Belarus Tension



It's always a conspiracy against this tinpots who are otherwise uncapable in holding true democratic elections to prove how much they're loved by their people.
But then WHO is capable of holding "democratic elections"?

US, where someone who got 3 MILLION less votes became the president?
UK, where the queen has absolute power and has even disbanded parliament on several occasions?
France, where Macron is disapproved by 61% of the people but continues to cling to power?
Germany, where Ms. Merkel has been sitting on her throne non-stop for 15 years?
Please do tell... :unsure:


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Been going on 2 months now, they are not giving up



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IMO, illegal lukashenko regime continues to violate international protocols. This is quite blatant recent one:

DFH thread:

Basically now if you are political dissident (or I suppose any person of interest to regime), you have to ensure you dont travel over controlled airspace of Lukashenko regime.

From what I understand:

Many European carriers have recently announced that all their flights will be bypassing Belarus airspace.

The dissident (on the plane) arrested by Lukashenko regime is now unsurprisingly in hospital in "injured" condition receiving "medical attention".

There are rumours his partner (girlfriend? spouse?) was also arrested...but no confirmation on it...and unclear if that was also on the plane or elsewhere in Belarus at same time.


Following recent interview was done just before this incident went down I believe (as it is not mentioned).

Mrs. Tsikhanouskaya (probably most famous dissident from the whole situation of that election earlier) gives good answers and appraisal of the overall situation in Belarus and what other countries can do to help cause of democracy and liberty in Belarus w.r.t Lukashenko regime.


New Delhi: May 29 marks one year since the start of protests in Belarus against President Aleksandr Lukashenko. A harsh crackdown last year has intensified after his disputed August 2020 reelection. Lukashenko, who has ruled Belarus with an iron fist since 1994, won his sixth term in office. Forced into exiled, opposition leader Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, who ran against Lukashenko, has accused him of rigging that vote and leads the fight for democracy from Vilnius, the capital of neighbouring Lithuania. Speaking to StratNews Global Associate Editor Amitabh P. Revi, she vows to continue the battle for free and fair elections this year. "You're either on the side of black or white, there's no grey," she says, adding, "there's a need to increase internal and external pressure on the regime." Till last year, a full-time mother, who was planning to pick up her earlier career as an English teacher, Tsikhanouskaya now travels intensively internationally, campaigning for more 'targeted smart sanctions'. The United States, Britain, Canada, the EU are among the countries to have imposed asset freezes and travel bans on almost 90 officials, including the President. The U.S. passed sweeping legislation in November last year.

With aid running into billions of dollars and control over energy supplies, she admits "Russia plays a big part in what really happens in Minsk," but distinguishes between the people and the leadership, saying, "it's a pity the Kremlin is supporting the illegitimate, criminal Lukashenko regime," adding, "they have to understand that people are not ready to accept Lukashenko." Meanwhile, this week, 'Tut,by', one of the most popular news sites has been raided and blocked, with staff facing charges of a maximum of seven years in prison. Activists say more than 34,000 people have been arrested in Belarus since August 2020 in the continuing crackdown.



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The German army is building up on the Belarusian-Polish border.


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I don’t understand how THY can refuse to take Iraqis if they have valid passport and travel documents. It’s clearly a lawless act tbh.

dictatorship in a way
This is a measure taken when it comes to flights to Minsk. At the moment the situation is very serious on the border with Poland. I actually fear limited conflict there. Yes it is sort of discrimination and controversy but I actually support such a measure. This is not the right timing for such tension and the damages for Turkey on diplomatic level will be high if conflict arises.

The EU should change its approach towards Turkey when it comes to the refugee crisis and counter-terrorism as with time It is becoming more and more obvious that the security of EU borders is directly tied to Turkey. I hope the coordinated work between Turkey and Poland will ring some bells on higher level and make them reconsider their policy. The EU is using countries like Greece and Bulgaria as a second tier countries and their policies are directed towards the ensuring the security of countries like Germany. Such countries and their fears should be well represented in the EU and they must push for a better deal with Turkey for the sake of their own national security. Now after we saw that the dangerous approach towards Turkey can affect also other places that don't have direct border with Turkey I hope that these measures that were taken in coordination with Poland and diplomatic efforts between the two States intensify the whole situation will turn to be a positive example of cooperation which the border and poorer countries of the EU will follow and the call for cooperation of Turkey is heard.


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This is a measure taken when it comes to flights to Minsk. At the moment the situation is very serious on the border with Poland. I actually fear limited conflict there. Yes it is sort of discrimination and controversy but I actually support such a measure. This is not the right timing for such tension and the damages for Turkey on diplomatic level will be high if conflict arises.

