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Air-Force New Generation Technologies that Turkey will Achieve Domestically with the Turkish Fighter Project


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Issue 102

Today, Turkey, Pakistan, China, India, Iran, Japan, Russia, and the USA are carrying out 5th Generation Fighter Jet development programs.
  • Gathering Electronic Intelligence (ELINT) and detecting the location of hostile threats thanks to its special sensors,
  • Detecting targets and threats from long distances by using electro-optical sensors or radio frequencies,
  • Providing mission and route planning for all possible threats and air defense weapon systems prior to the flight if they are embedded in the map information of the defined mission area,
  • Calculating all kinds of attack parameters over digital map data,
  • Automatically selecting the most effective bomb or munition against the detected targets if the Joint Munitions Manual is installed on the aircraft,
  • Making decisions with the self-learning artificial intelligence by using the "Information and Data Fusion" techniques,
  • Sharing all kinds of sensor data with all the allied aircraft in the battlespace thanks to its interactive data link capability,
  • Target tracking without revealing its presence thanks to the New Generation Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA),
  • Automatically employing effective jamming or deception methods against enemy radars to maintain low visibility.
In this context, as MilSOFT, we developed an avionics application call "Mil-MAYA," which enables the reusability, interoperability, and rapid integration of capabilities that are being developed thanks to the standardized middleware requirements and software interfaces for algorithm developers. Mil-MAYA is intended to be presented for platform providers, system integrators, software developers, and software validators as an integrated solution package that includes the modeling tools and reference architecture required for the avionics software development environment.

For detail info;


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Let's see who gets it first,would be interesting,excluding china and russia,US,Japan*
Mainly who are new to this technology.
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