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Indra Company Spain


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About Indra

Indra is one of the leading global technology and consulting companies and the technological partner for the core business operations of its customers worldwide. It is a world leader in providing proprietary solutions in specific segments of the Transport and Defence markets, and a leading firm in Digital Transformation and Information Technologies in Spain and Latin America through its affiliate, Minsait. Its business model is based on a comprehensive range of proprietary products, with a high-value, end-to-end focus and with a high innovation component. In the 2022 fiscal year, Indra achieved revenue totaling €3.851 billion, with almost 57,000 employees, a local presence in 46 countries and business operations in over 140 countries.



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The Royal Air Force deploys Indra’s Lanza 3D radar

  • Indra’s long-range transportable radar can detect and track Tactical Ballistic Missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles in addition to being exceptionally effective in mitigating the effects of electronic warfare and wind farms.

  • The RAF exhibited this state-of-the-art radar this weekend at the Royal International Air Tattoo (RIAT), one of the world’s biggest aviation shows.

  • Indra is one of the world’s largest radar manufacturers and the leading supplier of transportable surveillance systems to NATO.

The Royal Air Force (RAF) is operating Indra’s long-range transportable Lanza 3D radar (LTR-25) as an integral part of the surveillance of the United Kingdom’s airspace. As part of the RAF’s Global Enablement Team, it is as an asset that is prepared to be rapidly deployed anywhere in the world.

Throughout the weekend, the RAF exhibited it’s capabilities at the Royal International Air Tattoo (RIAT), one of the largest military aviation shows in the world, that brings together the world’s foremost air forces and Air Chiefs.

“The deployments of this radar with the RAF, highlights Indra’s ability to meet the needs of the most technically demanding clients and reinforces our position as one of the world’s leading radar suppliers”, commented Domingo Castro, Indra’s Integrated Systems and Space Director.

The Lanza is a family of state-of-the-art 3D radar systems, based on a fully modular and scalable architecture, both in hardware and software. The RAF´s Lanza Radar has been designed as a tactical deployable radar, capable of being rapidly transported by air, sea, rail and road.

The system can detect and track tactical ballistic missiles, providing air surveillance command and control centres with the early warning information required to neutralise attacks. It delivers the trajectory parameters necessary to initiate offensive, defensive or intelligence measures, such as the estimated launch point, cue point, impact, interception, etc.

In addition, the radar incorporates advanced techniques and algorithms, developed in-house by Indra, to mitigate the reflections and clutter caused by wind turbines and solar panels. This is an effective, validated, capability in these increasingly challenging, densely populated evironments.



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Indra strengthens the protection of C295 military transport aircraft of the Spanish Air and Space Force

  • The company will equip Spanish Air and Space Force aircraft with its ALR-400 radar warning receiver and EW controller, that will act as the 'brain' that will manage the self-protection suite of the aircraft, one of the most advanced in the world, which the Ministry of Defence has made the standard for its helicopters, transport aircraft and fighters.

  • Over five hundred airborne platforms in 15 countries operate with this warning system, which is part of NATO's technology portfolio through the NSPA agency.

  • Indra is the pioneer company that has led the digitalization of this type of electronic defence equipment, essential to ensure the survival of the aircraft in combat.

Indra will renew the radar warning and self-protection controller system of the 35th Spanish Air and Space Force Wing's entire fleet of C295 (T.21) military transport aircraft to increase their protection and capacity to carry out missions in conflict zones. This first order is part of the outline agreement that the company has reached with NATO to supply this equipment.

The C295 is one of the most versatile and robust medium tactical transport aircraft available. Its role is crucial to transporting troops and materiel quickly to any point on the planet and perfectly complements the capabilities of heavy transport aircraft such as the A400M.

But for such an aircraft to operate in conflict zones, it needs state-of-the-art electronic defence equipment that is always one step ahead of the surveillance and weapons systems used by the enemy.

For this reason, the Spanish Air and Space Force has entrusted Indra with the replacement of the legacy solution, which the company itself implemented in these aircraft when they entered service, with the new ALR-400, the most advanced and modern version developed by the technology company. This is also the same system already used by the rest of the Spanish Ministry of Defence transport aircraft and fighters, with the sole exception of the Eurofighter, which is equipped with the DASS Praetorian, in whose development Indra also participated.

The ALR-400 has demonstrated excellent responsiveness in real missions and is already being operated by more than 500 aircraft in fifteen countries. In the case of the C295, Indra's system has become the international standard of reference and has been chosen by eight users of the platform.

Jose Vicente de los Mozos, CEO of Indra, points out that "the outline agreement that has been closed with NATO's NSPA agency further strengthens Indra's leading position in a technology segment that is absolutely critical for the defence of Europe and the rest of the allies. It is also a recognition of the high level of our solution, which consolidates its position as part of the portfolio of technologies available to the alliance countries".

Indra was one of the first companies in the world to introduce wide band digital reception in this type of equipment almost two decades ago, thereby increasing the real-time signal detection and analysis capability and the situational awareness and safety of pilots and crews.

