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Iran will have a new high-sensitivity radar system, warships and submarine


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TEHRAN, (BM) – Iran continues to develop and replenish its military equipment, waiting for the date on which the UN arms embargo will fall and it will be able to buy weapons from Russia, China and Turkey. learned from Iranian sources and some Iranian media that new high-sensitivity radars have been put into service by Iranian anti-aircraft artillery units, which operate in rough terrain and detect low- and medium-altitude aircraft in the range of 220 km. According to the Iranian press, the radar is called Soroush

According to Iranian military experts, the radar can operate in all weather conditions.

The radar was officially handed over to the Iranian army, and it became clear at the ceremony that Iran will also receive a second radar, called Misaq, which will be an integrated autonomous system that will interact with other Iranian army radar installations.

At the same time, the commander of the Iranian Navy told reporters that his country will soon have an Iranian-made helicopter carrier. The commander made this statement on a TV show on Iranian state television. Again, according to the commander, Iran will receive its first helicopter carrier between November 21 and December 20.

However, it turns out that the new warship will not have much potential, judging by the fact that it will be able to carry up to seven helicopters. According to the technical specification, the new helicopter carrier is 24 meters longer than the Iranian Kahrk, which is considered to be the mainstay of the Iranian army and is a fundamental pillar in the country’s navy.

In addition to the helicopter carrier, Iran will once again acquire two locally produced warships, one of which will be a minesweeper. It was also clear from the interview of the commander of the Iranian Navy that his country will get its own submarine, which will be able to stay under water for a longer time, thanks to a new advanced Iranian propulsion system.

Iran unveils its own new ballistic and cruise missiles

The Iranian Armed Forces have developed a new ballistic missile, as we reported on August 20 citing the broadcasted tests by the IRIB Broadcasting Corporation. This is a ground-to-ground ballistic missile dubbed Haj Qasem in honor of General Qasem Soleimani, who was killed by the US military in January.

In addition, a new cruise missile “Abu Mahdi” was demonstrated, named after the commander of the Iraqi Shiite formations “Al-Hashd al-Shaabi” Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, who died along with Suleimani.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani called the news about the testing of new missiles important. “We must contain [the enemy] on land and at sea with missiles,” he said.

Iran has been developing its own missile program since the 1990s. He achieved some success in the development of ballistic missiles. At the same time, Tehran refuses to negotiate the limitation of its missile industry, citing the fact that its rivals in the region have also adopted missiles of a similar class.

Iran is about to open and arm dozens of new military defense facilities

Iran continues to arm itself and poses a growing threat to its neighbors and the rest of the world. According to Tehran sources, during Sacred Defense Week, Iran will open dozens of new military defense facilities as we reported on September 21.

This information was also confirmed by Major Mohammad Hossein Bakeri, who is the Chief of Staff of the Iranian Army. His words were quoted by the local agency Tasnim.

Major Hossein made the statement during an official ceremony at the military museum, which contains a large number of objects and relics from the Iran-Iraq war, which led to Holy Week Week throughout the country.


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