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I thought about telling you this in another post where you brought up similar topic. (That was MRCA related thread i think). I think there was an article/thread in another forum where it says Hasina didn't need India/RAW to win the last election. What BAL did in last election to win even blew RAW's mind. Visit BD during the general election you will be amused too.

I saw last two elections and had few experiences in 2018's election. So i can tell you confidently that no one needs to "install" Hasina anymore cause there's no one's left to challenge her.
Indeed, under her leadership Bangladesh got all in the globalist agenda of 'sustainable' development and economic innovations such as microcredit which boosted the economy tremendously. Hasina has got some very powerful supporters on the global stage that will turn a blind eye to her 'taking care of' political opponents. Except for the superpower, absolute national sovereignty in this globalized world is a luxury only a few states can afford.


You may call the following their plea for having the USA-India axis install them in power.


The authors were a certain Mr Sajeeb Joy (the son of current "PM" of Bangladesh and a citizen of the USA) and a certain Carl Ciovacco, who was part of the invading force that attacked Iraq and involved in many a massacre and other crimes in much of the wider Middle East and the wider "Muslim world".

If they dare to step out of line, they can be removed from power by the same parties quite easily and conveniently.

Let us not forget that far more militarily powerful and diplomatically influential countries like Pakistan and Turkey, whether willingly or otherwise, agreed to the invasion of Afghanistan and did nothing of any consequence to the USA or its NATO allies for their numerous crimes in Afghanistan, Iraq, and subsequently in Libya, Yemen, Palestine (by siding with "Israel"/Zionists), Iran, Pakistan, Sudan, Mali, Chad and elsewhere.

The current regime was installed by the USA-India axis and it remains in power in BD thanks to the same axis.

This is not too different from the fates of the regimes in Saudi Arabia (MBS), UAE (MBZ), Qatar, Kuwait, Oman, Bahrain (USN Fifth Fleet Headquartered in Bahrain), Egypt (Sisi regime), Morocco (Kingdom), Jordan (Kingdom) and so on.

The cases are slighly different in Japan, South Korea, Italy or Germany, which were conquered/occupied by the USA but because they have been fully subdued and 'tamed', if you like, they pose no ideological, military or any other threat to US domination over their political or domestic affairs.

I thought about telling you this in another post where you brought up similar topic. (That was MRCA related thread i think). I think there was an article/thread in another forum where it says Hasina didn't need India/RAW to win the last election. What BAL did in last election to win even blew RAW's mind. Visit BD during the general election you will be amused too.

I saw last two elections and had few experiences in 2018's election. So i can tell you confidently that no one needs to "install" Hasina anymore cause there's no one's left to challenge her.


Indeed, under her leadership Bangladesh got all in the globalist agenda of 'sustainable' development and economic innovations such as microcredit which boosted the economy tremendously. Hasina has got some very powerful supporters on the global stage that will turn a blind eye to her 'taking care of' political opponents. Except for the superpower, absolute national sovereignty in this globalized world is a luxury only a few states can afford.

I believe that today, more so than any time before 1945, the idea of a superpower is passé.

For example, with an adequate number of Intercontinental ranged ballistic missiles and thermonuclear weapons in its arsenal, any country can quite literally decimate any other country from the world.

Whether the target is a 'big' country or 'small', whether the country is rich or poor, whether the country is located North of the Equator or to the South, or whatever other factors may be thought up for discrimination, are largely meaningless.

An adequate number of nuclear weapons delivered by the required number of ICBM can decimate any country. Including so called "superpowers".

That is why I consider the idea of superpowers at any time after 1945, and more so today, passé.

This was not the case before 1945.

The British Empire or the French, the Mongols or the Spaniards could commit numerous crimes and the victims would have no means for seeking justice or reparations. I believe the circumstances are vastly different today.


I believe that today, more so than any time before 1945, the idea of a superpower is passé.

For example, with an adequate number of Intercontinental ranged ballistic missiles and thermonuclear weapons in its arsenal, any country can quite literally decimate any other country from the world.

Whether the target is a 'big' country or 'small', whether the country is rich or poor, whether the country is located North of the Equator or to the South, or whatever other factors may be thought up for discrimination, are largely meaningless.

