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Arab League declares support for 'one-China sovereignty' amid Taiwan crisis. Syria and Iran condemn Pelosi's visit to Taiwan


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Arab League declares support for 'one-China sovereignty' amid Taiwan crisis. Syria and Iran condemn Pelosi's visit to Taiwan​

TBS Report
04 August, 2022, 08:35 pm

China on Wednesday started a series of naval-air joint military drills around the Taiwan island as US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi made her controversial visit to the self-ruled island that Beijing claims as its own

The Arab League declared its support for China on Tuesday as US House of Representatives speaker Nancy Pelosi made a controversial trip to Taiwan.

The league's stance "is based on upholding China's sovereignty and territorial integrity and firmly adhering to the one-China principle," according to Secretary-General Hossam Zaki, reports The New Arab.

The remarks came in a phone call between the Arab League's Assistant Secretary General Hossam Zaki and Liao Liqiang, China's ambassador to Cairo and Plenipotentiary to the Arab League, Doha News reported.

Syria and Iran also condemned Pelosi's visit to Taiwan.

Damascus called it a "an act of hostility which doesn't abide by international laws, and does not respect the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of the People's Republic of China," according to state-run news agency SANA.

The United Nations on Wednesday reiterated its support for the one-China principle, noting that it follows the UN General Assembly (UNGA) Resolution 2758 of 1971.

"Our position is very clear. We abide by General Assembly resolutions, by the one-China policy, and that is the orientation that we have in everything we do," UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said in a briefing, reports China Daily.

On 25 October, 1971, the UNGA passed Resolution 2758 which recognizes that the representatives of the Government of the People's Republic of China (PRC) are the only lawful representatives of China to the United Nations.

The resolution also recognizes the PRC is one of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council.

China on Wednesday started a series of naval-air joint military drills around the Taiwan island as US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi made her controversial visit to the self-ruled island that Beijing claims as its own.

Beijing warned of "consequences" in response to Pelosi's visit, adding that six exclusion zones surrounding Taiwan will be used to facilitate live-fire military drills.

Shortly after Pelosi left, China began conducting military drills in six areas surrounding Taiwan that would later end on Sunday, as China's state broadcaster CCTV reported.

The drills include live firing on waters and airspace around Taipei, with 11 Chinese Dongfeng ballistic missiles already launched in waters around the island. The last time China fired missiles into waters around Taiwan was in 1996, reuters reported.

China views visits by US officials to Taiwan as sending an encouraging signal to the pro-independence camp on the island. Taiwan rejects China's sovereignty claims, saying only the Taiwanese people can decide the island's future.



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Kazakhstan Firmly Committed to ‘One China’ Policy on Taiwan, Says Foreign Ministry’s Spokesperson​


NUR-SULTAN – Kazakhstan supports Beijing’s ‘One China’ policy on the issue of Taiwan and views the island as an inalienable part of China’s territory, the Kazakh Foreign Ministry’s Spokesperson Aibek Smadiyrov said on Aug. 4, the Kazinform news agency reports.


The Kazakh Foreign Ministry building in Nur-Sultan.

According to him, Kazakhstan stands for the observance of the existing norms of international law and the United Nations Charter and in this case, adherence to the UN General Assembly Resolution No. 2758 as of 1971. The resolution passed on Oct. 25, 1971, recognized the People’s Republic of China as the only legitimate representative of China to the United Nations.

“The visits of official delegations of foreign countries to Taiwan should be agreed upon with the authorities of the People’s Republic of China,” said Smadiyarov.

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UN reiterates support for one-China principle


The United Nations on Wednesday reiterated its support for the one-China principle as US House of Representatives speaker Nancy Pelosi made a controversial trip to Taiwan.

04 August, 2022, 09:05 pm

"Our position is very clear. We abide by General Assembly resolutions, by the one-China policy, and that is the orientation that we have in everything we do," UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said in a briefing, reports China Daily.

On 25 Oct , 1971, the UNGA passed the resolution recognizing the representatives of the government of the People's Republic of China (PRC) as the only lawful representatives of China to the UN.

