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China willing to help Kazakhstan tide over difficulties, calling it consistent purpose and task of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization: spokesperson


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China willing to help Kazakhstan tide over difficulties, calling it consistent purpose and task of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization: spokesperson
Source: Xinhua

2022-01-07 20:58:12
BEIJING, Jan. 7 (Xinhua) -- China is willing to do its best to provide necessary support to Kazakhstan and help it tide over difficulties, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said Friday.

Wang made the remarks at a daily press briefing when asked to comment on the situation in Kazakhstan.

China has noticed that the Kazakh authorities are taking a series of powerful measures to combat violence and terrorism and maintain social stability, the spokesperson said.

Wang said China supports all efforts that are conducive to the Kazakh authorities calming the situation as soon as possible, and firmly opposes the deliberate creation of social unrest and incitement of violence in Kazakhstan by external forces.

"As a fraternal neighbor and a permanent comprehensive strategic partner, China is willing to provide necessary support to Kazakhstan to help it tide over difficulties," Wang said.

Wang added that it is the consistent purpose and task of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) to maintain the security and stability of the member states and the region.

China and other SCO member states pay close attention to the domestic situation in Kazakhstan, and believe that the Kazakh authorities can properly resolve the problem, support Kazakhstan in stabilizing the situation as soon as possible, and are willing to promote the SCO playing an active role in this regard, Wang said. ■



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Congratulatory message from Xi Jinping to the President of Kazakhstan: China will always stand with the people of Kazakhstan
JANUARY 8, 2022

JANUARY 8, 2022

Friday, January 7, 2022, Chinese President Xi Jinping sent an verbal message to the President of Kazakhstan Tokayev on the recent large-scale riots in Kazakhstan.

It is noted that the riots in Kazakhstan have caused many casualties and property damage. In the congratulatory message, Xi Jinping expressed sincere condolences to President Tokayev.

Xi Jinping said that President Tokayev took decisive and effective actions at critical moments in Kazakhstan, quickly calming the situation and demonstrating his sense of responsibility as a politician.

He also said that President Tokayev has shown a very responsible attitude towards the country and people.

Xi Jinping said that he firmly opposes any forces that undermine the stability of Kazakhstan, threaten national security, and undermine the peaceful life of the Kazakh people.

In addition, Xi Jinping added that China also firmly opposes any attempts by external forces to stir up chaos and launch a “color revolution” in Kazakhstan, as well as any attempts to undermine China-Kazakhstan friendship and interfere with Kazakhstan’s cooperation. 2 countries.

Xi Jinping said that as Kazakhstan’s brother neighbor and permanent comprehensive strategic partner, China is willing to provide necessary support to help Kazakhstan overcome difficulties.

“No matter what risks and challenges are encountered, China will always be a reliable friend and reliable partner of Kazakhstan, and the Chinese people will always stand with the people of Kazakhstan.” He said.

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