The EU should change its approach towards Turkey when it comes to the refugee crisis and counter-terrorism as with time It is becoming more and more obvious that the security of EU borders is directly tied to Turkey. I hope the coordinated work between Turkey and Poland will ring some bells on higher level and make them reconsider their policy. The EU is using countries like Greece and Bulgaria as a second tier countries and their policies are directed towards the ensuring the security of countries like Germany. Such countries and their fears should be well represented in the EU and they must push for a better deal with Turkey for the sake of their own national security. Now after we saw that the dangerous approach towards Turkey can affect also other places that don't have direct border with Turkey I hope that these measures that were taken in coordination with Poland and diplomatic efforts between the two States intensify the whole situation will turn to be a positive example of cooperation which the border and poorer countries of the EU will follow and the call for cooperation of Turkey is heard.
EU won’t not until their countries face the refugees. Nothing prevents every single EU country from supporting Turkey. They can even make free trade deals if necessary Not as a block but individually.

So I think it’s too soon to make such a move especially because there is no law for such treatment. Better THY stop flying to Belarus then.


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They can even make free trade deals if necessary Not as a block but individually.
In fact, an EU member state cannot sign a free trade agreement with Turkey independently of the EU. Because the only center in foreign policy and trade is Brussels. Britain made Brexit in order to be independent in foreign policy and trade.


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EU won’t not until their countries face the refugees. Nothing prevents every single EU country from supporting Turkey. They can even make free trade deals if necessary Not as a block but individually.

So I think it’s too soon to make such a move especially because there is no law for such treatment. Better THY stop flying to Belarus then.
The problem here lies in the threat by the EU for sanctioning third countries and airlines over human traffic. Turkish Airlines being sanctioned in such a way would not be a good thing. Other airlines that are threatened are Pegasus, FlyDubai, Cham Wings. The only one I expect to continue flights to Minsk are Cham Wings and if Russia/Belarus is serious about that strategy military flights could commence and transfer refugees. When NATO wanted to block EU airspace to Belarus then Turkey protested. According to information two times a day a Turkish Airlines plane is landing in Minsk. Not counting Pegasus.

In that state of affairs I think it would be a good gesture to Poland that could make them soften their stance on Turkey related issues in the EU and NATO. It is obvious that Turkey should balance between its good relations with Belarus and also the rising pressure and new possibilities that good relations with Poland and EU is giving Turkey.

Very similar strategy was applied towards Bulgaria under the PM Boyko Borisov. Bulgaria faced refugee threat from Turkey and Borisov was forced to take some steps and ensure the security on the Bulgarian border. Refugees were directed away from the Bulgarian border towards Greece and in return Bulgaria supported Turkey in EU and NATO related issues. At the moment there is new refugee problem arising and additional number of Bulgarian security forces personnel are directed to the Bulgaria-Turkey border. There are elections in Bulgaria coming soon and I hope the new Bulgarian government will stick to its position of support towards Turkey on international platforms. Such gestures are important on strategic level and I think this will influence Poland's position towards Turkey. Poland haves a say both in EU, NATO but also is tightly connected to the US as a key US ally in Europe.


Duda inspects NATO troops stationed on the border with Belarus.

About 300 Kurdish migrants began to gather at the Bruzgi border crossing



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Geopolitically AK party made a foolish mistake by allowing millions of refugees to stay in Turkey. Had AK party just left the road open, the EU would have sooner capitulated to Turkish concerns of a safe zone. Instead erdogan bent over for the EU and the EU has taken the piss out of Turkey ever since.

2000 kurds rush the polish border and it creates international outrage and Turkey is insulted over it. Millions of refugees flood to Turkey for years and instead of being beaten and humilated as is the case in europe, they are well looked after, all we hear about is "human rights abuses".

If white privilege is a thing, we are seeing it here.

But in the end erdogan is to blame, he turned Turkey into a refugee hotel and created the global perception that the refugees are Turkeys problem. When in reality the only reason they are in Turkey is because they wanted to move towards europe. If our geography was away from europe they wouldnt be in Turkey.


Migration crisis: UN Security Council blamed Belarus

12 November 2021, 04:56

UN Security Council held an emergency meeting on the situation with migrants near the border of Poland

The sides called for the introduction of new sanctions against the authorities of the republic, calling the actions of Alexander Lukashenko "a threat to regional stability."

Following the meeting of the UN Security Council, Great Britain, the United States and European countries in the Security Council stated that Belarus bears responsibility for the situation with migrants on the Polish border. This is stated in the statement of the mentioned countries, writes TASS.

Thus, Estonia, France, Ireland, Norway and Albania joined the statement. The signatories condemned "the organized instrumentalization of people whose lives and well-being are endangered in the political interests of Belarus."

The document states that the goal of Minsk is to destabilize the situation on the external borders of neighboring states and the European Union and divert attention from human rights violations within Belarus itself.

In this regard, the parties came out for the introduction of another package of sanctions against the authorities of the republic. In addition, they admitted that "the regime of Alexander Lukashenko has become a threat to regional stability."

Finally, the aforementioned UN Security Council members called on Minsk to provide migrants with the necessary protection and assistance.

