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Recent content by neosinan

  1. N

    TR Sensors and Detector Programs

    Are we finally making equivalent of Kürecik's radar AKA AN/TPY-2? This would put Aselsan to whole another league that Afaik No European country has developed equivalent. Only US, Russia and China has these kind of technology in their disposal.
  2. N

    TR TF-X KAAN Fighter Jet

    Temel kotil originally made this statement one year ago in this TV broadcast, And It was right before elections. So We need to take this with a lot grain of salt. here around 41:00 minute
  3. N

    TR TF-X KAAN Fighter Jet

    Security of Supply chain is much more important than marginally better product. No doubt. Eg: Altay
  4. N

    TR UAV/UCAV Programs | Anka - series | Kızılelma | TB - series

    Reapers are not getting shot down with manpads, It is either Iranian long range SAMs or old yemeni 2K12M KUB. Unless Some country decides to give PKK S300 or Pantsir/2K12M equivalent system there is nothing to worry about. And If Some country does that, Then We would have to test akbaba on...
  5. N

    TR Defence Exports & Updates

    You literally said f* koç. Koç owns Tofaş, Otokar and Ford Otosan.
  6. N

    TR Defence Exports & Updates

    As Someone who worked in Automotive industry for Years, I'll say You have no idea what are talking about. If You think Tofaş or Ford just import most their components, you are mistaken. Tofaş, Ford, Oyak And Toyota all pushed for high localization rates. And Especially Tofaş And Oyak helped...
  7. N

    TR UAV/UCAV Programs | Anka - series | Kızılelma | TB - series

    Here is a analysis of Unmanned fighter jets from Ex fighter jet pilot and engineer at US military industry. He works on Unmanned fighter jets. This video is great inside into US military industrial complex.
  8. N

    TR Space Space Programs

    Yes This would give us access to LEO But Still We will need foreign companies aircraft for that, Be it airbus or Boeing. But We can buy these system likely without a problem. I think both is a lot better than Traditional rocket solutions. Neither Roketsan nor DelvaV cant compete with SpaceX's...
  9. N

    TR Space Space Programs

    We might not have the budget to go toe to toe with likes of SpaceX But There are alternatives methods developing for space launch systems, If We combine these new up and coming methods with DeltaVs solution And If we invest into such technologies early on, We might even have a chance...
  10. N

    TR Propulsion Systems

    RR name has been around since forever but We couldn't agree on a deal. In July of This year, Turkish Ceo is appointed and Within 6 months We solve our disagreement about TFX engine and Another Turkish company confirms huge engine deal. I am not saying there is a connection but I can how it...
  11. N

    TR Oil & Gas Exploration Update & Discussion

    Compare to price of Electricity, Fast charging prices are quite high, it is very profitable business and It is regulated by the government like gasoline prices. So, It will scale with demand. State will insure long term profitability of charging station business and It will be marginally cheaper...
  12. N

    TR Oil & Gas Exploration Update & Discussion

    It is all about taxes. Gasoline and diesel cars has around 100% taxes compare to less than 25% taxes for EVs. You can see what kind of advantage this gives EVs in Turkish Market.
  13. N

    TR Oil & Gas Exploration Update & Discussion

    Mm, You need to check this years numbers. BEVs and PHEV are 15%+ of the Turkish market.We are talking about 800-900% increase in sales for EVs. Considering Daily production rates Togg reached last month, in 2024 Togg alone can have close to 10% of the market. EVs can have close to 50% market...
  14. N

    TR Casual Discussion TOGG - Türkiye's Automotive Joint Venture Group

    4401 Togg is delivered in November and Total deliveries reached 13572.
  15. N

    TR Defence Exports & Updates

    Am I the only one who think this isnt a great idea? This is turning into Oryx which was great tool for Semi competent intelligence agencies around the world. We shouldn't have such information easily available, Yes they can make find same information with a google search But We are giving them...

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