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Navy We Do Not Need A Mosquito Fleet Of Kamikaze Boats - Khomchak


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We do not need a mosquito fleet of kamikaze boats - Khomchak​


But not the mosquito fleet ... these are kamikaze boats that have a one-way ticket. In NATO, no one makes a technique in which a person must die. In the coming years, we plan to have 4 corvettes in the fleet, and by 2030, four medium landing ships ...
In an interview with Apostrophe , the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Colonel-General Ruslan Khomchak, spoke about the weapons that our army and navy now need .

- In general, we need to understand the principles on which we develop. If we follow the principles of NATO, then no one there makes a technique in which a person must die. Although they say everywhere that you must complete the task at all costs, but all efforts are aimed at keeping you alive. So if we're talking about a mosquito fleet, we're talking about kamikaze boats that have a one-way ticket.

There is an opinion that it is worth buying Norwegian anti-ship missiles NSM (Naval Strike Missile) with a range of 180 km and then 15 American Mark VI boats would solve our problems at sea.
- The United Kingdom is at the stage of signing contracts for the production of 8 missile boats for us with NSM missiles with a range of 180 km. They will make us two more minesweepers. We will also have 5 American "Islands" - two are already there, three more are on the way . Next, in the coming years we plan to have 4 corvettes in the fleet ...

Turkish or Ukrainian?
"I need a corvette." I need a modern corvette as soon as possible, and then the question is not for me, but for politicians or economists. I don't care where they get that corvette from. But I need four corvettes for the fleet - this is the minimum we need today.
I need Mark VI boats. They give us six . They are high-speed, with a range of up to 20 km. This is exactly the element we need today. But 20 km is the maximum range, and its efficiency will be 16 km. And here the question arises, and whether each Russian ship will let it on such distance. Therefore, it is necessary to work out the tactics of using the Ukrainian Navy with skills, abilities and cunning.

What will happen to the small armored artillery boats that are being built at the Kuznya na Rybalskomu plant in Kyiv?
- We have seven of them today . Next year there will be eight - and that's it. In the future, by 2030, we want to have four medium landing ships. We need to have unmanned anti-mine systems on both seas. We need these CERBERUS anti-sabotage stations. They identify saboteurs at 600-700 meters. We need 30 such stations.

What rocket do you see on the corvette? Ukrainian naval-based Neptune missile or the same NSM?
- I would like to see a Ukrainian "Neptune" naval base, but when will it be? When will that rocket be? That it was as modern as possible, that it had the maximum range and accuracy of defeat.

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