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Recent content by mehmed beg

  1. M

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    Iran is just formally Islamic Republic . It is basically Persian Empire in disguise, hence in my opinion the most stupid opposition in the world is Iranian opposition Mullahs just ask them not to wear miniskirts and not to drink a beer on the main street and that's it They are making the...
  2. M

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    This islamists rats are worse than anyone. You see , if you walk down Oxford Street, you will see these rats doing " Dawa" in very particular way. Once or twice I quoted from Qur'an and Hadith, why they cannot do that in such a way. Of course, it quickly becomes a linguistic arguments. Or...
  3. M

    TR Altay Main Battle Tank & Related Programs

    I am sure if there was such thing like Nazi Germany, Turkey would have had the engines 10 years ago.
  4. M

    Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

    Plastic tents are burning and people in them. A H was right with every single word.
  5. M

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    The same things can be used to justify Russian intervention in Syria? The same things can be said when USSR invaded Afghanistan? I understand that it is power politics if that's in itself reason d' etre then anything can be justified. I think that scholastic arguments are pretty weak. Funny...
  6. M

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    Legal or illegal, you may say? There is no such thing? Then some people can say that about Palestine. Also it is really interesting that person who is against Western Imperialism is for other people Imperialism and activity looking for any presedan. As I have said on these boards many times...
  7. M

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    I have feeling that we have the honour of having Mr Imran Hussein in disguise here. It is becoming really repugnant to read of the gentlemanly conduct of the Russians . Oh it is just few apples. Russian are talking about Ukrainian statehood? Ukrainian Rus existed long before Moscow????
  8. M

    Breaking News Helicopter carrying Iranian President has reportedly crashed

    Oh you don't understand, it is so difficult to understand? Oh someone generalise, or it is not me but it is someone else? Yet when it comes to criticism of the entities which you don't like, then it is the whole sale criticism??? How convenient, when you argue with yourself then foe sure ...
  9. M

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    As far as I am concerned, Russians and Ukrainians ain't friends of mine, I saw both of them un Bosnia. As we Bosnians saw them on many occasions. I can mock the Serbs and Croats and it is personal or child killers and molesters Israelis. But to mock people who are far away, it is not...
  10. M

    Breaking News Helicopter carrying Iranian President has reportedly crashed

    Yes , dear friend. When it comes to you it is always racism or misunderstanding and someone else. You see my friend, 2 days ago , i was watching 5PILLARS news . That charlatan Dilly , gave the platform to Imran Hussein. I saw the comments, how Serbs are good etc, how Ottomans are bad...
  11. M

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    Ilhan is Kaagan for me , I adore that man
  12. M

    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    You are missing some points. The hate is the only reason by which these people can systemise their existence. In order to hurt Turkey and Pan Turkism , everyone is ready to invest something. Perfect scenario.
  13. M

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    A lot of the weapons for Taliban would do the wonders and why not those Wahabites in Beouchistan?
  14. M

    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    Armenians are sticking like an odour to Ortodoxy but they are not Ortodox. Armenian Apostolic Church is monophysit. Basically heretics. But anyway, all of this is an example for the " brothers " supporting Russia or for those who love " Western reason and law". The last part is just semantics...
  15. M

    TR TF-X KAAN Fighter Jet

    No . Maybe if they get it for next to nothing and that projec is presented like it wouldn't exist without them. That's how it has always worked with them.

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