In addition to detecting threats, the ALR-400 is capable of providing guidance on the position of the transmitter and the type of aircraft or radar the signal is coming from, by comparing it with the library of intelligence it uses. It is prepared to process complex waveforms, including doppler radars and state-of-the-art threats that can use sophisticated frequency agility and low probability of interception techniques to go undetected. The solution also includes capabilities to unmask weak signals that may be hidden behind stronger or nearby transmitters, and it can work in heavily saturated environments. If the aircraft is attacked with electromagnetic guided missiles, the system can detect them and activate the necessary countermeasures to neutralize them.

In this respect, the ALR-400 actually acts as the brain in charge of the coordination of the aircraft's complete self-protection suite, in addition to being a radar warning receiver, offering the capability to manage the electronic warfare system (EWM) with the same equipment, and controlling both the missile warning systems (MWS) and laser missile warning systems (LWS), as well as the dispensers of chaff and flares used as decoys. In addition, it offers growth capabilities to integrate other warning systems such as hostile fire indicators (HFIs), state-of-the-art directed infrared countermeasures (DIRCM) or disturbance and deception radar electronic countermeasures (ECM). The system has been designed to cover all types of missions, from low altitude and close range to those of higher altitude and encounter distance.

Getting ahead of the future

Indra engineers are already working on the electronic defence systems of the future. The company is the international coordinator of the sensor pillar of FCAS, the European program that is developing a futuristic aerial combat system based on a next-generation fighter that will fly escorted by several drones operating within a combat cloud to exchange data with all types of platforms in real time and ensure superiority over the enemy.

In the specific case of the ALR-400 system, the company is working on the Full-Digital version of the warning receiver, which will be integrated into future national fleets of NH-90 (HD.29, in accordance with the designation of the Air and Space Force), Tiger MkIII and CH-47F helicopters along with other company self-protection systems, such as the next-generation InWarner missile warning system, which combines optical (MWS) and laser (LWS) warning capabilities in a single sensor, and the InShield Directed Infrared Countermeasure (DIRCM) system, capable of blinding and deviating thermally guided missiles.



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Indra presents the command and control system to the Ground Forces to master the electronic combat of the future

  • Indra's LANDEF system is a disruptive solution, prepared to interoperate in a multi-domain environment, in which operations are simultaneously coordinated in different areas (land, sea, air, space or cyberspace)

  • The simple and rapid integration with other systems and the chain of command means it operates as a 'system of systems', multiplying its efficiency and facilitating coordination with allies

  • The system protects deployed forces by jamming enemy radars and any other signal emitting system, whether stationary or on board battle tanks, ships, aircraft and even missiles


Indra showcased at the Foro Ejército Empresas, a defence industry forum held in Toledo from 4-5 October 2023, the LANDEF electronic ground combat suite, a state-of-the-art command and control system designed to carry out intelligence and electronic support missions in which the enemy's electromagnetic activity is tracked and counteracted, thereby limiting the movements of aircraft, ships and armored vehicles and degrading the adversary's defences.

Deployability in the tactical environment facilitates the protection of soldiers and assets deployed in the field. Early warning and countermeasure capabilities provide the highest level of protection to bases, facilities, or any high-value asset.

According to the Land Electronic Defence manager at Indra, Rebeca López, "this is a solution designed to successfully carry out intelligence and electronic support missions, where Indra is making strides in the development of state-of-the-art multi-domain systems. LANDEF facilitates the intelligent exploitation of the electromagnetic spectrum and its degree of interoperability with other systems and with the rest of the chain of command allows it to operate as a true 'system of systems', thereby making it even more effective.”

In this regard, the company is already conducting tests for the integration of the solution with air defence systems, which would allow an exchange of information and the development of joint defence strategies, thereby incorporating the 'soft kill' capability of electronic warfare countermeasures to Air Defense missions as an essential element of action in the new scenarios of proliferation of drone attacks.

The new electronic warfare processing system implements new functionalities based on massive data processing and analysis that provide for the organizing and structuring of useful information. It also employs AI-based tools and algorithms to transform data into intelligence.

On the other hand, LANDEF facilitates the controlled dissemination of electronic information and intelligence, contributing to improved situational awareness and intelligent electronic attack management

With the design of LANDEF, Indra meets the needs of the most advanced armies, which require systems capable of integrating operations with those of their allies and that they must manage the extension of the scope of operations to combat in the electromagnetic spectrum. For Rebeca López "Indra's differential solution is based on the experience acquired in the development of deployable Electronic Defence and Command and Control systems for management and use in a tactical environment, where agile and secure interoperability is a must; interoperability based on standards that allow secure integration and participation in deployments and collaborative environments."



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Air base of the future: Indra showcases the technologies set to strengthen the operability of spanish fighter jets

  • Indra is developing systems and processes that will enable the Air and Space Force’s future Connected, Sustainable and Intelligent Air Base (BACSI) to operate in a new environment, one in which data and artificial intelligence will be decisive in maintaining technological superiority

  • The company combines digital technologies to connect professionals, tools and platforms and move towards intelligent sustainability that places people at the heart of all the activity


Indra showcases the digital technologies that will enable the Air and Space Force to drastically increase the level of operational availability of its aircraft, the control of its operations and the efficiency with which it carries out its maintenance activities at the Connected, Sustainable and Intelligent Air Base (BACSI) technology demonstration sessions, currently being held in Albacete from October 18 to 20.

