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Recent content by Old Codger

  1. Old Codger

    Navy Second Tuo Chiang Corvett Handed Over to ROCN

    3rd and 4th now in the water.
  2. Old Codger

    Russia Naval News and Naval Vessels Program

    Russia is going to invade? Who? Where? They could call it Operation Sea Lion. ...and I thought that paratroopers travelled in aircraft? OC
  3. Old Codger

    Australia S. Korea to export 30 units of K-9 howitzer to Australia under $788 million deal

    Only 3 weapons systems matter for Australian defence nowadays. Not stuff with a range of 30 kms. Missiles, Drones, and soon the Laser. Missiles/drones to kill ships, planes and trucks. Lasers to kill drones. OC
  4. Old Codger

    Australia Yet another 'White Paper'.

    Bulgaria and Turkey eh? Now i understand. OC
  5. Old Codger

    Australia Yet another 'White Paper'.

    Thank you for that PDF link. Very helpfull. OC
  6. Old Codger

    Australia Yet another 'White Paper'.

    I cannot find a link to download a copy of the latest tome on defence and nobody here seems interested, but from what I have read so far it is a "kicking the can down the road" (to 2050?) and hope for the best. To me the basic problems are coastal defence in the form of the BEST, fastest and...
  7. Old Codger

    UK Challenger 3 Delivery Team Passes Critical Design Review and Remains on Track and Within Budget

    Will it keep out a Javelin, or a Javelin.2. ...or a Carl Gustaff M4. OC
  8. Old Codger

    China Chinese military exercises "Single Sword" started near the island of Taiwan

    The Sky Bow.3. (Mach 7, 200kms) would mount a serious threat to any PLAAF plane hoping to get to the Taiwan coast intact.
  9. Old Codger

    Australia Senior US official says Washington would consider supplying B-21 bombers to Australia

    We (and NZ) are in an arms race whether we like it or not, and the price is in the multi billions. The challenge has been issued, the terms are clear to all that can see, and the price of failure is generations of slavery. All the billions have to deter and/or defeat the initial threats on...
  10. Old Codger

    Defence Q&A New aircraft for the RAAF.

    What is the difference? We send a missile full of TNT, or a missile with FAE, and all we get is a big or bigger bang. Hardly any escalation at all really. We risk a US$1 Billion + plane to deliver a 100 feet blast area for a 200 feet blast area. OC
  11. Old Codger

    Defence Q&A New aircraft for the RAAF.

    What is happening to the old P3C Orions? I see a role for them in the anti-ship area. Not sure about more F18s, their role has been taken over by the F35. Make them anti-ship also. I foresee a need for a top level threat on any enemy warship within 500++ kms of the Australian coast...
  12. Old Codger

    Defence Q&A New aircraft for the RAAF.

    Agree, I cannot imagine Australia doing bombing raids on mainland China. Surely a radar operator can see an even faint contact that would indicate it is military and a threat. He will know if it is a B52 or a 747. And the B21 is going to cost a billion a copy, probably more. Best to spend...
  13. Old Codger

    Defence Q&A New aircraft for the RAAF.

    Upgrade our maritime strike capability with the Super Hornets, wired to top of the range anti- ship, and that does NOT mean the Harpoon. Too slow and short ranged. Add to that a C-130 type configured for air launched sea mines. Lay them from the Sunda Strait to east of the Lombok Strait. OC
  14. Old Codger

    Defence Q&A What determines the accuracy of an interceptor missile?

    ...with a closing speed and time in seconds or even milliseconds. Which is why I dislike the Harpoon etc, they seem to be obsolete to me. It is all about speed and range now. OC
  15. Old Codger

    Defence Q&A New aircraft for the RAAF.

    They still come under the heading of TNT. Nukes are out of course, and you are still gambling maybe 4 to 6 BILLION AUDs to deliver the bang for the bucks. Lobbing a JASSM on Beijing wil be a pointless exercise I think, and the entire South China Sea will be crawling with PLAAF planes and...

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