuated.

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Kyrgyzstan has reported shelling of residential buildings by Tajikistan

Shooting resumed at the site of the conflict. Kyrgyz border guards reported shelling of houses in the village of Arka.

The Kyrgyz border service said that the Tajik military on Saturday, May 1, opened fire on residential buildings in the Kyrgyz village of Arka. This was reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the Border Service of the Kyrgyz State Committee for National Security.

"In the Arka area of the Leilek district of the Batken region (Kyrgyzstan), Tajik servicemen opened fire on the residential houses of citizens of Kyrgyzstan," the statement said.

It is also noted that an unnamed spokesman for the ministry's press service told the agency that the villagers had been previously evacuated.

According to the ministry, the situation on the Kyrgyz-Tajik section of the state border is "tense".

"The border subdivisions of the Border Service of the State Committee for National Security of the Kyrgyz Republic have taken up defensive positions," the message says.

Before that, the border service of Kyrgyzstan recorded the movement of Tajik military equipment towards the border in the conflict area. In particular, it was reported that the road was completely blocked in the Tort-Kocho area.


As of 15:00, the situation on the Kyrgyz-Tajik section of the state border continues to remain tense. The State Committee for National Security of Kyrgyzstan informed news agency.

According to her, in violation of bilateral agreements on the withdrawal of additional forces and assets from the border to their places of permanent deployment, the neighboring side continues to pull troops and heavy military equipment to the border line with Kyrgyzstan.

In the area of the Kok-Tash settlement of the Batken district of the Batken region, the Tajik side periodically fires at passing vehicles.

First Deputy Chairman - Director of the Border Service of the State Committee for National Security Colonel Ularbek Sharsheev left for Tajikistan for negotiations


The head of the Internatsional village, Myrzabek Zhumabayev, is still being held hostage in Tajikistan. The information was confirmed by the Batken Department of Internal Affairs. Negotiations are underway for his release.


The Tajik side periodically places its flags on the Kyrgyz side
Saturday, May 1, 2021 14:20
The administration said that the shootings at the border did not stop

The Tajik side periodically for several days periodically puts its flags on our side, then removes. This was reported by in the authorized representative office of the government in the Batken region, commenting on the information that Tajik security forces seized several streets and put their flags there.

"The shootings don't stop," they said. - There is no official information yet. There is a very tense situation there now. Yesterday, four roads for rubber-aided vehicles were opened in Leilek.

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Kyrgyzstan has declared national mourning for the victims of the border conflict

In Kyrgyzstan, May 1 and 2 have been declared days of national mourning for those killed in the armed conflict on the border with Tajikistan. The relevant decree was signed by President Sadyr Zhaparov, according to his website.




A rally in support of Batken residents is being held in Bishkek near the Government House.

About 200 people demand that President Sadyr Japarov come out to them.

The protesters also demand that they are given weapons. The posters read: "We are ready to defend the Motherland, give us weapons."

Some of the protesters almost broke down the doors of the Government House, but others stopped and pushed them back. Police officers are trying to ensure public order.

The number of protesters in front of the Government House in Bishkek has grown to 500 people. Representatives of different regions of Kyrgyzstan demand that representatives of the authorities come to them and explain why the military is not given an order to protect the civilian population.

“Women and children are dying there. Our relatives ended up in the occupation. Leilek can be turned into an enclave. Why won't the military be ordered to use weapons? Don't use the technique? Give us weapons, we ourselves will go to defend our Motherland! " - say the protesters.
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A map has been published, which clearly shows that the attacked our villages are 100 kilometers from the site of the initial incident at the Golovnoy water intake.


The arrow on the map indicates the village of Kok-Tash in the Batken region. It is located at the very border, on the way to the Tajik enclave of Vorukh. This village was attacked on the very first day of the conflict. Houses, gas stations and shops were burned down in Batken region. The villages of Kok-Terek, Kyzyl-Bel, Ak-Sai, Uch-Dobo also suffered in this area.

On the map, the rectangle marks the Leilek district, where the village of Maksat suffered the most. There, according to local residents and eyewitnesses, houses were completely burned down. The villages of Arka, Internationale, Zhashtyk and Borborduk were under fire. Several houses were also burned down in Kulundu.

Residents of Leilek region are concerned about the situation at the border. Local residents told news agency.

According to them, even at night the Tajik military fired at cars passing through the Kairigach checkpoint.

“They settled in the house opposite the checkpoint and opened fire on the cars. This morning, the Tajik military was spotted near the villages of Koltso and Razzakov. And in the mountains along the Isfana-Kulundu road, two Tajik military men were digging a trench, ”local residents said.

According to them, the villages of Dostuk and Borborduk are still patrolled by the Tajik military. In the latter they hoisted their flag.

"There is no shooting at the moment," said staff at a local hospital in Dostuk.

In the village of Oochu, the situation also remains tense. Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Suyun Omurzakov is at the scene.

There is a shortage of food in the Leilek district of the Batken region. The information to news agency was confirmed by the deputy akim of the region Maksatay Karimberdiyeva.

According to her, there are no stocks of necessary food left in the region.

“We do not have food to feed the evacuated residents of the area. Today they distributed everything that was. We distribute everything that local residents bring to help refugees. We need flour, butter, bread, and other products. In addition, you need socks, tights, diapers, hygiene products, clothes. People fled in panic, in fear, taking nothing with them, ”said Maksatay Karimberdieva
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