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Work On Various Projects Including 275 Bridges From Thalichi To Shuntar Area To Start Soon:GB Ministers


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Work On Various Projects Including 275 Bridges From Thalichi To Shuntar Area To Start Soon:GB Ministers​

Gilgit-Baltistan cabinet members said that work on Rs 30 billion project including 275 bridges from Thalichi to Shuntar in the area would start soon. The government has decided to bring E-governance in the area​

GILGIT (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 26th Jan, 2021 ) :Gilgit-Baltistan cabinet members said that work on Rs 30 billion project including 275 bridges from Thalichi to Shuntar in the area would start soon. The government has decided to bring E-governance in the area.

Addressing a press conference here in Gilgit, Information Minister Fatehullah, Finance Minister Javed Hussain Manwa, Forest Minister Raja Zakaria and Law Minister Sohail Abbas said that an apex committee headed by the Chief Minister has been formed for the development of Gilgit-Baltistan. The first meeting of the committee, which would formulate a comprehensive strategy for the development of the region be held on February 1, they added.

They said that for the development of Gilgit-Baltistan 200 RCC bridges and 75 wooden bridges woild be constructed. They said that tunnel and road would be constructed from Chilas to Ghari Das and Skardu highway would be extended to Shigar.

They said that for the first time a provincial government has received a supplementary grant of Rs 7 billion, adding that with the departure of the League and the caretaker government the account of provincial government was also empty but the present government especially the Prime Minister was working hard to develop Gilgit-Baltistan with the determination to bring the backward provinces forward.

They said that those who had distributed jobs and contracts and created assets in excess of their income would be held accountable soon.

They Informed that talks were underway with the opposition to pass the resolution on constitutional rights of Gilgit-Baltistan by consensus of the government and the opposition and hoped that a conclusion would be reached soon.

Theyfurther said that five national parks in Gilgit-Baltistan were built during the PPP era, but when we built two parks, they were remembering the right of ownership. They said that Bhutto was a visionary leader but now everyone in PPP was unable to understand Bhutto's Parks Vision so they were criticizing unjustifiably. They said that Parks were in the public interest.

They said that in a short span of time, the provincial government had succeeded in establishing a working relationship with the federation which would have a positive impact on its future development.


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