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  1. Agha Sher

    Afghanistan Development and Economy Thread

    @TR_123456, could you please make this a sticky thread in the Afghanistan section? Afghanistan's exports is going from strength to strength despite the sanction and total financial isolation. Although the base is still rather modest, the effects of rule of law, eliminated corruption and...
  2. Agha Sher

    Afghanistan Is Building Asia's Largest Artificial River In The Desert

    Afghanistan is building the Qosch Cepa canal. THe canal 285 km long,152 m wide and 8,5 meters deep.
  3. Agha Sher

    Afghanistan plans massive railway project to boost regional connectivity

    Comments: 1468 km of railway will be constructed to link East Asia with Iran/Turkiye/Europe and Russia with India. Project will transform Afghanistan's economy and is only behind the Qosh Tepa canal in significance. Transportation cost of goods in Afghanistan expected to decrease by 60%...
  4. Agha Sher

    Indians jailed for spying on Qatar for Israel: Reports (Update: Released)

    Comment: A serious intelligence breach in Qatar. Not a smart idea to hire foreigners for sensitive roles. Article: Eight Indian nationals have been imprisoned in Qatar for months for spying on a...
  5. Agha Sher

    Security Forces of Afghanistan

    This thread is to keep track of the Taliban Government's quest to transition it's fighters into a standing army. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interesting how...
  6. Agha Sher

    TR Major Defence Industry Milestones for 2023

    Dear Members, Like previous years, let's make a comprehensive list of major milestones for 2023. Please add anything not included in the tables below in the comment section (I'll update the tables continuously). Topic - Aviation Estimated Status Hurjet first flight Q2 2023 ✅ Anka 3...
  7. Agha Sher

    Breaking News PKK burning down France and Europe

    After the terrorist attack on Muslims in Paris, which killed 3 Kurds, PKK has taken to the streets of several major European cities and are currently clashing with law enforcement. It is an odd moment, on one hand this was an attack on all Muslims and every Muslims should be on the street...
  8. Agha Sher

    Defence Stocks Investing in the 🇹🇷 Stock Exchange

    Dear All, Is there any EU based investing platform allowing you to invest in Istanbul listed companies? If not, are there any good Turkiye based investment platform with an English interface that allows accounts for foreigners? I believe that many Turkish defence companies would be a great...
  9. Agha Sher

    News Istanbul terror attack

    Suicide bombing. 4 killed and approx 50 injured. Turkish tanks must start rolling. If the Americans and Russians don’t move, they must be crushed under the tracks with their terrorist friends!
  10. Agha Sher

    Live Conflict Kyrgyz-Tajik border clashes 2022

    Tensions are running increasingly high at the border of the two countries with daily clashes and accumulation of forces. Could quickly escalate into a bigger conflict. By the way, Kyrgyz has TB2 drones so we could see another drone festival soon. The border area of these former Soviet states...
  11. Agha Sher

    Israeli Aggression against Gaza

    Today Israel made another aggression against the imprisoned population of Gaza. In an unprovoked airstrike, Israel killed 10 Palestinians and injured another 72. Among the killed were several children - the youngest aged 5. The target was a PIJ leader, who was killed in the attack. PIJ is...
  12. Agha Sher

    TR TF-X KAAN | F-16 Özgür | Hürjet | Hürkuş - Fighter & Trainer Aircraft Projects

    @TheInsider, what happened with Hurjet and the Malaysian LCA tender? any updates?
  13. Agha Sher

    Balkan Tensions

    This seems to go under the radar, but there are some serious tensions between Serbia and Kosovo. Serbia has been shipping soldiers, artillery and tanks to the Kosovo border as well as flying fighter jets and military helicopters close to the border. Additionally, serbian terrorist have carried...
  14. Agha Sher

    Ukraine about to re-initiate the War in Donbass?

    Report of the Ukrainian Army capturing villages and towns in the Donbass region. If true, it would be the first liberation of Ukrainian land in years. Recently, Ukraine has shifted numerous brigades of armour and infantry to the region. In addition, Ukraine has acquired Turkish TB2 drones...
  15. Agha Sher

    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    A lot of different exercises including armour and infantry. Also multiple daily TurAF cargo flights to Azerbaijan. Is something brewing?
  16. Agha Sher

    Increased tensions between Azerbaijan and Armenia

    Tensions are once again high in the border region between the two countries as an Azerbaijani soldier was killed in recent ceasefire violations. Some reports indicate that Azerbaijan in mobilising its entire reserves.

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