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Pakistan Did the Pakistan Military forge the President's signature to pass laws?


India Moderator
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Developing story...what we know is that Arif Alvi, the President of Pakistan (who is the head of state, PM is head of Govt) has come out and categorically denied that he signed a number of laws, which were apparently passed as though he did. The President has accused his staff of acting on their own behalf (read: stamped his signature without his knowledge or approval i.e. they forged it).

Now, where does the Army come into this? Well, firstly anyone who knows even a bit about Pakistani politics would know that no 'staff member' would have felt comfortable doing something like this unless he was acting on the Army/ISI's instructions...secondly, the laws in question 1) the Official Secrets Act amendment 2023 and 2) the Army Act amendment 2023, leave little doubt as to who would be interested in getting them passed, even if they have to forge a few signatures for it.

I'm sorry to say this but this pretty much implies that the Military-administered deep state of Pakistan has unlocked a whole new level in the game of circling the drain.
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