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  1. V

    Poll When will the war in Ukraine end?

    This war will end when the people of Russia become sensitive to losses. To do this, it will be necessary to die a lot of Russians, since most of them are considered missing. Awareness is needed among Russians. Yes, the current war will end when Putin orders the end. Больше информации об этом...
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    Poll One year anniversary of the Ukraine-Russia war. What will be the long term consequences of this conflict?

    Probably a little more than in the middle. Almost 100,000 dead Russians, most of which are contract soldiers or elite mercenaries. At the same time, it should be said that not a single NATO soldier died in the war, so Russia here totally lost in dreams of a battle with NATO. That is, against the...
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    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    Urban fighting in Bakhmut Just over a year ago, Russian lovers here were waiting for her, they also said that Russia "put on children's gloves", "do not fighting as the US" and other funny statements. Now the inhabitants were forced to leave or perish
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    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    Production in Russia is not really a fact that it has grown a lot. Russia buys electronics and other components for weapons, for example, in China. But no one really knows the volume Russia could make 200 tanks a year from scratch. Now she could, in theory, use all tank factories and make about...
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    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    Hello everyone on the forum and in the topic Here, as I understand it, they mainly throw off various news. Then I can throw this for discussion: 18,023 Russian fatalities corroborated by publicly available data as of March 24 + 1,259 last...

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