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  1. Anastasius

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    Because Russians totally aren't being marched to the front line at gunpoint and fled the country in huge amounts to avoid being drafted. Lost their right according to who? You?
  2. Anastasius

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    Y'know @Gary, you really don't need to sound so giddy at the thought of Ukraine being annihilated. Most Russian migrants living in Asia tend to at least be a bit more subtle about their genocidal tendencies.
  3. Anastasius

    Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

    Why do so many Israelis look borderline Asian, maybe that whole "modern Jews are actually Khazars in disguise" theory isn't nonsense after all... XD
  4. Anastasius

    TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi

    I'm not taking sides here but neither John Oliver nor Jon Stewart are anywhere close to qualifying as real journalists with integrity. John Oliver literally moved to the US because even the average British viewer thought he was a pretentious moron while Americans apparently have slightly lower...
  5. Anastasius

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    It's kinda sad how easily you can tell which comments are Chinese bots. They don't even bother disguising their talking points.
  6. Anastasius

    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    You did not read what I wrote qardaş. You can raise your children to be perfectly wary of Armenians given our history with them. I just do not see the need to instill in kids the belief that Armenians are by nature irredeemable devils. And I say this as someone with multiple relatives in my...
  7. Anastasius

    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    Russia will most certainly try something against Pashinyan but the worst thing is that neither Azerbaijan nor Turkey can interfere to save him if things go sideways without basically vindicating every single paranoid Armenian's suspicion that "Pashinyan is a Turkish spy!" and completely...
  8. Anastasius

    Breaking News Helicopter carrying Iranian President has reportedly crashed

    It turns out that Iran did thank Turkey and Azerbaijan but it's only available on the English version of their website:
  9. Anastasius

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    1) I actually think Putin is the least shit option compared to some of his rivals like Navalny (well, former rival anyway). Doesn't change the fact that Russian elections are a long-running sham and Russian citizens know this. If you know Russian you can check their media, forums, heck even...
  10. Anastasius

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    1) Yes, he "won" an election which was already predetermined ahead of time. 87% or 79%, only thing I'll give Putin is that he at least tries not to make it too obvious, most of the time at least. 2) Carries baggage? My man, the word "invasion" has a very simple definition. Did Russia invade...
  11. Anastasius

    Breaking News Helicopter carrying Iranian President has reportedly crashed

    You don't need to go along with the propaganda. Better to rub it in Iranians' faces how utterly incompetent their government is.
  12. Anastasius

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    My problem that even actual Russians aren't naive enough to believe that Putin was "democratically elected" to quote your own words? Fascinating history lesson @Gary, now kindly answer the following question. Is Russia the country that invaded Ukraine and whose politicians continue to champion...
  13. Anastasius

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    "democratically elected Putin" Even actual Russians don't believe that LMAO.
  14. Anastasius

    TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi

    Lemme guess, Suno AI? Anna Semenovich somehow manages to look both 25 and 55 at the same time.
  15. Anastasius

    TR Politics

    In order to raise a family, you need optimal conditions to raise a family in. Turkey does not possess these conditions and it is the government's fault. They know this and they know how to fix it but they just want to justify importing more immigrants. Therefore Erdogan's "concern" can be taken...
  16. Anastasius

    Breaking News New Caledonia Unrest

    May 16, 2024 Days of clashes between demonstrators and police in French-controlled New Caledonia are fueled by foreign interference, Paris declared on Thursday, as local officials vowed to restore order in the South Pacific...
  17. Anastasius

    TR Politics

    I'm curious how the Ukrainian refugees in Turkey behave. Don't hear much about them.
  18. Anastasius

    TR Politics

    Writing signs in another language should be fine but these signs should always be accompanied by very prominent Turkish translations that are visible to everyone and not stuck in small font somewhere to the side. That should be non-negotiable and otherwise you should not be permitted to put up...
  19. Anastasius

    Casual Discussion The Meme Thread

    Just a correction, Tom Hicks wasn't accidentally given rat poison, he was deliberately given strychnine by his team (which is used for killing almost everything from rats to coyotes) since in small doses it's a performance enhancer (it's been banned since the 1950s IIRC). He also ingested it not...
  20. Anastasius

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    I'm curious as to how many Turks actually give a damn about the Israeli/Palestinian shitfest as opposed to, ahem, "guests" in the country.

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