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Recent content by Baryshx

  1. Baryshx

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    Oğlu evinde asabilir de, devlet kurumlarında da mı asılıyor? :D :D Mesela, neden Ebulfez Elçibey değil de Aliyev? :sneaky: Moderator Edit: A son can put the picture of his father, but what's the situation with putting the picture in State institutions? For example why it's not the picture of...
  2. Baryshx

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    Isn't Erkam Yıldırım, the son of Binali Yıldırım, sitting in the centre opposite? He is a very famous businessman in Turkiye. :D :p
  3. Baryshx

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    By the way, why is there a picture of Aliyev in the background? Is he the founder or saviour of the country?
  4. Baryshx

    TR TF-X KAAN Fighter Jet

    I think these dates are very good and a great success. Leaving aside the clowns and political lickspittles, those in charge of the engineering of this work have already said that we need at least 10 years. (Prof. Dr. Mahmut Akşit) Of course, if Rolls-Royce is involved, that's a lot less time.
  5. Baryshx

    TR TF-X KAAN Fighter Jet

    I can give you a date. It will be before 7 May 2028. Because there is a general election on this date. After the election, the actual delivery dates will be announced. I think 2031-2032 with F110 and 2035 with TF35K.
  6. Baryshx

    Space Turkic States to launch joint satellites

    It is a good co-operation. Cooperation in the field of military and education should be further developed.
  7. Baryshx

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    Our government is as funny as ever. What about the Syrian and Afghani ISIS members and terrorists who enter the country illegally? Also, Uzbekistan is one of the centres of ISIS, as is the Uighur autonomous region...
  8. Baryshx

    TR Small Aerial Drones & Loitering Ammunitions

    We must not enter into any military relationship with Taiwan. But everything is expected from the AKP government.
  9. Baryshx

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    It's a disgrace if Turkiye still doesn't have a nuclear bomb. All this friendship and military co-operation with Pakistan. In our country, where there are specialised and educated people in the nuclear field, there should have been now. It does not necessarily have to be produced in Turkiye. It...
  10. Baryshx

    TR Air Defence Programs

    In the video, there appears to be image acceleration.
  11. Baryshx

    TR UAV/UCAV Programs | Anka - series | Kızılelma | TB - series

    Tusaş started the UAV business 20 years before them. You don't need to quote me on that ridiculous detail. If you want to write about whether what I said is true or not, write something about it.
  12. Baryshx

    TR UAV/UCAV Programs | Anka - series | Kızılelma | TB - series

    Oddly enough, Tusaş is the address to go to for UAVs. Baykar is new and inexperienced compared to Tusaş. They were probably directed there or went there under the influence of popular culture.
  13. Baryshx

    TR Politics

    What a comedy, there are still people who voted for iyip?
  14. Baryshx

    TR Politics

    The possibility of Akp being ahead in Edirne and even in the whole Thrace region is not credible at all. It would even be quite funny.
  15. Baryshx

    TR Propulsion Systems

    Tei is also said to maintain the TF33 engines used in NATO's E-3 aircraft.

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