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News National Liberation Front of Corsica Suggesting Renewal of Operations Against France


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The FLNC castigates autonomy and continues its fight against “settler colonization”​

January 27, 2024


During a clandestine press conference, the FLNC castigated the ongoing autonomy process while denouncing “settler colonization” on the island. For the organization, “the autonomy mentioned will not be able to preserve the Corsican people in their survival”. The armed group also recalled the 45 actions it has claimed since last October.

Eleven men in black, heavily armed and hooded, seated behind a table above which the FLNC acronym is displayed. The image of such a staging had not been seen since September 2021 (the organization then sent a video recording to the media who were not present).

During a clandestine press conference, the National Liberation Front of Corsica – which brings together the organizations “Union of Combatants” and “October 22” – addressed several themes through the reading of a press release, signed with the slogans of the two entities.

On the first of the three pages, the FLNC denounces “so-called settlement colonization”. “It is the most pernicious and always a strategic choice of the colonizer, it is written. The position of Corsica under French supervision is a tremendous hypocrisy.”

For the illegal immigrants, “the current political situation of Corsica in the bosom of France leads to the same results as all the colonizations of the world.”

The FLNC qualifies the figures “edifying” regarding the demographic evolution of the island: “between 2015 and 2021, Corsica experiences an increase in population of 20,310 residents. For most French people, the illegal immigrants advance.

The text also alludes to Emmanuel Macron’s speech last September to the Corsican Assembly. The Head of State had announced his desire to include Corsica in the Constitution, paving the way “to autonomy in the Republic”. He did not then mention the notion of Corsican people, evoking “an insular, linguistic, historical and cultural community”.

This presidential visit “has finished dispelling the doubts that some may have had”, note the clandestines.

And to develop : “There is no Corsican people but an island community, therefore no recognition of the Corsican people planned. There is no resident status possible but a residence status because all French citizens have the same rights on French territory.”

According to the organization, “these two simple points allow us to understand that the autonomy mentioned will absolutely not be able to preserve the Corsican people in their survival.

Regarding the agreement requested by the President of the Republic from elected island officials concerning the autonomy process, the FLNC declares that “the future alliance between the executive of the Community and the insular right will in no way constitute a powerful consensus capable of providing solutions to the disappearance of our people”.

In its press release, the FLNC also placed a large part of its argument in the international context, particularly in relation to the situation in Gaza.

“We support the Palestinian cause. Since our creation and still today,” affirms the clandestine organization which thus recalls some of its fundamentals. Ditto when she hammers home three times that she has “no common destiny with France”. Or when she denounces the “colonizer complex.

For the FLNC, this “leads on the one hand certain French and Corso-French political parties to surf on radical Islamism out of pure electoral interest and on the other the French government to take positions “at the same time” far removed from the current requirements of respect for the law international”.

On the third and last page, the clandestine group “recalls the 45 actions of last October”. The organization is probably referring to the blue night of October 8 to 9 when simultaneous attacks were carried out on the island, mainly targeting second homes.

This series – on a scale not seen since December 2012 – was claimed by the FLNC the next day. However, the clandestine movement had until now not given the total number concerning these actions, only listed by sector in the press release.

The text also includes the claim of an attack that targeted a house in Piana in mid-December.

At the very end of the press release, the organization specifies “assume all [ses] actions” and denounces “the usurpation of its acronym through stupid manipulations”.

According to our information, this could refer, among other things, to an attack which targeted the main residence of a young Corsican couple in Lucciana, on the night of December 25 to 26. The tags “Bon Natale” and FLNC were notably discovered on the scene, but the attack has, for the moment, not been claimed.

This communication from illegal immigrants takes place in a context of resumption of attacks and a redeployment of the independence movement symbolized by the A Chjama Patriotta approach, which immediately displayed its solidarity with the FLNC.

At the initiative of the collective of prisoners Patriotti, this initiative was launched last October, a few days after the blue night, as part of a “process of patriotic resistance against the French state”.

This Sunday, January 28, the movement is organizing its constitutive general assembly in Corte. The FLNC makes no mention of it in its text.

This speaking out by illegal immigrants also occurs in a political context marked by the ongoing process of autonomy. The Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, is also due to go to Corsica at the beginning of take stock of progress and collect the contribution of all stakeholders”says the Prime Minister, Gabriel Attal.

Here again, in the FLNC press release, no mention is made of this future ministerial visit.

Since the merger of the two entities “Union des Combattants” and “October 22” in June 2021 within the FLNC, this is the first time that the organization has spoken at a clandestine press conference in the presence of the media.



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