An adequate number of nuclear weapons delivered by the required number of ICBM can decimate any country. Including so called "superpowers".

That is why I consider the idea of superpowers at any time after 1945, and more so today, passé.

This was not the case before 1945.

The British Empire or the French, the Mongols or the Spaniards could commit numerous crimes and the victims would have no means for seeking justice or reparations. I believe the circumstances are vastly different today.
There such a thing called 'escalation ladder'. ICBM are on the top of that ladder, but that doesn't mean every country with nuke tipped ICBM has the same geopolitical weight as the superpower. There is a whole area of political/economic/cultural maneuvering far below that MAD scenario.


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The regime in Bangladesh was "installed" by the USA-India axis.
The Bangladesh Awami League was formed in 1949 as the "All Pakistan Awami Muslim Leage", an offshoot of Muslim League, the first organized political party of Indian Muslims.

Awami League is the first and original political party formed by Bengali Muslims to represent their interests. There is no other organic and homegrown party that can be compared to BAL.

To accuse it of being "installed by the USA-India axis" is to ignore the self-determination of 140 million Bengali Muslims.


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The first political party founded by "Bengali Muslims", who are found in abundance in both Bangladesh and India, was the All India Muslim League.
Yes, Bengali Muslims created AIML, the first ever political party of Indian Muslims. That party lives on in the present time as the Bangladesh Awami League. It split off from AIML in 1949.

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, one of the most talented and inspiring Muslim politicians of the Indian subcontinent, was a member of BAL and rose through its ranks to be its leader.

Bangladesh Awami League is the most rightful and original successor to AIML. Same way the PRC is the successor state to various Chinese empires.


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The Awami League was installed in power through a coup orchestrated in 2006 by the Indo-American axis and formalized through a sham election in 2009, where the BAL regime won more than 2/3 of all constituencies. That allowed it to change the constitution at will, resulting in the current imbroglio of sham elections, one party state, inept governance, nepotism, mass murder, silencing of opposition, subservience to India to the extent that a student expressing disapproval of India in social media was killed by BAL activists.

Bangladesh Awami League, the successor party to the All India Muslim League, won the 2009 elections fair and square, after 10 years out of power.

Then, using its organizational power and organic popularity among the people, it has cemented its position firmly in power. Since the other parties don't have the organic appeal to the masses, they have withered away.

In the same way as the AKP has cemented its power in Turkey and the opposition has withered away.

I accept the charge of being a one party state (not a bad thing - look at China), sham elections, but cannot accept the charges of "mass murder" (of whom? give sources), "silencing of opposition" (opposition is silent because they don't have mass support), "inept governance" (BD is going through its most well-governed era in modern history), or "subservience to India" (what subservient thing has the govt. done? The activists who beat the student to death is under trial for murder)


BAL is avowedly secular.

AIML was not, by definition.

There is a contradiction that is not too hard to see.

I am in no mood to engage in sophism with anybody who thinks an avowedly secular, anti Islamic party is the successor to an avowedly non-secular party created for championing the Muslim cause within a certain region (then ruled by the British Empire).

Yes, Bengali Muslims created AIML, the first ever political party of Indian Muslims. That party lives on in the present time as the Bangladesh Awami League. It split off from AIML in 1949.

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, one of the most talented and inspiring Muslim politicians of the Indian subcontinent, was a member of BAL and rose through its ranks to be its leader.

Bangladesh Awami League is the most rightful and original successor to AIML. Same way the PRC is the successor state to various Chinese empires.


If you choose to remain in denial or ignore facts, there is no helping you.

As for charges of mass murder, here is one (out of many):

Kristallnacht of the fascists in Dhaka​

The Milli Gazette Online14 May 2013
Kristallnacht, German for the Night of Broken Glass, was the start of a series of coordinated attacks against Jews throughout Nazi Germany and parts of Austria on 9–10 November 1938. It was carried out by the Nazi paramilitary and civilians. It is was used by Hitler to take over total control of the German State and lead it to the eventual destruction we all know. The fascist regime of Haseena Wajed tried the same in the night of 5-6 May by unleashing her police, army and militias on unsuspecting protesters who were fast asleep late in the night. Hasina Wajed’s aim is to take over the State and decimate all opposition. We are confident that 2013 is not 1938 and that the in the age of global communication and Internet, the freedom-loving Bengalis will not allow the fascists to succeed.

