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  1. K

    TR Small Aerial Drones & Loitering Ammunitions

    Did Baykar discard Epsilon EO / IR from Kalkan? How come Baykar can develop mini EO/IR? They bought start-up company? Does it use TEI PG50?
  2. K

    TR TF-X KAAN Fighter Jet

    Forgive me for little knowledge about Turkish Military Industries and its geopolitics. My main hobby is not military related but sport. Thing dragged me into this forum was "flying armenian" by TB2. Please enlighten me why no indigenous ejection seat? It means you can upset US but not to UK...
  3. K

    About Goksur, Levent and Cirit

    Any1 please enlighten me the differences between Aselsan Goksur and Roketsan Levent? Progress? Acceptance test and already deployed onto warship? The missile being used by both, is it Cirit or different missile?
  4. K

    Levent vs Gürz, what is difference among these?

    Some1 please explain to me what is the difference between Aselsan Gurz and Roketsan Levent? Progess between them? Already in Turkish Army inventory? Potential export sale?
  5. K

    TR UAV/UCAV Programs | Anka - series | Kızılelma | TB - series

    Someone please explain to me why Akinci use Aselflir-500? As hale shouldn't it use Aselflir-600 or MX-20 or MX-25? What is the EO/IR it currently use both Akinci and Aksungur in Turkish army inventory? Shouldn't Aselflir-500 compete with MX-15D?

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