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Swedish Poll Shows Majority Backs Joining NATO for First Time


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(Bloomberg) -- Swedish popular opinion on joining NATO defense bloc has shifted after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, with the latest poll indicating that a majority now supports membership.

In a survey commissioned by tabloid Aftonbladet, 51% of respondents said they think Sweden should join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, with 27% opposed. The poll shows a clear shift from January, when 42% backed Swedish membership in the alliance.

Since Russia invaded Ukraine, Sweden’s prime minister Magdalena Andersson has repeatedly rebutted calls for the country to join NATO, stressing the importance of avoiding sudden policy shifts in a tense situation.

The country’s parliament, meanwhile, is divided on the issue, as opposition parties that favor joining the alliance control more than 40% of the seats.

The development in Sweden mirrors that in Finland, its closest ally. Finnish opinion polls also show that a majority supports membership. Russia has warned that Finland and Sweden joining NATO would have military and political repercussions.


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