The aim is to prepare Spanish air bases for a scenario in which artificial intelligence and data will become the key factors in ensuring the maximum possible operability of the aircraft while extending their life cycle. Aftermarket Business Manager, Pelayo Alvarado, explained that “Indra’s proposal is fully aligned with the Air and Space Force’s vision of moving towards bases where people, tools and processes are completely connected and the work is streamlined, applying artificial intelligence to facilitate the planning and decision-making and ensuring optimal use of the resources in a more environment-friendly manner”.

In this regard, taking the aircraft as the central asset, Indra has developed a recording system or PMDS (Portable Maintenance Data Store) that collects parameters from the Eurofighter systems in flight.

As soon as it lands, the data are transmitted wirelessly to the Sherpa system, developed by Indra in accordance with the requirements of the Air and Space Force, which uses artificial intelligence to predictively detect potential failures. This information immediately reaches the specialists, who are able to access it directly via their smartwatches and tablets beside the runway.

The faults, once they’ve been confirmed by the specialist, are automatically transferred to the Maesweb maintenance system of the Armories of the Air and Space Force, together with the appropriate evidence captured by means of an innovative system with augmented reality glasses, in such a way that all the diagnostic activity is recorded and shared with the following levels of maintenance, thereby preventing the slightest loss of knowledge.

The entire maintenance operation is perfectly synchronized and supported by digital tools in the hangar. Each part, tool and mechanic will be accurately identified and geolocated using electronic labels and tags, thanks to a high-precision real-time location system (RTLS) that facilitates better task planning and more efficient stock control and supports the work of the mechanics allowing them to detect whether any resources are missing.

Each of the mechanics will come with Hololens augmented reality glasses that provide them with contextual information about the systems to be repaired and give them access to the technical documentation required to guide them. Furthermore, with these glasses they can request remote support from other specialists who’ll see the same things as the mechanic, a function which is particularly useful on international missions.

The technological challenge posed by the BACSI project makes Indra the best possible technological partner. The company has developed some of the key avionics systems for the Eurofighter and the F18s. Furthermore, it’s developed the automated test stands that are currently used to maintain the avionics of these aircraft. Its professionals also provide support at the Air and Space Force’s armories and workshops.



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Indra launches “The FCAS Challenge” to involve Spanish startups and SMEs in the development of disruptive technologies within the framework of the future European air combat system

  • The call, open from October 23 to December 22, will seek to attract and identify small and medium-sized technological companies that can contribute innovative proposals applicable to the FCAS, the most ambitious defence program ever undertaken in Europe

  • Sensorization technology for missions, signals intelligence to turn information into knowledge, intelligent communication systems, and distributed and collaborative services for the combat cloud are the challenges to be addressed in the proposals

  • As the national industrial coordinator of the FCAS program, Indra aims to boost the innovative capacity of the Spanish industrial ecosystem so as to reach currently unimaginable technologies through the collaboration of the entire technological and defence fabric


In its aim to drive and boost the innovative capacity of the entire Spanish industrial ecosystem to the full, Indra has launched 'The FCAS Challenge', a call for Spanish technological startups and SMEs to contribute to the challenge of developing emerging and disruptive technologies within the framework of the FCAS, the program developing the future European air combat system for which Indra is the national industrial coordinator.

The call, which opened today, October 23, will last until December 22. Startups and SMEs wishing to submit their proposals can do so at, where they’ll also find all the details of the initiative and the rules for participation.

The purpose of The FCAS Challenge is to attract small and medium-sized enterprises with cutting-edge technologies and highly innovative projects in order to collaborate in the development, promotion and maturation of their technological proposals, based on the following topics:

1. Mission Sensors. Technology for the sensorization of the future combat air systems (radar, electronic warfare, electro-optics, digital and software-defined sensors, etc.)

2. Signal Intelligence. Signal processing to convert information into knowledge (RF signals, optical signals, images, sensor fusion, etc.)

3. Smart Communications. Smart and secure communication systems for the new generation of airborne platforms

4. Combat Cloud. Distributed services for combat air systems with a collaborative approach

Artificial iIntelligence, data management in distributed clouds, technologies for low-observability sensors, simulation and representation of information, optical technologies, radio frequency (RF) and microwaves are just some of the most attractive technologies for the initiative.

“Indra, as the program’s national coordinator, is taking on the challenge of structuring a new collaboration model and creating a highly innovative national defence ecosystem, one that also attracts small and medium-sized enterprises, universities, spin-offs and research organizations, bodies that have not always been part of the industry. Our goal is to maximize innovation and the development of currently unimaginable disruptive technologies which, in many cases, will have a dual military and civilian application”, emphasized Daniel de Lorenzo, Business Director of Indra’s FCAS program.

The FCAS program is the largest collaborative defence program in Europe and involves Germany, France and Spain. It’s a system of systems consisting of a new-generation fighter teamed up with a series of remote operators, all of them connected and working as a single entity thanks to the combat cloud, which interconnects the ensemble and other air, ground, naval and satellite platforms in real time. The result will be a paradigm shift in the sector with a major technological and industrial impact.

The FCAS Challenge intends to hold an event in January, during which a jury of experts will announce the selected proposals that will be able to undertake collaboration with Indra within the framework of the program.



