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Iran not to let enemy impede country's production: Defense Minister


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Tehran, Sept 3, IRNA – Iran's Minister of Defense Brigadier-General Amir Hatami said on Thursday that the country will not allow the enemy to impede the production through sanctions and pressures.

Speaking in a ceremony to open a military parts exhibition, Brigadier-General Hatami said when participating in the cabinet through video conference, Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamanei stressed that the spare parts of the machinery should be made inside the country.

Brigadier General Hatami said the enemy has tried hard to hurt Iran through not selling spare parts so that the factories stop working.

He said Iran can now make very delicate parts that were not expected to be made inside the country; the Ministry of Defense is now breaking the oppressive sanctions and dependence on foreign productions to provide strategic help to the national industry.

The exhibition is the result of four decades of efforts in making spare parts; it contains 2,000 civilian and military pieces, out of the 38,000 parts produced in the country, he said, adding that a new gearbox used in various vessels was unveiled that brings Iran one step closer to its goals.


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