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Any Kashmiri journalist will face punitive action under black laws for reporting truth IoK


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Srinagar, January 24 (KMS): Any true and real report by a journalist in occupied Jammu and Kashmir will face punitive action and reward under draconian black laws as was imposed on Journalist Sajad Gul in last week of this month.

This is exactly what has happened to Sajad Gul a Kashmiri reporter who has been sent behind bars under the black law Public Safety Act to Kothbalwal Jail Jammu.

The dossier issued against the reporter makes his purported less reporting about the so-called achievements of the Indian administration as one of the main grounds for action against him. It claims: He would “remain in search of anti-national/anti-social tweets and has remained a negative critique towards Kashmir Policies”.

The journalist was reporting the real ground situation, atrocities, killings, arrests and miseries of the people. What’s more, the authorities have labeled him and made case against him a messiah of “terrorists and their families” and would raise issues which harm the (so-called) national interests” all because he didn’t toe the Indian administration’s line and dictations.

Sajad Gul was first arrested on January 6 in his home district of Bandi[ora in the Valley after he posted a video of a family of a martyred youth airing their grouse against authorities. Though the court granted him bail days later, he was not let off. Instead the district magistrate brought black law PSA against him and he was shifted to a jail in Jammu, more than 350 km from his hometown, Hajin.

The PSA dossier describes him a “mere puppet under the banner of journalism” blaming and alleging him of having developed “relations with various anti-national gangs being operated from across (the) border” with the aim “destabilise” the puppet regime in the territory.

Under the black law PSA, the journalist Sajad Gul could be kept under detention for six months to two years without trial or formal charges until the high court quashes them.

Journalist Federation of Kashmir condemned the invocation of the black law PSA against Gul and urged the authorities to release him immediately. Journalists in Kashmir have been repeatedly said increased harassment in the form of cases, summons, questioning, and surveillance at the hands of authorities for their critical reporting for quite some time now.



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Keep this bs propaganda to yourself pakistani no one is buying this crap

How is the reporting going on from Baluchistan? Heard internet, mobile have been blocked. Not to mention people routinely disappearing.

Razie, old boy. The is not peedeef.
Don't reply to this thread since no place called IoK exists. There is only PoK and the Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir. Would you respond to a claim about a fictional place like Narnia?

Maximilian Veers

Everyone from Wire to PRINT and some other journalists have been "reporting" on these so called black laws and absolutely nothing has happened to them. He was arrested under 153B (imputations, assertions prejudicial to national-integration), 147 (rioting), 148 (rioting, armed with deadly weapon), 149 (every member of unlawful assembly guilty of offence committed in prosecution of common object) and 307 (attempt to murder) of the Indian Penal Code.

Let him prove his innocence under the law of the land and he will be let go.


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Srinagar, January 24 (KMS): Any true and real report by a journalist in occupied Jammu and Kashmir will face punitive action and reward under draconian black laws as was imposed on Journalist Sajad Gul in last week of this month.

This is exactly what has happened to Sajad Gul a Kashmiri reporter who has been sent behind bars under the black law Public Safety Act to Kothbalwal Jail Jammu.

The dossier issued against the reporter makes his purported less reporting about the so-called achievements of the Indian administration as one of the main grounds for action against him. It claims: He would “remain in search of anti-national/anti-social tweets and has remained a negative critique towards Kashmir Policies”.

The journalist was reporting the real ground situation, atrocities, killings, arrests and miseries of the people. What’s more, the authorities have labeled him and made case against him a messiah of “terrorists and their families” and would raise issues which harm the (so-called) national interests” all because he didn’t toe the Indian administration’s line and dictations.

Sajad Gul was first arrested on January 6 in his home district of Bandi[ora in the Valley after he posted a video of a family of a martyred youth airing their grouse against authorities. Though the court granted him bail days later, he was not let off. Instead the district magistrate brought black law PSA against him and he was shifted to a jail in Jammu, more than 350 km from his hometown, Hajin.

The PSA dossier describes him a “mere puppet under the banner of journalism” blaming and alleging him of having developed “relations with various anti-national gangs being operated from across (the) border” with the aim “destabilise” the puppet regime in the territory.

Under the black law PSA, the journalist Sajad Gul could be kept under detention for six months to two years without trial or formal charges until the high court quashes them.

Journalist Federation of Kashmir condemned the invocation of the black law PSA against Gul and urged the authorities to release him immediately. Journalists in Kashmir have been repeatedly said increased harassment in the form of cases, summons, questioning, and surveillance at the hands of authorities for their critical reporting for quite some time now.

Sounds like the usual, he got arrested for "anti nationalism" for simply reporting the truth. Kashmir is long overdue for a plebiscite.


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This propaganda now has outlived its utility and has an effectiveness rating of zero. The problem for Pakistan is its words have zero credibility, especially against a power like India. Plus Pakistan is ten times more dangerous for journalists than even the worst parts of India. So, overall harping on so-called atrocities in Indian Union territory of J&K is like the Taliban supplying guarantees for women’s rights - both would be dismissed by the international community in a heartbeat. Lol.

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