As reported, on the eve of Russian President Vladimir Putin and acting. German Chancellor Angela Merkel held the second telephone conversation in two days, in which the migration crisis on the border of Poland and Belarus was discussed.


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Russia sends nuclear-capable bombers on patrol over Belarus​


Russia sends nuclear-capable bombers on patrol over Belarus

Russia sent two nuclear-capable strategic bombers on a training mission over Belarus for a second straight day on Nov. 11 in a strong show of Moscow’s support for its ally amid a dispute over migration at the Polish border.

The Belarusian Defense Ministry said two Russian Tu-160 strategic bombers practiced bombing runs at the Ruzany firing range, located in Belarus about 60 kilometers (just over 37 miles) east of the border with Poland. As part of the joint training, Belarusian fighter jets simulated an intercept, the ministry said.

The missions marked the second time in two days that Russia sent its nuclear-capable bombers into the skies over Belarus.

A pair of Russian Tu-22M3 long-range bombers flew a similar patrol on Wednesday, and Belarusian air defense assets practiced intercepting them.

The Belarusian Defense Ministry said that such Russian bomber flights will be conducted on a regular basis.

The Russian military said the bombers spent over 4 1/2 hours in the air during the mission intended to buttress the countries’ alliance. It said the bomber patrol “wasn’t aimed against any third countries.”

But Russia’s deputy U.N. ambassador, Dmitry Polyansky, told reporters at U.N. headquarters in New York that “it is a response to a massive build-up on the Polish-Belarusian border

Russia has strongly supported Belarus amid a tense standoff this week as thousands of migrants and refugees, most of them from the Middle East, gathered on the Belarusian side of the border with Poland in the hope of crossing into Western Europe.
Polyansky pointed to the union between Russia and Belarus and said that “if there is a build-up of military resources on the border with Belarus, we have to react."

The European Union has accused Belarus’ authoritarian President Alexander Lukashenko of encouraging illegal border crossings as a “hybrid attack” to retaliate against EU sanctions on his government for its crackdown on internal dissent after Lukashenko’s disputed 2020 reelection.
Belarus denies the allegations but has said it will no longer stop refugees and migrants from trying to enter the EU.
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The Belarusian Defense Ministry accused Poland on Thursday of an “unprecedented” military buildup on the border, saying that migration control did not warrant the concentration of 15,000 troops backed by tanks, air defense assets and other weapons.
“It looks more like forming a strike group of forces,” the ministry said, adding that the Polish military buildup prompted Belarus to respond with actions “both independently and within the existing agreements with our strategic ally,” a reference to Russia.

Russia and Belarus have a union agreement envisaging close political and military ties. Lukashenko has stressed the need to boost military cooperation in the face of what he has described as aggressive actions by NATO allies.

Lukashenko on Thursday called the Russian bomber flights a necessary response to the tensions on the Belarus-Poland border.
“Let them scream and squeak. Yes, those are nuclear-capable bombers, but we have no other choice,” the president, who has been in office since 1994, said.

Col. Gen. Retired Leonid Ivashov, the former head of the Russian Defense Ministry’s foreign cooperation department, said the Russian bomber flights over Belarus were intended to demonstrate Moscow’s support for its ally amid soaring tensions.

“Military drills and bomber flights are part of training for joint action,” Ivashov was quoted by the Interfax news agency as saying. “It’s needed to avert a possible military conflict that could escalate into a big war. It’s necessary to demonstrate our readiness.”
Amid the tensions on the Belarus-Poland border, Russia has strongly backed Belarus, charging that the West destabilized the Middle East and therefore bears responsibility for migrants and refugees seeking safety in Europe.

At the same time, Moscow angrily rejected Poland’s claim that Russia has helped foment a situation with humanitarian as well as political dimensions.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov noted the thousands of troops that have been deployed on either side of the Polish-Belarusian border and said “it’s a cause for deep concern of all sober-minded people in Europe.”

Asked about German Chancellor Merkel’s request for Russian President Vladimir Putin to exert his influence on Belarus, Peskov responded that “Russia, like all other countries, is trying to help resolve the situation.” He said Putin has remained in contact with Lukashenko, but didn’t elaborate.

Russia’s national flag carrier, Aeroflot, responded to reports that the EU was mulling sanctions against the airline for its alleged involvement in bringing to refugees and migrants to Belarus. Aeroflot strongly rejected the claim.

“The information about Aeroflot’s participation or assistance to organizing mass transportation of migrants to the territory of Belarus doesn’t conform to reality,” the airline said in a statement.

Aeroflot noted that it wasn’t conducting any regular or charter flights to Iraq or Syria and didn’t have any flights between Istanbul and Minsk.

Asked about the reports of possible EU sanctions against Aeroflot, Kremlin spokesman Peskov pointed to the airline’s denial of knowingly transporting Europe-bound asylum-seekers.
“Let hope that such mad ideas only exist in those media hoaxes,” he said in a conference call with reporters.


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