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  1. Costin84

    Romania investigates case of bear killed by Austrian prince

    Romanian police will investigate a possible poaching case involving an Austrian prince who is reported to have “wrongly” killed a massive male bear in a trophy hunt on a visit to the country’s Carpathian Mountains in March, authorities said Wednesday. Official hunting documents seen by The...
  2. Costin84

    Italian PM calls Erdoğan a dictator

    With these — let’s call them for what they are — dictators, which we however need to cooperate with … one has to be frank in expressing a diversity of views, opinions, behaviors, visions of society. And also has to be ready to cooperate to safeguard the interests of their country. This is...
  3. Costin84

    Bulgaria to cancel armoured vehicle tender

    SOFIA (Reuters) - Bulgaria's defence minister said on Friday he has asked the government to cancel a 1.46 billion euro ($1.74 billion) tender to buy 150 armoured vehicles as offers by the two short-listed bidders far exceeded the estimated budget for the order. Krasimir Karakachanov said he has...
  4. Costin84

    Morrocco cuts contact with German embassy

    In December, Germany criticized then-US President Donald Trump for recognizing Morocco's sovereignty over Western Sahara. Morocco's Foreign Minister Nasser Bourita reportedly asked the government to suspend communications with all German entities in Rabat, citing "deep disagreements" with...
  5. Costin84

    Turkey investigates Dutch politician over Erdogan comments I wonder what can they do if they find him guilty?
  6. Costin84

    Poland and Hungary block EU 1.8tn€ budget
  7. Costin84

    Poland tests its new generation IFV

  8. Costin84

    Spain to buy more Eurofighters Typhoon

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