The resolution also recognizes the PRC is one of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council.

The Arab League on Tuesday also declared its support for China.
The league's stance "is based on upholding China's sovereignty and territorial integrity and firmly adhering to the one-China principle," according to Secretary-General Hossam Zaki, reports The New Arab.

The remarks came in a phone call between the Arab League's Assistant Secretary General Hossam Zaki and Liao Liqiang, China's ambassador to Cairo and Plenipotentiary to the Arab League, Doha News reported.

China announced drills in six locations surrounding Taiwan soon after House Speaker Pelosi - a veteran China critic and the third most senior US politician - landed in Taipei on Tuesday night.

China views visits by US officials to Taiwan as sending an encouraging signal to the pro-independence camp on the island. Taiwan rejects China's sovereignty claims, saying only the Taiwanese people can decide the island's future.



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Philippines maintains One-China policy amid rising tensions in Taiwan Strait


Published August 4, 2022 6:05pm\

The Philippines on Thursday expressed its commitment to adhere to the One-China policy amid rising tensions in the Taiwan Strait after US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's controversial visit to Taipei this week.

In a statement, the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) said the Philippines "is concerned with the rising tensions in the Taiwan Strait, just north of the Philippines," as it called for continuing dialogue among concerned parties.

"The Philippines adheres to the One-China policy," the DFA said. "The Philippines urges restraint by all parties concerned. Diplomacy and dialogue must prevail."

Press Secretary Trixie Cruz-Angeles added that the Philippines' position on the One-China principle has not changed.

"Our answer is that we have not changed that," she told reporters.

Manila's statement comes after Chinese Ambassador Huang Xilian appealed to the Philippines to "strictly abide" by the One-China policy.

"The One-China principle is an international consensus and universally recognized basic norm governing international relations. It is also the political foundation of China-Philippines relations," Huang said in a statement on Tuesday.

"It is our hope that the Philippine side will strictly abide by the One-China principle and handle all Taiwan-related issues with prudence to ensure sound and steady development of China-Philippines relations."



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Malaysian PM Special envoy to China slams Pelosi over Taiwan trip
FMT Reporters
August 5, 2022 1:16 P


Tiong King Sing has accused the US of violating the ‘One China’ principle. (Facebook pic)

PETALING JAYA: The prime minister’s special envoy to China, Tiong King Sing, has hit out at US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi over her recent trip to Taiwan.

Malaysiakini quoted Tiong as saying Pelosi’s trip had undermined the region’s stability while accusing the US of violating the “One China” principle and the three joint communiques between China and the US.

The Bintulu MP said there was a need to maintain stability and avoid division as the world worked on reviving the global economy post-Covid and amid the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

He said Malaysia and China were committed to “mutual respect for national independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity”, adding that Taiwan was an “inalienable part of China”.

“The government of the People’s Republic of China is the only legal government representing the whole of China and supports the peaceful development and harmonious coexistence of cross-strait relations,” he was reported to have said in a statement.

Tiong urged Western nations against practising double standards, trying to compare Taiwan with Ukraine.

“On the one hand, they condemn Russia’s aggression against Ukraine and call for Ukraine’s sovereignty but, on the other hand, they intend to interfere in the internal affairs of the Taiwan Strait region and use Taiwan to divide China.

“Malaysia hopes the situation will ease as soon as possible and we urge the US to deal with the matter with caution,” he said.

Pelosi visited Malaysia on Tuesday as part of her official visit to Asia. She arrived in Japan yesterday, her final stop on her Asian tour, following a visit to Taiwan that incensed China.

She is the highest-profile elected US official to set foot on the self-ruled island in 25 years.


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UAE backs China on Taiwan, condemns 'provocative visits' after Pelosi trip
The New Arab Staff
05 August, 2022

The UAE is a US ally in the Middle East, but also has strong ties to China.


The UAE has previously expressed strong support for China's sovereignty over Taiwan [Getty-archive]

The UAE on Thursday reiterated its support for China's "sovereignty" over Taiwan and condemned "provocative visits" after US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi landed on the island earlier this week.

