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    Defence Q&A Rocket Charging Equipment

    Which airfields of the Russian Federation have equipment for loading missiles of Tu-95 and Tu-22 bombers?
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    Defence Q&A Tracking of strategic aviation flights.

    Hello, is there any source that monitors the flights of strategic aviation of the Russian Federation? In real time, as a primary source.
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    Defence Q&A Launch Lines in Aviation

    Can you please explain what launch lines are and what they depend on, for example, Tu-95 bombers launch X-101 cruise missiles from the Caspian Sea, why can't they launch them, for example, from the Leningrad Region?
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    Defence Q&A Equipment Aerodromes

    Hello, are there any airfields for strategic bombers (Tu-95MS, Tu-22M3) that Russia uses mainly to equip these bombers with missiles? And how long does it take, for example, to load a Tu-95 with three Kh-101 missiles?
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    Defence Q&A Radar action

    Hello, I have a question, can a military radar at a distance of more than 1000 km detect the presence of a large missile under the fuselage of a fighter? Also, can radar detect the modification of a fighter, or can it be detected by other means at a distance?

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