An estimated 3000+ Muslim scholars and devotees were killed though the regime and its lackies are speaking of smaller numbers. Thousands injured, hospitalized in critical conditions and thousands arrested. The night of the attack was completely blackened out to comfortably commit genocide. Media has clamped to hide genocide and two pro-Opposition news channels have been silenced.

It is rare in the history of human civilization that a Muslim country’s ruling government can be such fascist, ruthless and brutal to unleash a barbaric systematic killing spree of such scale against the nation’s peaceful, unarmed and Islam-loving most revered scholars (ulama) of high repute and the devotee mass Muslims that took place in the deep black night following May 5, 2013 in Bangladesh’s capital city of Dhaka that is well known as the city of masjids (mosques).


Similarly, ignorance or feigned ignorance on your part as expressed elsewhere in your comment is not to be cured by me.

Bangladesh Awami League, the successor party to the All India Muslim League, won the 2009 elections fair and square, after 10 years out of power.

Then, using its organizational power and organic popularity among the people, it has cemented its position firmly in power. Since the other parties don't have the organic appeal to the masses, they have withered away.

In the same way as the AKP has cemented its power in Turkey and the opposition has withered away.

I accept the charge of being a one party state (not a bad thing - look at China), sham elections, but cannot accept the charges of "mass murder" (of whom? give sources), "silencing of opposition" (opposition is silent because they don't have mass support), "inept governance" (BD is going through its most well-governed era in modern history), or "subservience to India" (what subservient thing has the govt. done? The activists who beat the student to death is under trial for murder)


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BAL is avowedly secular.

AIML was not, by definition.
AIML as a party did not have a strong set of principles. Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the most popular ML leader pre-1947 was definitely secular and would have approved 100% of the Awami League as carrying on the AIML legacy.

I am in no mood to engage in sophism with anybody who thinks an avowedly secular, anti Islamic party is the successor to an avowedly non-secular party created for championing the Muslim cause within a certain region (then ruled by the British Empire).

There is nothing "anti-Islamic" about the BAL. BAL is supported by a clear majority of Bengali Muslims. BAL has helped Bengali Muslims to transform into a united, stable, secure and industrializing nation. While Islamists have destroyed nation after nation. Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, Iraq, Syria, the examples are endless.

Secularists like Ataturk, Quaid-e-Azam and Bangabandhu have done more for Muslims than any "religious" Islamist party which does not take long to destroy their country.

Sudan has recently adopted secularism after their entire country was destroyed your "pro-Islamic parties". Its just that Turkey realized it in 1923 and Bengali Muslims realized it in 1971.

As a stable, secure and strong Muslim country Bangladesh is in a far, far better position to protect the rights of Muslims worldwide than, say, "Islamic" Pakistan or "Islamic" Somalia or "Islamic" Afghanistan.

As for charges of mass murder, here is one (out of many):

Zero evidence, as usual. Those Talibanist clowns tried to create anarchy and chaos and were dealt with the riot police like any other group which tries a similar protest.

Isa Khan

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Foreign Minister AK Abdul Momen today said the nature of peacekeeping has changed due to the use of advanced technology and sophisticated weapons, the misuse of social media and the ongoing global epidemic.

He made the remarks at the "Army Chiefs' Conclave" at multipurpose complex of Dhaka Cantonment.

Bangladesh Army organised the seminar with the participation of local and foreign military and civilian dignitaries.

Momen said meaningful mutual cooperation, increased participation of women and development of health-related emergencies were essential to address the challenges posed by this unprecedented global epidemic in establishing world peace.

The main topic of discussion at the seminar was 'Future Trend of Global Conflict: The Role of UN Peacekeepers'.