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The development of the future European Strategic Command and Control System led by Indra passes its toughest test: an amphibious landing involving 3,000 troops from 19 countries

  • Indra, Leonardo, Eviden, LuxGovSat, and Thales Edisoft have demonstrated the capabilities of the future European command and control system during the first real military exercises carried out by the EU

  • The system was deployed on the Spanish Navy’s Juan Carlos I aircraft carrier and it exchanged real-time data with the command center set up in Brussels to demonstrate the benefits that this technology can bring to the planning of a mission as large as MILEX-23


The first real military maneuvers of the new EU Rapid Deployment Capacity carried out under the command of the Spanish Armed Forces during the MILEX-23 exercise enabled Indra and its industrial partners to demonstrate the capabilities of the future European Command and Control Systems by reproducing the planning of a major mission such as the one being carried out off the coast of Cadiz and mobilizing no fewer than 3,000 troops from 19 countries.

The core team members of the EC2 (European Command and Control) European Defence Fund project, made up of Leonardo, Eviden, LuxGovSat, and Thales Edisoft and coordinated by Indra, were transferred to the Juan Carlos I aircraft carrier to deploy a command and control center connected to the main HQ set up in Brussels and work on the concurrent planning of a large-scale amphibious landing such as the one taking place off the coast of Cadiz.

On the ground, the actions of the MILEX-23 exercise unfolded as planned in an operation designed to restore security to a country outside Europe that was being destabilized by the actions of a major terrorist group. In parallel to the commanders leading the operation, the industrial group led by Indra displayed the benefits that the future system will bring, enabling a group of officers to concurrently plan a mission with the complexity of the one that was being carried out, without the need to be physically in the same place, requiring the mobilization of the air, land, and naval means deployed in a perfectly synchronized manner.

The Command and Control System being developed under Indra’s management by Leonardo, Eviden, LuxGovSat, and Thales Edisoft, and 17 other companies demonstrated the flexibility and accuracy with which a mission of these characteristics can be prepared over a whole week, from 16 to 22 October.

Indra’s Land and Command and Control Systems Director, Antonio Hernández, declared that this recreation has made it possible to “display some of the capabilities set to form part of the future European Command and Control System (EC2) and undergo development in subsequent phases, and confirm which of them can be deployed at this early stage”.

In particular, the exercise tested the maturity of the planning system, as well as the so-called “day zero” system, which permits the immediate deployment of command and control capabilities in the area of operations. Capabilities in satellite communications and security systems allowing work in a multidomain environment (land, sea, air, cyber) via a single position were also demonstrated.

The development of the European Command and Control System (EC2), which is part of the Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) project named EUMILCON and leaded by Spain together with France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and Portugal, began in 2019 after it was selected as one of the initial projects of the European Defence Industrial Development Program (EDIDP). In 2022 the project received additional financial support from the European Defence Fund (EDF). Its development will be completed by 2025 and its aim is to provide the European External Action Service (EEAS) with the capabilities required to coordinate missions abroad that involve several EU countries, thus complying with the European Strategic Compass promoted by the EU Council, which defines the plan to be followed to reinforce the EU’s Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP).



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A4ESSOR welcomes NATO’s decision to adopt the ESSOR High Data Rate Waveform as interoperability standard


A new milestone has been reached by the a4ESSOR consortium. NATO has adopted the ESSOR High Data Rate Waveform (HDRWF) developed by the consortium as the STANAG 5651 interoperability standard for tactical communications with radio platforms. This recognises the high performance and advanced features already demonstrated by a4ESSOR throughout the development and qualification of the ESSOR HDR Base Waveform. Following the ratification of the standard, the waveform will be available for all NATO member countries, enabling them to communicate in a faster and more secure manner in national and coalition operational scenarios.

The ESSOR HDRWF is a broadband waveform operating in the UHF (Ultra High Frequency) band between 225 MHz and 400 MHz. It can handle data rates up to one megabit per second – real time automatic adaptation capability - and maintain voice and IP (Internet Protocol) data in MANET (Mobile Ad-hoc Network) mode. The ESSOR HDRWF network maintains full operations even when global navigation satellite signals are unavailable.

Lino Laganà, President and General Manager of a4ESSOR, said: “The adoption of the ESSOR HDRWF waveform is a source of great satisfaction for our international team, which is proud to see its work recognised by the most important military organisation in the world. NATO’s ratification concludes a development cycle that was conceived according to a visionary approach to interoperability that remains unique worldwide. The development cycle was performed by an exceptional team that was able to operate in a cohesive and supportive manner, despite comprising professionals from six different companies in six different countries. This achievement - added Lino Laganà - is a further incentive for us to continue to develop new narrowband and air-ground-air waveforms, an area in which a4ESSOR has been engaged since 2021, with the same winning approach to interoperability and in the interest of European countries and NATO”.

The HDRWF waveform, already integrated into the radios of a4ESSOR industrial partners of Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, and Spain, achieved validation by passing interoperability ests last year. This demonstrated the high performance of the ESSOR HDRWF including new multi-hop push-to-talk, radio silence mode and cohabitation (spectrum sharing) features. These capabilities were also demonstrated during the 2022 and 2023 Coalition Warrior Interoperability Exercise (CWIX), NATO's largest interoperability event.



