PM Imran Khan: Interview by Peter Oborne & David Hirst.


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Prime Minister Imran Khan's Exclusive Interview with David Hearst & Peter Oborne on Middle East Eye​

  • On Afghanistan
  • Recognition of Taliban
  • Looming humanitarian issue


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Summary: Keep the gravy train rolling or the terrorists will come back.


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Summary: Keep the gravy train rolling or the terrorists will come back.
Please stop fabricating outright lies. Pakistan is not recieving a dime from USA. The gravy train flows primarily to Israel, Egypt, Jordan and India. Dare you point your fingers at Israel for living off US aid or they will reconfigure your gonads.


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Please stop fabricating outright lies. Pakistan is not recieving a dime from USA. The gravy train flows primarily to Israel, Egypt, Jordan and India. Dare you point your fingers at Israel for living off US aid or they will reconfigure your gonads.

When did Israel last advocate for funding the Taliban as PMIK seems to be doing every other day?


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When did Israel last advocate for funding the Taliban as PMIK seems to be doing every other day?
USA spent $2 trillion on the Afghan war. It all evapourated in less than 24 hours after the horrible ISI terrified the American trained and funded ANA to run away. Anybody can see if Afghanistan is now isloated and sanctioned the only poossible outcome will be chaos and lead to deadly consequences which might impact US interests. I mean dishing billions of that 'gravy' to Israel or Jordan or Ethopia has reasons. PMIK is saying there is good reason to engage with Afghanistan.

You seem to be obsessed with this 'gravy' so why not have a actual look at which countries have their mouth wide open. Notice who has thier mouth open wide, real wide at the top.

Biggest aid recipients.png
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USA spent $2 trillion on the Afghan war. It all evapourated in less than 24 hours after the horrible ISI terrified the American trained and funded ANA to run away. Anybody can see if Afghanistan is now isloated and sanctioned the only poossible outcome will be chaos and lead to deadly consequences which might impact US interests. I mean dishing billions of that 'gravy' to Israel or Jordan or Ethopia has reasons. PMIK is saying there is good reason to engage with Afghanistan.

I agree that PMIK is correct in saying that there is good reason to remain engaged with the Taliban. However, that engagement must not be become a compulsion for fear of terrorism returning. I do not see any large-scale funding to flow from the US to the region anytime soon, but engagement by other means will surely continue. The talks in Qatar are an example. How much Pakistan can be a part of this process remains to be seen still.


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However, that engagement must not be become a compulsion for fear of terrorism returning.
So the $2 trillion that was spent in the last year was from 'love'? Or was it premised on and driven by terrorism with 9/11 having been the trigger for the entire US involement in Afghanistan.

Ps. Have a look at which countries in order recieve the gravy in my previous post.


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Idiom: "He who pays the piper calls the tune."

Definition: This idiom is used to say that the person who pays for something controls how it is done.


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Idiom: "He who pays the piper calls the tune."

Definition: This idiom is used to say that the person who pays for something controls how it is done.

It seems the whole concept of per capita has been foregone in rush to prove some particular angle of a "gravy train" counter.

I suppose Brazil and Turkey are more gravy train reliant than....Somalia by this "comprehensive" process and logic.

Not to mention the dimension of military aid, not counted in specific ODA slivers like "DAC".

Not to mention what aid flow %'s even are w.r.t total dollar flows (concerning things like investment and trade)....between countries, both in total and per capita levels.

Not to mention what the stark final reality of dependence on loans and bailouts are in the end for the govt/elite as a whole....given their "Success" in balancing and hedging and expanding these % components listed above.

Regarding this last bit, I have noticed over time just how the DHA has psychologically impressed on the larger elitist/patrician/neo-patrician/aspirer classes in Pakistan (who are a tiny % in the end but with inevitably the biggest bullhorns like anywhere else).

i.e It is the DHA that are quite unique (w.r.t neighbourhood and rest of world) to the particular peculiar nature of the bullhorning dissemination.

Hence with World Bank and IMF bailouts, there are immediate tropes trotted out about zionist usury etc etc....the kind of thing the Pak FM goes on CNN to express so delicately and thoughtfully like only the DHA-type can.

i.e conspiracies and narratives of everyone else being the root of Pakistan's problems regarding basic finances.

