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Germany Germany, rearmament, and Ukraine - "Why 100 billion Euro may not fix the German military"


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Germany Moderator
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"When Russia launched its February 24th invasion of Ukraine, Germany was one of the nations that experienced a dramatic, near overnight political shift.

Germany turned its eyes to rearmament after decades of reduced defence spending, while outside commenters criticised the limited number of heavy weapons the great Central European industrial power was able and willing to provide. The reality is that Germany's military is both one of the best funded in the world, and also one of the least prepared for action with much of its military reduced to scrounging from other units while equipment is out for maintenance.

It is a military hampered by deep budgeting and procurement difficulties that have caused its readiness rates and equipment to run down to dire levels. German defence industry is among the world's best. It's capable of developing world beating products (especially when working with other European powers) but it operates at production levels, and in a procurement environment, that mean it has often been foreign militaries, not the Bundeswehr, that benefit most from German military-industrial potential.

In this video, I go through some history of how the Bundeswehr came to be so run down. I go after the myth that the Bundeswehr has been poorly funded (there's both a yes and no answer there) and go through some of the reasons I think Germany's planned 100 billion Euro equipment spend could go horribly wrong if proper reforms and plans aren't put in place.

To my German viewers, please take this as the friendly (if often critical) view of an ally across the sea."

Perun's video on the 100 Billion bonus the Bundeswehr got due to the war in Ukraine, and a couple of other things.
Folks are invited to share their opinion on the rearmament, current state of the Bundeswehr and everything related to the topic.


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Germany's actual problem isn't money - but the political will and it's populations indifference to care about it's defense - aka the Bundeswehr.

Take any servicemen and ask him to explain as to why he is serving in the Bundeswehr - you will find two major factions, and both do not represent favorably as to what an army actually needs. Ask any German civilian as to what he thinks of the Bundeswehr - and one will understand as to why more or less no political party is willing to get involved in that topic. Other then taking a present political advantage for their own gains in this issue.
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