Political coup or constitutional right? What's going on in Tunisia?


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Tunisia’s president dismisses prime minister after protests​

Tunisian president suspends parliament, lifts immunity of all deputies, and sacks PM Hicham Mechichi.

Tunisia’s president has announced the suspension of the Tunisian parliament and the dismissal of Prime Minister Hicham Mechichi after violent protests broke out in several Tunisian cities over the government’s handling of the COVID pandemic and the economy.



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it's not a military coup d'état the constitution is not suspended in fact it was sort of according to constitution... well the article 80 is very open for interpretations and the constitutional court that determines the legality of the decision is not established thanks to the parliament.


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still not confirmed the army is running patrols but that's since last week because of corona...
Were there any tensions between President and Ennahda?

The worst scenario on my head is President want to take the country for himself, another Arab Winter. Instead of military takeover the country like El-Sisi, this the President take the whole government.

Just one of the scenario on my head, we still need to wait for more clarity and evidences.
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Were there any tensions between President and Ennahda?
oh plenty... so I will try to sum up
after the election El Nahdha came up as the first party in parliament but with very weak majority they tried to form a government but they failed so it's up to the president to form the government with the help of the parliament so Fakhfakh was chosen and formed a goverment that included El Nahdha and other parties... things went smoothly ofc with a bit of problems but the usual stuff until tensions between El Nahdha and most of the government parties risen so El Nahdha allied itself with a more extreme islamist small party (they're formally from Ennahdha but extremists ) and a big corrupt party that the president hated and started alligation that the Prime minister had conflict of interests and corrupt (which was proven to be false afterward) and they decided to down the government mid pandemic... so the president had to chose another PM and he did choose Mechichi a technocrat and a technocrat government was formed and worked for only a month until El Nahdha and her allies decided that they want to be in the government so they convinced (no one knows how) Mechichi to become aligned with them and he did make a major goverment reshuffle and kicked out all ministers that the president chose or seemed to align with him only to replace them with people from the El Nahdha and its coalition and many of them are controversial special the ones from the corrupt party Qalb tounes who have allegations and running cases of corruption so the president refused to allow them swear oath to him which made them unable to be appointed as ministers and the government became mostly with intern ministers and many ministries seats are vacant so everyone expected Mechichi to resign and a new PM be appointed but EL Nahdha told him to not to and that they will not replace him and will not allow to so the country stayed almost a year virtually without government until this forth wave of Covid 19 hit and it was a disaster which angered most Tunisians which demanded the resignation of gvrmnt (if this gov resign the president can desolve the parliament that's why El Nahdha refused let him do so or even pull confidence of him despite he's epic fails) and started to protest today. The parliament had no popularity since they could not agree on anything and were always infighting...


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we all hope that too... but know this Tunisians will not allow dictatorship to be back again we got used to free speech now.

What will you do if the president and army refuses to leave power?

Its so depressing to me to see Tunisian people celebrating in the streets as their own democracy has been overthrown, just like Egyptians in 2013.

Why are Arabs like this? Flying planes into buildings, blowing themselves up, stabbing random people in Europe, cheering in the streets as their own democracy is overthrown, supporting coups in other Arab countries ...


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What will you do if the president and army refuses to leave power?

Its so depressing to me to see Tunisian people celebrating in the streets as their own democracy has been overthrown, just like Egyptians in 2013.

Why are Arabs like this? Flying planes into buildings, blowing themselves up, stabbing random people in Europe, cheering in the streets as their own democracy is overthrown, supporting coups in other Arab countries ...
lol democracy has not been overthrown as you say El Nahdha and it's allies are they used democracy and abused it...


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lol democracy has not been overthrown as you say El Nahdha and it's allies are they used democracy and abused it...

And now you will be under a dictatorship which will never, ever abuse its power.

But this time you won't be able to vote it out during the next election, but be doomed to live under it forever.

And you won't be able to exercise your much-vaunted "freedom of speech" against it. The moment you do you will be arrested.

But whatever, continue to celebrate your new overlords.

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