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Navy Battalions With Neptune Missile Systems To Be Deployed In Southern Ukraine


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Battalions with Neptune missile systems to be deployed in southern Ukraine​

The Ukrainian Defense Ministry will deploy battalions armed with the Neptune missile system in the country's southern regions. In which, it is not specified, but there are corresponding landfills in Odessa, Kherson and Nikolaev regions…. The money for the purchase of weapons has already been found, the order is being formed, said the Minister of Defense of Ukraine Andriy Taran.

“All stipulated procedures have taken place. In the near future, we will form an official order, tasks for the quantity and timing of their delivery, ”the Uryadovy Courier edition quotes Taran as saying.

According to him, the next stage should be the creation of a ship version of the Neptune complex. “The missile system will become a powerful tool for deterring aggressive actions of the enemy at sea. The divisions armed with this complex will be deployed in the southern regions of Ukraine, which have access to the coast of the Black and Azov Seas, ”the Minister of Defense emphasized.

Meanwhile, President Volodymyr Zelensky has actually explained where the money comes from. He ruled out cuts in defense spending, stressing that its funding will only grow. The head of state said this today at the celebrations for the Day of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
Zelenskiy claims that in 2020 the defense budget was the largest since Ukraine's independence.

“The Armed Forces of Ukraine receive the latest and modernized weapons and equipment. This process will not only continue, but will increase. And despite the times of crisis, funding will not be reduced by a single hryvnia. We will never save on our own army and on the security of our country, ”Zelensky stressed.
Let us remind you that on August 23, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine adopted the coastal missile system 360MTS "Neptune" for the Ukrainian Armed Forces - the corresponding order was signed by Minister Andriy Taran. The naval forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are waiting for the Neptune in 2021. They have recently passed successful combat tests. Experts state that "Neptunes" can become a significant factor in curbing Russian naval aggression.

By the way, the Russian special services, through a criminal, tried to bribe the Ukrainian military in order to get documents on the Neptune rocket launcher. The counterintelligence officers took an intermediary, but he did not hide his contacts with the FSB. In addition, another detail became clear. The Ukrainian missile program could be "killed" by the people's deputies of the current convocation, having decided to cut its funding "to zero". In early May, they tried to sell a small part of the documentation on the domestic powerful missile system R-360 "Neptune" to an agent of the Russian special services with a criminal past - a top-secret project that any NATO member state could be proud of. The agent wanted to get a new "portion", the military allegedly agreed to sell. As a result, the "buyer" was caught red-handed.
On April 27, near Odessa, the Ukrainian Armed Forces tested the R-360 Neptune missile system. The General Staff reported that the tests "are carried out with the creation of real radio interference for the missile homing head and with the involvement of aviation - Su-27 aircraft." For these purposes, the Alibey test site was used.

Note that the Neptune anti-ship missile is a Ukrainian subsonic low-altitude anti-ship missile with a maximum flight range of up to 300 km. It is designed to destroy ships with a displacement of up to 5000 tons and ground targets.
"Neptune" was developed by KB "Luch", the complex is much better than the Soviet prototype X-35 due to its large size, longer range, and also thanks to a new control system. It can be used from ships, aircraft and ground launchers.


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What's the main difference of this with an Uran missile?

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