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Lockheed Martin and Indra ink new industry teaming agreement

  • Ray Piselli, vice president International, Lockheed Martin,and José Vicente de los Mozos, chief executive officer Indra, today signed the agreement, which seeks to analyze opportunities to take on the international market and support the development of the Spanish defence industry

  • The agreement includes the possibility of designing, developing, manufacturing and marketing radars, electronic defence systems, simulators, cyberdefence training solutions, and more

  • Indra, as a driving force in the Spanish defence sector and one of the leading European technology companies, is committed to collaboration that strengthens our country's foothold in the international market


Lockheed Martin, the global aerospace and deterrence company, and Indra, one of the leading global technology and consulting companies, have signed a new collaboration agreement to jointly explore areas of co-operation in the air, land, sea and cyberdefence sectors, as well as in simulation and sustainment.

The agreement, signed by Ray Piselli, vice president International, Lockheed Martin and José Vicente de los Mozos, chief executive officer Indra, paves the way for engineers at the Spanish company to develop and manufacture defence and training systems for Spain and other world markets.

Speaking at the signing event, Ray Piselli said: “Developing mutually beneficial relationships with Spanish industry is a key focus for our team. This new agreement with Indra will strengthen our enduring relationship with Spain. It shows Lockheed Martin is a corporate citizen that is here for the long-term to support Spanish security, its industry, and the national economy for decades to come.”

José Vicente de los Mozos added: “This agreement with Lockheed Martin highlights the value of the cutting-edge technology we're developing in Spain in areas such as air defence, radars, electronic defence, cyberdefence, simulation and sustainment, as well as our capacity to integrate, manufacture and market systems worldwide. Collaboration in these areas strengthens our position and that of the Spanish industry as a whole.”

For more than 20 years, Lockheed Martin has supported the Spanish Navy in its missions through delivering highly capable systems for F-100 frigates, S-80 submarines, MH-60R and SH-60B helicopters.

Lockheed Martin’s partnerships across the world result in millions of dollars being invested with the international companies that are part of its global supply chain, creating security and prosperity for nations the company works with.

To date, through industrial partnerships, Lockheed Martin has delivered more than $1 billion of industrial benefits to Spain, with Spanish industry supporting a number of Lockheed Martin programmes around the world.

Indra is the leading Spanish engineering technology company serving the Defence industry. Its state-of-the-art solutions cover all defence domains, ranging from operations with end-to-end defence systems and onboard systems of the most advanced platforms to training with cutting-edge simulation systems. As an expert in radar, electronic defence, command and control and communication technologies, Indra incorporates artificial intelligence, big data, virtual reality and combat clouds in its cutting-edge critical defence systems.

The company is the Spanish company participating in the largest number of European Union-led projects, coordinating some of the most important. It also exports its radars to five continents and is one of the principal suppliers of transportable tactical radars for NATO.



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The FCAS Challenge highlights the innovative technology of spanish startups, smes and technological centers that can contribute to the future european air combat system

  • Indra’s call received more than 80 proposals from companies and technological centers in 14 Autonomous Communities, eight of which received a special mention during an event attended by the national and international heads of the FCAS program

  • This initiative will provide an opportunity to promote the talent and growth of these small and medium-sized enterprises and centers specializing in advanced and ultra-innovative technology within the framework of the FCAS, Europe’s largest and most ambitious collaborative defence program

  • The FCAS Challenge addresses the aim of the FCAS program to be a backbone project with a major impact on the industrial ecosystem of Spain, France and Germany, enhancing European competitiveness and the development of cutting-edge technologies for dual military and civilian use


Artificial Intelligence, distributed services for the combat cloud, radio frequency, low observability technologies and interconnected sensors are just some of the latest advanced technologies that are being incorporated into the framework of the FCAS, Europe’s largest collaborative defence program, which is developing the continent’s future air combat system.

As the industrial coordinator of the FCAS program in Spain, Indra, one of the leading global technology and consulting companies, has gone one step further in the development of phase 1B of the project and launched the FCAS Challenge, an initiative that provides an opportunity to attract the talent and innovation of Spanish startups, SMEs and technological centers which are not always associated with the defence sector for the development and maturing of cutting-edge technologies within the framework of the FCAS.

The call received more than 80 proposals from 70 entities in 14 of Spain’s 17 Autonomous Communities. Eight of them received an honorable mention from the panel of judges at an event held in Madrid attended by leading companies, senior representatives of Indra’s FCAS program and the Spanish Ministry of Defence, as well as members of the International Steering Committee and the International Combined Project Team (CPT).

The FCAS program, with participation by Spain, France and Germany in equal parts, is developing a system of systems consisting of a new-generation fighter teamed up with a series of remote operators, all of them connected and working as a single unit thanks to the combat cloud, which interconnects the ensemble and other air, ground, naval and satellite platforms in real time.

The result will be a paradigm shift in the sector with a major technological and industrial impact. It will reinforce Europe’s competitiveness and technological sovereignty in key areas such as aeronautics, unmanned vehicles, digital technologies, big data and artificial intelligence, providing Europe with centers specializing in dual-use technologies. It will generate thousands of direct and indirect highly-skilled jobs in Spain alone.

