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  1. Marlii

    India Indian Coffee House

    I understand your concern as its a valid one but russian invasion itself has shown how disastrous war can be for an economy any country that is not a basket case is gonna think twice before going to war. Same as with BD and Myanmar when tensions was high. Myanmar has nothing to loose in a war it...
  2. Marlii

    India Indian Coffee House

    They are all triumphant rants to their the hell the he means even a word of it.
  3. Marlii

    India Indian Coffee House

    I didnt meant that Akhandta 😑. Still dont get the why people in pakistan or Bangladesh think we are going to take over them in every breath we take. India wouldn't even want pakistan if they want to join us. No sense in taking in a Bigger Bihar that has 2% growth rate and is a valuable buffer...
  4. Marlii

    India Navy Indian Navy General Archive

    Those poor tughril class frigates
  5. Marlii

    Bangladesh Army Bangladesh Army

    Older versions of it are being replaced. This howitzer is being produced since 70s
  6. Marlii

    India Indian Coffee House

    Everyone wants akhandta when they can benefit from us with the rest of our neighbours all going into economic slowdown. Have seen x threads by pakistanis of how india is responsible for nPakistan and Bangladesh having slow growth by not having a EU like free borders and trade 🤡
  7. Marlii

    Bangladesh Army Bangladesh Army

    These are old and are being replaced now i think.
  8. Marlii

    India Indian Coffee House

    Have seen a lot of instances of embarassing things happening in pakistan being labeled as a south asian thing by pakistanis. Any indian achievement becomes south asian also
  9. Marlii

    Korea KF-X/ IF-X (KF-21) program

    Quite remarkable that even with all the issues with co development of the jet Koreans were able to come this far this quick. We had a co development with the russians that didnt work as needed
  10. Marlii

    India Indian Coffee House

    Defence assperts 🤣
  11. Marlii

    India India UAV Archive

    Most likely. Yanks arent that forefront when it comes to ToT
  12. Marlii

    India India UAV Archive

    Wire is known for posting both inside scoops and false news so both are possible.
  13. Marlii

    India Army Indian Army General Archive

    People whose industry is painting green on chinese armament should keep quiet 😑
  14. Marlii

    India Navy Indian Navy General Archive

    This looks like the Turkish design 🤔

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