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Recent content by YeşilVatan

  1. YeşilVatan

    TR TF-X KAAN Fighter Jet

    Either that or they backed out in some other way. Like slow work, find excuses etc. Just like how their embargoe aren't embargoes. Most of the time they don't say "we won't sell this or that to you", they say "you must pay 10 times the money, delivered 10 years late, for 20 years out of date...
  2. YeşilVatan

    TR Turkiye's F-35 Project and Discussions

    While I agree that availability and maintenance is a huge problem, you have to concede that F-35 is a freaking monster when it works. If you even have only one fleet battle ready, it can make a huge difference. Not accepting that would be to delude ourselves. With all the crazy computing power...
  3. YeşilVatan

    TR Politics

    Perhaps I couldn't explain myself fully. When I say neoliberal lifestyle, I mean: Women going into the workforce Debt based personal finance being widespread (most often credit cards or student loan debt) Late marriage due to long education Urbanization (apartments instead of houses)...
  4. YeşilVatan

    TR Politics

    Japan and South Korea prove money is not the issue. Neoliberal urban lifestyle always leads to demographic winters. We have three and a half choices: end women's liberation, accept demographic winter, accept mass migration, or somehow figure out industrial scale baby production. One has to...
  5. YeşilVatan

    TR Politics

    "In life, war. In death, peace. In life, shame. In death, atonement." Soriously though, vitae bombs may well be the solution to our population problem. However, I think we have to make sure it's technically possible to grow healthy humans in artificial wombs first. If I was a Bond villain, I'd...
  6. YeşilVatan

    TR Politics

    Vatgrown citizens. The idea is too far away now, but we can't know with the demographic ice age. If the children were to be healthy in mind and body, I'm completely open to the idea.
  7. YeşilVatan

    TR Sensors and Detector Programs

    I can't even begin to imagine the complex software and computing power this whole system requires. If this happens, we would go from virtually lacking a ground based air defence to having one of the most robust air defence networks ever constructed. I assume other side of the medallion would be...
  8. YeşilVatan

    TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi

    Fonşinciğin mâbâdı alev alev! BND'ye haber verin söndürsünler :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: edit: I just sniffed around a little. Turns out that particular Akıncı really has wescam. Wescam CMX-22D to be axact. I'm told the first 6 Akıncı drones have those. Next ones will have ASELFLIR...
  9. YeşilVatan

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    AKP is swindling useless EU funds, while so-called 'journalists' push a malicious agenda at the behest of globalist NGOs. One can hate them both.
  10. YeşilVatan

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    Best universities and talent don't mean anything if your decision makers are hellbent on destroying your nation. In fact, it helps them become more efficient. America is on the latest stage of its transformation from a nation with a shared past, values and goals to a soulless economic zone -a...
  11. YeşilVatan

    TR Refugee Problem|News & Discussions

    Ümit Özdağ is a detriment to the anti-migration movement. He got the very popular anti-refugee sentiment stuck in his single digit percentage party. He should have gone with being a political platform or something like that. Deal with parties as a NGO, force them to accept anti-refugee stances...
  12. YeşilVatan

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    We are still far away from the point of no return on the issue of demographics. US will be majority non-white in a decade or so, and white Americans under 30 are the minority. Germans still are the majority but their birthrates are way worse. Basically, US and France will be transformed into...
  13. YeşilVatan

    TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi

    Damn sorry guys. But the joke was too good to pass up, and any kid who understands that probably sees way worse things 5 times a day. We've all been 13...
  14. YeşilVatan

    TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi

    Stop staring at the missiles brothers! It's a trap! Orkhon inscriptions are clear on this issue. No foreign subversive women allowed. Just hit and run tactics. Ejaculate and evacuate. :ROFLMAO:
  15. YeşilVatan

    TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi

    Ümit Özdağ took the seriousness of the refugee situation and made it a below 5% party issue. I think he is detrimental to the people who actually want to send refugees away, me included.

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