Keynote speakers at the event were Chief of Army Staff of Bangladesh General Aziz Ahmed, Chief of Army Staff of India General MM Naravane, Deputy Chief of Operations of Bhutan Army Brigadier General Darji Rinchen, Force Commander of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali, Lieutenant General Dennis Gyllensporre and the Force commander of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African region Lt Gen Sidki Daniel Traore, says an Inter Service Public Relation (ISPR) media release.

In his speech, General Aziz said that UN peacekeeping operations are becoming increasingly challenging and complex due to the rise of non-state power, use of sophisticated technology, political crisis and changing geopolitical and geo-strategic positions.

The army chief also emphasised enhancing the capabilities of peacekeepers through up-to-date training, community-based information sharing, use of advanced technology, modification of the UN Charter and institutional framework to meet current challenges.

In his speech, Indian Army Chief Naravane highlighted the current challenges of UN peacekeepers.

He put emphasis on partnership-based peacekeeping operations, flexibility of UN doctrine, use of advanced technology, ensuring of logistics support and increasing of budget for UN peacekeeping activities to face the challenges.


Isa Khan

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Isa Khan

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Foreign Minister Dr AK Abdul Momen has expressed his deep condolences over the loss of lives following the disappearance of an Indonesian submarine.

Indonesia’s military on Sunday officially said all 53 crew members from a submarine that sank and broke apart last week are dead, and that search teams had located the vessel’s wreckage on the ocean floor.

In a message sent to the Foreign Minister of Indonesia Retno L P Marsudi, Dr Momen conveyed heartfelt sympathies to the Indonesian Government and the brotherly people of Indonesia.

He expressed his deep sympathy to the members of the bereaved families.

Dr Momen hoped that the grief-struck relatives of the fallen crew members of the submarine would have the strength to bear with the tragedy. He prayed for eternal peace of the departed souls.

He wished the foreign minister happiness, good health, and long life.

Dr Momen expected continued peace and prosperity of the brotherly people of Indonesia.


Isa Khan

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Zambia has expressed its interest to take support of agricultural expertise of Bangladesh alongside boosting relationship with Bangladesh and Bangladesh Army.

Zambian Acting Defence Minister Wezi Lukhele showed interest when Chief of Army Staff of Bangladesh Army Gen Aziz Ahmed, who is now visiting Zambia on the invitation of Zambian Army commander, paid an official call on with him at Defence Ministry office on Monday.

During the meeting, the cooperation and relationship between the two countries were highlighted and Zambian acting Defence Minister Wezi Lukhele said that Zambia is interested in building an improved relationship with Bangladesh and Bangladesh Army, says an Inter Service Public Relation (ISPR) press release on Tuesday.

Wezi Lukhele also expressed the interest of the Zambian government for working closely with Bangladesh.

Later Gen Aziz met Commander of Zambia Army Lt Gen William Maipambe Sikazwe at Army Headquarters.

Gen Sikazwe expressed his gratitude to Gen Aziz for accepting his invitation and making a good bond between the two armies.

Gen Aziz also expressed his interest to intensify training activities with the Zambian Army and also to conduct Subject Matter Expert Exchange (SMEE) programs especially in the field of UN peacekeeping, anti-terrorism activities, disaster management, etc.

Gen Aziz also brought forward the matter of issuing on-arrival visa to the military personnel of Bangladesh Armed Forces, and Gen Sikazwe assured that he will take efforts to get it approved from the concerned ministry at the earliest.

In the afternoon, Gen Aziz met with acting Commander of Zambia Air Force Maj Gen Benedict T Kalinda at the Air Force Headquarters.

Maj Gen Kalinda expressed his gratitude for the cooperation and support provided by Bangladesh Armed Forces.

He highlighted the prospects of training of the officers and men of Zambia Air Force in various training institutions of Bangladesh.

Gen Aziz welcomed the officers and men of Zambia Air Force to undergo training in various training institutions of Bangladesh Armed Forces and expected that the relationship between the two Armed Forces will flourish further in the days to come.

General Aziz is scheduled to meet with Commandant, Zambia National Service on Tuesday.

He will also meet with other senior leaderships of the Zambia Armed Forces and visit various training institutions and is scheduled to return to Bangladesh on May 6.

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