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Morocco: young democrats denounce repression of peaceful protests


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Rabat, Dec 28,2021 (SPS)- The Progressive Democratic Youth Movement denounced on Monday the repression carried out by the Moroccan Makhzen regime against peaceful demonstrators, announcing its intention to engage in all forms of legal struggle to defend freedom of expression and the right to demonstrate.

The National Bureau of the movement said in a statement that its members were not spared by this repression. A member of the Central Committee was also heard by the judicial police about his speech at the end of a protest action and about content published in 2019.

In the same press release, the movement expresses its solidarity with the unemployed, students and pupils in their actions against the decisions of the Minister of Education and their legitimate fight for the right of everyone to a job without discriminatory conditions, stressing that "the repressive approach in dealing with the problems of the Moroccan people, in particular those of the youth, will only exacerbate the situation ".SPS

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