"The UAE affirmed its support for China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, as well as the importance of respecting the 'One China' principle... the UAE indicated its concern over the impact of any provocative visits on stability and international peace," the Emirati foreign ministry said in a statement.

Pelosi landed in Taiwan as part of a wider Indo-Pacific tour on Tuesday - enraging China, which regards Taiwan as a breakaway province.
Beijing responded to Pelosi's visit by conducting missile tests in Taiwan's waters on Thursday.

Pelosi said after the visit that US support for Taiwan was "unwavering" and "ironclad".

The UAE is a key US ally in the Middle East, but also has burgeoning ties with China. It has previously expressed strong support for China's sovereignty over Taiwan.

A Sky News investigation found earlier this year that the UAE was providing China with "black sites" to detain and forcibly disappear Uighur activists.

Abu Dhabi and Washington have taken differing stances on some key global issues, including Russia's invasion of Ukraine - with the UAE failing to follow the US in condemning Moscow for its actions.

The US reportedly intervened last year in Beijing's construction of a Chinese military base in the UAE.

The New Arab has contacted the US State Department for comment on the UAE's statement.



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Palestinian president favors China in Taiwan dispute in dig at Washington


August 6, 2022

When it comes to the China vs. Taiwan conflict, there is no question about where Palestine stands. In light of the recent controversial visit to Taiwan by US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the Palestinian presidency issued a statement saying it supports the "One China" policy. The statement also endorsed the right of Beijing to "practice its sovereignty, security and developmental rights.”

While the Palestinian leadership could have kept its position silent, the public pronouncement that was published on the official WAFA news site reflects the attempt by the Palestinian leadership to send a message to Washington in light of the latter’s lack of willingness to seriously support the struggle of Palestinians for freedom.

Yet despite this clear position, neither Palestine nor the Arab world has boycotted Taiwan economically. Taiwan is among the biggest producers of computer chips that are necessary for almost all technological products that everyone needs.

Technically, the Palestinian position is not different than that of the Arab world. In fact, on the "One China" policy, even the United States is on record as supporting it even though Washington approved the visit of Pelosi, which has angered mainland China.

Palestinian support for China has been consistent due in large part to the fact that China has been a strong supporter of Palestinian rights. China has also endorsed and supported the state of Palestine and has voted consistently with Palestine and its desire to become a full member of the United Nations.

China has been a strong supporter of the PLO as well since its creation in 1964. The PLO established a diplomatic office in China in May 1965. After the People's Republic of China was admitted to the United Nations as a member in 1971, it continued to support the Palestinian cause. An embassy of the PLO was opened in Beijing during the summer of 1974. Press reports indicate that China’s support has not been only political and financial, but there was also cooperation between China and the PLO in terms of its support and supplies to the PLO’s armed struggle against Israel.

One of the leading personalities charged with contact with the Chinese main government was Fatah Central Council member Abbas Zaki. China has supported all self-determination motions in the UN and resolutions that condemn the Israeli occupation. China supported Palestine’s bid to become a UN non-member observer state in 2012. It has also pressured Israel to unconditionally implement UN resolutions demanding Jerusalem’s withdrawal from Palestinian territories. Chinese policymakers have described Israeli settlement constructions in the West Bank and East Jerusalem as a “violation of international law.”

China has also strengthened its ties with Fatah’s political opponent, the Hamas movement, with the hope that this would give Hamas international legitimacy.

Even though China has had a strong and close alliance with the PLO for decades, its support for the Palestinian cause has rarely moved beyond rhetorical solidarity and small-scale diplomatic engagement with Palestinian leaders.

In January 2016, during his visit to Egypt, Chinese President Xi Jinping called on the Arab League to “maintain the legitimate interests of the Palestinian people.” He unequivocally stated that China desires the creation of an independent Palestinian state with a capital in East Jerusalem. China’s escalated investment in areas like solar energy and infrastructure reveals Beijing’s commitment to ensuring that Palestine can one day become an economically viable state.