The FCAS Challenge addresses the aim of the FCAS program to be a backbone project with a major impact on the industrial ecosystem, in this case, that of Spain.

The startups, SMEs and technological centers that have received the distinction are listed below, by category and geographical area:

• Mission Sensors: Beamagine (Catalonia) and EM3works (Galicia).

• Signal Intelligence: Multiverse Computing (Basque Country) and Pixels-Hub (Asturias).

• Smart Communications: Red Skios LTD (Community of Madrid).

• Combat Cloud: Gradiant (Galicia), in partnership with the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (Centro Nacional de Supercomputación) (Catalonia), Byevolution Creative Factory (Andalusia) and The REUSE Company (Knowledge Centric Solutions) (Community of Madrid).

Final event

During the closing event of the call, Borja Ochoa, Indra’s director general of Defence and Security, underlined that participation in the FCAS Challenge is “highly beneficial for the development of the FCAS, as it’s committed to new players that can consolidate technological capabilities and mature more innovative ones” and stressed that “this project is a watershed within the most ambitious defence program to date in Spain and Europe”.

Major General José Antonio Gutiérrez Sevilla, deputy director general of programs of the DGAM (Directorate-General for Armament and Materiel) of the Ministry of Defence, pointed out that “the FCAS program is a driving force of the defence industry and, with this same aim, “the FCAS Challenge fosters not only innovation but also collaboration among large corporations and small firms. The success of initiatives such as this helps to boost the participation of new companies in this transformative project.”

With its FCAS Challenge initiative, Indra reaffirms its standing as a driving force of the Spanish defence industry and ensures that the FCAS will be an unprecedented ultra-innovative technological challenge that goes far beyond an aeronautical defence project.



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Lockheed Martin awards Indra contract to equip four Saudi ships with state-of-the-art electronic defence systems

  • The company's systems will detect, identify and classify any platform operating in the mission area, providing intelligence of enormous value

  • Indra has a long-standing collaborative relationship with Lockheed Martin, with which it recently signed an agreement to seek new business opportunities

  • This contract also strengthens Indra's relationship with its regional partner SAMI-AEC and follows the company's equipping of five 2200 Saudi Avante-class corvettes

Indra has signed a contract with Lockheed Martin to equip the four Multi-Mission Surface Combat Ships (MMSCs) which will be delivered to the Royal Saudi Arabian Navy with an advanced state-of-the-art electronic defence system capable of detecting the presence of any platform and classifying it by threat level.

The 118-meter-long vessels with a range of 5,000 nautical miles are prepared for coastal and ocean operations and meet the requirements of the most modern navies. They will be fitted with Indra's Rigel Electronic Support Measures system (Rigel EW suite), which will be responsible for detecting and analyzing radar signals from other vessels in the area of operations, identifying and classifying them to determine the level of threat they represent. This critical information enhances a ship's survivability in hostile environments, ensuring maximum situational awareness and responsiveness and providing invaluable intelligence for the entire Saudi fleet.

For Indra’s Land and Naval Systems Director, Jaime Temes, "our Electronic Warfare capacities, with state-of-the-art systems, allows us to be part of such ambitious and demanding defence programs as this one. We feel very proud to work together with Lockheed Martin and SAMI in the development of these four ships for the Royal Saudi Naval Force, one of the most prominent and larger projection navies of the world. "

To carry out this project, Indra will have the support of SAMI-AEC a subsidiary of SAMI, an industry-leading technology and manufacturing enterprise specializing in the Defense and Aerospace, Digital, Energy, and Security sectors in Middle East, with whom it maintains a collaboration agreement in the field of naval EW to provide this critical technology to the Royal Saudi Naval Force. This program represents the consolidation of this collaboration that began with the Avante 2200 corvette program and represents a significant increase in local EW capabilities.

Indra and Lockheed Martin have also had a long-standing collaborative relationship since the 1990s, when Indra began developing components of the Aegis system for Spain, the US and other countries. On January 19, this relationship was strengthened after Lockheed Martin's international vice president, Ray Piselli, and Indra's CEO, José Vicente de los Mozos, signed an agreement to analyze business opportunities in any area of defense and geography.

Indra has also supplied electronic defense systems to the Spanish Navy and the navies of Germany, Norway, Italy, India, South Korea and Mexico, among others. It has worked with some of the world's leading shipyards, such as Navantia, Italy's Fincantieri, Germany's Thyssenkrupp Marine Systems (tkMS), Korea's Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (DSME) and HD Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) and Holland's Damen.


Established in Riyadh in 1988. With a staff of over 2,800, including 85% highly qualified Saudi nationals and more than 800 expert engineers, the company provides high-tech product design, development, service, and maintenance.reaffirming SAMI-AEC's dedication to excellence and innovation.



