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    Casual Discussion Civil Aviation

    love the start-up the sound of this aircraft :)
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    Casual Discussion What is your internet speed ?

    I use an optical fiber and I go very fast in my area but where I use my pc is an attic so it comes much slower
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    TR Turkiye's F-35 Project and Discussions

    maybe typhoon is the only machine that could compare itself but then we would go on another speech :)
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    Casual Discussion Which airline company do you prefer?

    The quatar is a great and beautiful company, unfortunately I have never flown and I would like to try, I am unfortunately biased and vote Alitalia ahaha have you ever tried?
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    Casual Discussion Martial Arts

    I would have liked to learn some martial arts moves or maybe for personal defense
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    Casual Discussion Which airline company do you prefer?

    when you move for your holidays or for work and you are forced to take a plane usually with which company you are better off?
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    News Rare F4H-1F for sale

    wow beautiful livery and great war machine ;)
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    Air-Force France buys 12 new Rafale fighters for French Air Force

    lately France is regenerating their area defense department they are spending millions on protecting their nation
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    Analysis All the reasons why M-346FA can help countries with low budget, LatAm ones on top

    not for this is used as a training machine and then experiment in the department of acrobatic flights as arrows tricolor
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    TR Turkiye's F-35 Project and Discussions

    definitely one of the best jet Fighters of the moment
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    Russia Naval News and Naval Vessels Program

    yes exactly ;)
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    News China’s new weapon, swarms of kamikaze drones

    They are small (about one meter), launch from helicopters or vehicles, fly in formation and swoop on the target. Swarms of drones, launched by dozens of vehicles or helicopters and able to move in formation through artificial intelligence, then hurl themselves on independent targets and...
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    Russia Naval News and Naval Vessels Program

    Twenty years ago, on August 12, 2000, the Russian submarine K-141 Kursk sank in the Barents Sea, north of Russia, due to two explosions during a military exercise. Most of the crew died shortly after the explosion, while at least 23 officers and sailors died of asphyxiation hours after the...
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    16 January 1991: Operation Desert Storm began 30 years ago

    On January 16, 1991 it began, and reached its target in less than two months, with the first aerial bombing operation Desert Storm, the first war that saw the use of stealth aircraft. A broad coalition of 35 nations participated in the air war on Iraq, but it was the United States that...
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    The Pentagon assigns to Lockheed Martin the strengthening of the FACO of Cameri the Italian production site of the F-35

    With a contract of September 11, 2020, the Pentagon has assigned to Lockheed Martin the upgrading of the FACO - Final Assembly and Check Out of Cameri, the Italian production site of fifth-generation stealth fighters F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. In detail the contract of little more than 9...
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    Casual Discussion Introduction

    thanks to all :)

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