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Americans see China as biggest threat because they aim to ‘replace’ US.New poll finds 52% of Americans find China as greatest national threat


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Americans see China as biggest threat because they aim to ‘replace’ US
New poll finds 52% of Americans find China as greatest national threat
By FOX Business Staff FOXBusiness
Dec.1 2021

Former Trump deputy national security adviser K.T. McFarland reacted to a new poll that found more than half of Americans view China as the largest threat to the United States on "Mornings with Maria" Wednesday, arguing the country is concerned it plans to "replace" the U.S.

K.T. MCFARLAND: China plans to replace the United States and dominate, not just to become a co-power, but the one and only superpower in the world, and they plan to replace the United States economically, technologically, militarily, diplomatically, politically, all across the board. And they plan to do it within the decade.

So it's not just that they're stealing American intellectual property; it's where they're doing it and they're pushing out into the technologies of the future. They realize that the country that controls the technologies of the future, the companies that make artificial intelligence, robotics, bioengineering, all of those are going to continue to be the leaders of the world economy, but also the world power.

And so China wants to take all of those for itself.



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Poll shows lack of confidence in U.S. military, sees China as major threat


By Mike Glenn - The Washington Times - Wednesday, December 1, 2021

A new poll shows that most Americans lack confidence that the U.S. military will be able to thwart China, which they see as the nation’s most pressing threat.

Only 45% of Americans have a “great deal of trust and confidence” in the military, according to the poll released Wednesday by the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute. The figure marks a decline from 70% over the last three years and crosses all major demographic subgroups including age, sex and party affiliation.

The nation’s confidence in the military dropped 11 percentage points since the start of the Biden administration, according to the survey.

The pollsters said the survey’s results are based on a “general negative sense” in the country rather than a specific reason, although political leadership tops the list.
“When President Reagan first took office, Americans were concerned that we were falling behind our adversaries abroad and pessimistic about the situation at home. This survey tells us they feel similarly today,” Reagan Institute Director Roger Sakheim said in a statement.



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they plan to replace the United States economically, technologically, militarily, diplomatically, politically, all across the board. And they plan to do it within the decade.
It won't be this fast, they are just being hysterical.

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