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Indra completes the purchase of Global Training Aviation and enhances its standing as one of the world’s leading simulation companies

  • Indra now covers the business’s entire value chain, from the manufacture of state-of-the-art simulators to the provision of training services for civilian and military pilots

  • It acquires GTA, a leading aeronautical training company with clients in over 40 countries, and establishes a plan to speed up its growth with the supply of new simulators

  • Indra will provide comprehensive coverage for the needs of airlines and military clients and bolster its position in high-growth markets in Europe, Asia and Latin America where GTA is already well-established


Indra, one of the leading global consulting and technology companies, has completed the purchase of 65% of GTA, thus securing 100% of its capital and becoming one of the few companies in the world capable of covering the business’s entire value chain, from the development of cutting-edge simulators and training systems to the provision of training services for civilian and military pilots.

According to Rafael Junco, Indra’s Head of Simulation, the operation “will increase our ability to define a much more solid and stable long-term growth strategy for the simulation business and allow us to forge closer ties with end clients, the airlines and defence ministries to whom we will provide first-rate service through GTA, a company specializing in pilot and cabin crew training and certified by the world’s major aviation authorities.”

Indra will also drive GTA’s growth in order to increase its business share in strategic markets and capture the high-growth potential of the civil aviation training services market in Asia, Europe and Latin America. To do so, it has defined a growth plan that includes the supply of new training devices, the consolidation of the existing offices and the company’s international expansion, maintaining the brand, identity and structure which are so highly renowned in the market.

This acquisition will also bring sufficient visibility in terms of demand to enable Indra to speed up the development of the next-generation technologies set to shape the future of the industry that will prove critical to guaranteeing its leadership in the coming years, delivering the best possible solutions to its clients.

Indra has maintained a close relationship with GTA since 2009, when the latter company acquired the first civil aircraft flight simulators manufactured by Indra for the ATR 72-500 and, later, Airbus A320 models.

In mid-2017, following the opening of GTA’s Indonesian office, Indra took a further step with the acquisition of 35.07% of the company’s capital, thus establishing a relationship that is now being consolidated with the purchase of the remaining 65%. Since then, GTA has completed its fleet of simulators with the incorporation of three state-of-the-art simulators and a new international office in Colombia, thus expanding its range of services in the Latin American market.

Indra has a major domestic and international presence in the simulation equipment manufacturing business, having delivered more than 250 civil and military simulators around the world. The company is one of the most prestigious manufacturers of rotary-wing platforms and it has significant influence in the fixed-wing platform market, an area with enormous potential for growth.



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Indra will develop a H225M helicopter full mission simulator for the Republic of Singapore Air Force

  • The Defence Science and Technology Agency (DSTA) awarded the contract for a H225M Full Mission Simulator (FMS) to Indra, following a competitive tender among international simulation companies
  • The H225M simulator will be qualifiable to EASA Level D, and will provide aircrew flight proficiency and mission training in different light and environmental conditions. It will include advanced training analytics with the use of biometric sensors
  • It will have Roll-on/Roll-off (Ro-Ro) capability, allowing future helicopter simulator cockpits variants to be interchanged in the same simulator
  • This delivery for the Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) reinforces Indra's position as one of the world's leading simulator manufacturers and having delivered one of the most number of helicopter simulators


Indra has been awarded a contract for the development and production of a EASA Level D qualifiable H225M FMS for the RSAF. The contract includes post-delivery support, technical assistance, and options for future expansion.

The simulator will be equipped with motion and vibration platforms. It will enable training in normal and emergency helicopter procedures, with special emphasis on training in all possible missions to be performed by the RSAF, such as search and rescue, aeromedical evacuation, and humanitarian assistance and disaster relief operations, among others.

Indra's simulator will ensure safety during training, replicating realistic operational scenarios and complex maneuvers. It will simulate both day and night operations, under all possible challenging environmental conditions.

It will also include advanced training analytics capabilities using biometric sensors to assist instructors in evaluating pilots and for more insights during debriefing.

One of the most outstanding features of this simulator is its Ro-Ro capability, which allows future potential helicopter cockpits to be interchanged in a single simulator, optimizing the use of the system.

International leadership in simulation

This contract for the RSAF reinforces Indra's position as one of the world's leading simulator manufacturers, with more than 200 simulators delivered to over 50 customers in more than 20 countries.

Indra is a pioneer in the integration of virtual reality, augmented reality and new digital technologies into simulation. It has extensive experience in the development of mission simulators for aircraft such as the Eurofighter, the Airbus A330 MRTT, the Airbus A400M, and other Level D civil simulators such as the A330, A320, Boeing 737 and the ATR 72. It is also one of the companies which has developed simulators for a wide range of helicopters, which include the NH90, Tigre, Cougar, Chinook, Blackhawk, Seahawk, AW159 Wildcat, MH53, C135, H135, H225, H175, AS350, H145, EC145, Bell212, Bell412 and Sikorsky S76 civilian models.



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Indra and Thales sign a collaboration agreement to promote the joint development and commercialisation of cutting-edge defence systems

  • The two Groups will leverage synergies to strengthen their position in the global market, seek new business opportunities and drive the development and research of new solutions
  • Indra and Thales have a long history of successful collaboration on major technology programmes ranging from Galileo and European Defence Fund projects to Future Combat Air System (FCAS)
  • The agreement accelerates innovation in critical defence systems and strengthens the continent's technological sovereignty and defence industrial base

Indra, a leading global technology company, and Thales, the leading technology multinational in the defence, cybersecurity, digital security and aerospace markets, have signed an agreement to collaborate in the area of defence, with the aim to accelerate the development of cutting-edge European technologies and leverage synergies to compete in Spain and international markets.