Yet despite China’s support to the PLO and to Hamas as well as investment in Palestine, China and Israel are developing more interest in each other, especially when it comes to advanced technology, and the cooperation won't be affected by external interferences, experts and industry watchers told the Global Times Aug. 1.

Israeli imports from China amounted to $13.19 billion in 2021, an increase of 39.6% year-on-year, according to the Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics. Israeli exports to China rose 4.4% in 2021 to $4.93 billion.

China has become Israel's largest trading partner in Asia and the third largest in the world.

When the two countries established diplomatic ties in January 1992, bilateral trade was only $50 million, but by 2021 it had jumped to $22.8 billion, reflecting the resilience and potential of bilateral economic and trade cooperation, Chinese Ambassador to Israel Cai Run said in a recent interview with the Xinhua News Agency



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South Korean president snubs Nancy Pelosi as China tensions rise

Seoul accused of trying to placate Beijing after US House Speaker’s controversial visit to Taiwan

Christian Davies and Song Jung-a in Seoul
AUGUST 4 2022

South Korean president Yoon Suk-yeol is facing domestic criticism after he declined to meet Nancy Pelosi during her visit to Seoul on Thursday, in what analysts said amounted to the only snub from a leader of a host nation during the US House Speaker’s Asian tour this week.

When Pelosi last visited South Korea as House Speaker in 2015, she met then president Park Geun-hye and South Korea’s then foreign minister.

But Yoon’s office said this week that he was unable to meet Pelosi because he was on holiday, while foreign minister Park Jin is in Cambodia for a meeting of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. Yoon, who is believed to be at home in Seoul, instead spoke to Pelosi by phone on Thursday afternoon. When Pelosi arrived in South Korea on Wednesday evening, Yoon was at the theatre and then had dinner with some actors.



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North Korea Denounces Pelosi’s Visit to Taiwan

Standing with its biggest ally, North Korea publicly delivered its ironclad support for the “One China” principle.
August 03, 2022

North Korea’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson denounced the visit of Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, to Taiwan on Wednesday.

“The current situation clearly shows that the impudent interference of the U.S. in internal affairs of other countries and its intentional political and military provocations are, indeed, the root cause of harassed peace and security in the region,” the North’s state-controlled media KCNA quoted the spokesperson as saying.

While emphasizing Taiwan as “an inseparable part of China,” the spokesperson also backed up Beijing’s recent saber-rattling warnings to the U.S. over Pelosi’s visit by saying that “it is the due right of a sovereign state to take counter measures against the moves of the outside forces openly interfering in its internal affairs.”

“We vehemently denounce any external force’s interference in the issue of Taiwan, and fully support the Chinese government’s just stand to resolutely defend the sovereignty of the country and territorial integrity,” the spokesperson said.



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Turkey should support China under certain circumstance.
Today US can go after China, if unchecked, it can go after Turkey tomorrow. Almost every non western country has a teary long history of being bullied by US and its western lackeys. this so called "established world order" got to stop.


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There's only 3 country that should be heard when it comes to Taiwan.

China PR, USA and Japan.

All other countries and blocs (Arab league, ASEAN etc) are irrelevant.


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There's only 3 country that should be heard when it comes to Taiwan.

China PR, USA and Japan.

All other countries and blocs (Arab league, ASEAN etc) are irrelevant.
US chose to stay out of it and reiterated repeatedly in recent day that it sticks to one China policy and Taiwan is part of China, this is not changed. Japan? What did Japan do?


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US chose to stay out of it and reiterated repeatedly in recent day that it sticks to one China policy and Taiwan is part of China, this is not changed. Japan? What did Japan do?
Action speaks louder than words. I mean the US could yap on how it respects one China, but if its third highest ranking officials landed in Taiwan without Beijing consent and could get away with it, that means those statements are null or as Wang Yi like to say : a piece of garbage (statements)


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See what US 's closest ally Australia has to say about Pelosi's visit, it played right into China's hands


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