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  • With only 13 names in my ignore list (more to be added when necessary), this forum look very clean & orderly. Furthermore, I can also see threads that have more potential for healthy discussion
    This place is rather quite lately, doesn't it? Slow news period all over the world, maybe?
    We choose our news wisely,because of the hollidays even the mitary industry is slow.It will be better in August.
    WHEN a discussion forum has begun to allow or condone (not sure which) sock puppet accounts for whatever purpose, THEN it's time to began staying away from such place / forum :mad:
    Toothache 🤢🤮 And going to dentist isn't a viable option until everyone get inoculated with the jab 🥴
    Might have to resort to some home remedies until everyone gets the vaccine... I think chewing on garlic is a good option if an infection is causing the issue, only downside is a smelly breath 🥴🤐
    Already did so albeit using warm salt water to no effect. I eventually end up using rather strong antiseptic mouthwash that felt like there is something burning in my mouth with ibuprofen + paracetamol
    Just go.
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