Both companies want to take advantage of the business opportunities that are arising both nationally and internationally, especially those related to radar systems, cybersecurity, communications systems and simulation.

In the field of cyber defence, both companies will strengthen collaboration in EU-driven programmes such as AIDA (Artificial Intelligence Data Analysis), as well as other initiatives with European and international customers.

In the area of communications systems, in which both companies have previously worked together, they will continue to reinforce their collaboration in terms of synergies and technological complementarities.

To promote these actions, a joint Steering Committee will be created to define the strategy, analyse opportunities and set up specific working groups.

Indra's CEO, José Vicente de los Mozos, said: "we are living in a true technological revolution in which advances are happening at breakneck speed. Industrial collaboration is absolutely critical for Europe to maintain its leadership and have a voice in deciding where our future is going. This agreement is about finding synergies, delivering better systems and developing new state-of-the-art technologies".

Thales Senior Executive Vice-President, International Development, Pascale Sourisse added: "Technological changes occur at a non-linear speed, and companies must collaborate and co-create to equip customers with the necessary capabilities in this fast evolving environment. This agreement between Indra and Thales confirms our mutual commitment to combine our complementary strengths in resolute contribution towards a stronger European defence industry".

The agreement in turn contributes to strengthening the European defence industrial base, one of the declared objectives of the EU's Security and Defence Policy, which is committed to a more open defence market, capable of rationalising investment and getting the most out of every euro spent on R&D and innovation. This will increase capacity, shorten the time it takes to bring innovation to market and to deliver the new systems that armies demand.



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Indra and EDGE Group sign an agreement to develop and manufacture next-generation radars in UAE

  • Agreement will give the new Abu Dhabi-based JV access to a non-NATO, non-EU pipeline of orders for almost 300 sophisticated radar systems, and will significantly expand its capabilities in the advanced radar solutions business for air, land, and sea

  • With this agreement, Indra will increase strategically and accelerate the technological and commercial development of its radars business with new opportunities in high growth international markets, a key objective of its new Strategic Plan

EDGE Group today formalised a new Joint Venture (JV) agreement with Spain’s Indra Sistemas (Indra), a world-leading information technology and defence systems company with a footprint in over 140 countries worldwide, and a significant player in major European programs such as the Eurofighter and the Future Combat Air System (FCAS), among others. The agreement, signed in Madrid by EDGE Managing Director & CEO, Hamad Al Marar, and Jose Vicente de los Mozos, CEO of Indra, will see the new Abu Dhabi-based JV develop and manufacture next-generation radar systems in the UAE, opening a pipeline of orders for approximately 300 advanced radar solutions. The new business will be granted prime rights for current and future non-NATO and non-EU orders awarded to Indra.

H.E. Faisal Al Bannai, Chairman of EDGE, said: “We see tremendous value in building relationships which will spur growth and bring tangible benefits to all parties. Our new joint venture with Indra, as a global market leader in the field of advanced radar technologies, will enable us to combine the strengths of both companies to create an entity which will become a major industry-player in this sector. We are confident that this strategic partnership will prove to be a highly successful one.”

Marc Murtra, Chairman of Indra, said: "This agreement between the two companies can create one of the world's leading players in the field of radar technology and is a step forward in Indra's international expansion strategy. With strategic initiatives such as this, we are making decisive steps in key vectors of our Strategic vision 2024-2026: technological leadership, international growth and partnerships building ".

The JV will place a strategic focus on the continued development of sophisticated technologies, innovation, and global market expansion by targeting untapped and fragmented non-NATO markets outside of the European Union. EDGE will bring its commercial strength and technology building blocks, while Indra will enhance the new company’s capabilities by transferring technology, and shifting some engineering, commercial, and manufacturing capabilities to the JV.

Speaking at the official signing ceremony at the Ministry of Defence in Madrid, EDGE Group Managing Director & CEO, Hamad Al Marar, said: “This new joint venture with one of Europe’s top three defence technology players in this sector will enable EDGE, in partnership with Indra, to significantly expand and diversify the scope of its offerings through knowledge sharing, and the development and manufacture of advanced radar systems to customers around the world.

“In line with our strategy for growth through mutually beneficial partnerships, we are fully committed to this venture, which will be built on both companies’ existing reputation for excellence, and which will enable us to combine our strengths to drive innovation, develop sovereign capabilities, and expand market reach, while contributing to the technological advancement and economic growth of the UAE, and Spain.”

José Vicente de los Mozos, CEO of Indra, said: "The JV between Indra and EDGE Group will be recognised for its capacity for innovation and the use of the most sophisticated technologies. This JV will help us to expand our geographical reach and our international mindset in our Defense business and will increase our proximity to the global clients. We in Indra are convinced that this JV will create new significant business opportunities in new markets. This agreement is one more asset of the Industrial and Strategic Plan "Leading the Future" that will be presented on March 6th, a decisive strategic transformation milestone for Indra”

The JV will also focus on building a team of highly-qualified personnel in the UAE, particularly in sales and engineering roles, by leveraging local Emirati, as well as global talent, ensuring sustainable operational excellence and innovative output.


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