But when the same thing pops up with the newer red-front patron (restructuring of any CPEC loan condition or phase 2 negotiation/extraction etc), even Pakistanis regular people (the teeming masses) are all thrown under the bus if needed to carry water for all of matter how brazen it is....or what level of failure (regarding the sustainable finance of it long term) it will most likely be.

PMIK is just another lackey in the DHA web and process. Thus you will see the foibles play out with him (pay up or else) from a system of its peculiar realised stature...regarding the few (overused and atrophied) cards and levers at its disposal that it has grown mightily dependent on anyway.

The rest of the world know this all too is why they all go about doing what they do dealing with the DHA on the same continued overall basis of what the grovelling and threats get in the bowl DHA extends out (by enforced reality that makes it past the insularity they have developed internally).


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"He who pays the piper calls the tune."
So it is safe to say that President Ghani and his American funded and trained formidable Afghan Army which cost the US over $80 billion skedaddled because dopey Biden called "the tune"?

Run boys, run? And thus they acted on the pipers tune.


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It seems the whole concept of per capita has been foregone in rush to prove some particular angle of a "gravy train" counter.
I was not trying to prove anything. It was your buddy who brought up 'gravy train' as if Pakistan is the sole benefactor of this soup. I thus had to remind this guy to correct his bent 'angle'. There are countries that recieve far greater gravy by either per capita or absolute terms then Pakistan. Although the bent of angle here always seems to single Pakistan.

And I nod in approval that you have found 'per capita' which is something is conspicously missed when bragging about India's mighty economy or military power. It is I who actually has to remind people at the hopelessly uneven odds between Pakistan and India in gross populations.

India population v Pakistan.png


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The rest of the world know this all too is why they all go about doing what they do dealing with the DHA on the same continued overall basis of what the grovelling and threats get in the bowl DHA extends out (by enforced reality that makes it past the insularity they have developed internally).

To be fair, that approach has worked very well for Pakistan until now. But the can can be kicked down the road only thus far. The pity is that Pakistan has no plan B in place to replace the gravy train, except perhaps CPEC, and even that is not a given.

So it is safe to say that President Ghani and his American funded and trained formidable Afghan Army which cost the US over $80 billion skedaddled because dopey Biden called "the tune"?

So you think that the US skedaddled $80 billion on the Afghan Army. Big deal. Our money, our choice to spend it wherever, and whenever to stop its flow.

as if Pakistan is the sole benefactor of this soup.

That is not the point. The point is that it is not up to Pakistan to decide where USA should or should not spend its money, no matter how wrong or useless it may appear to be in your view.

US money, US choice. US piper. US tune. :D


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I'm tired of all that old hat now, I'm just here for the lols:

"We haven't spoken, but we are in touch" actually means "We haven't spoken, but we are being spoken to". :D


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And I nod in approval that you have found 'per capita' which is something is conspicously missed when bragging about India's mighty economy or military power. It is I who actually has to remind people at the hopelessly uneven odds between Pakistan and India in gross populations.

The DHA would do better to introspect why these numbers are not in the "per capita" ratio (using a kinder 8 here, instead of the 6 it is now...and 5 it soon shall be and likely 4 it will be for most of this century):

Pakistan would literally kill right now to have a "Jaishankar ratio" i.e an eighth of these figures respectively:

- 18 billion USD exports per quarter or about 72 billion USD per year
- 10 billion FDI per year
- 125 billion USD total investment per year
- Market cap of 440 billion USD
- Forex reserves of 80 billion USD
- 900 patents granted internationally per year

Or why those levels won't be achieved at the end of decade and likely longer than that even.... (when the pop ratio would have already moved to 5x....and ignoring what the larger numbers for India would have move onto by 2030 to divide by 5 for the reference)

If they had a "8 times less" situation commensurate to pop-size...they would be sitting pretty right now....content with whatever 10%-skim of top teethy grin-guy/ baldie/ cricket chad they install over the khaki firmware (like delhi-gangu guy).

Instead of <insert crushing compromise> for IMF baksheesh that they say caused all the earlier problems....and usury is bad for islamic state to begin with surely?

Why doesn't red-front step in anyhow for this stuff. What is it exactly the IMF gives that red-front doesnt seem or want to? Questions questions questions that no one really asks the DHA enough.

But then again they don't even let the SBP anywhere near certain crown jewels and processes. The words the SBP uses in their papers are quite amusing regarding this.

So who are we kidding.

Simply let another 10 years play out and see for yourself.
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