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Korea South Korea showcases their newest missile assets


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Wednesday's successful test of a submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) from the Navy submarine Dosan Ahn Chang-ho makes South Korea the eighth country in the world to possess the weapon. [DEFENSE MINISTRY]

The Korean Peninsula was the site of dueling launches on Wednesday as North Korea fired two tactical ballistic missiles around mid-day, followed by South Korea testing a new submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) later in the afternoon.

The North fired first on Wednesday, sending two ballistic missiles into the waters east of the Korean Peninsula around 12:38 p.m. and 12:43 p.m., according to the South's Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS).

The JCS said the missiles flew a distance of approximately 800 kilometers (500 miles) while reaching an altitude of 60 kilometers (37 miles).

Less than three hours later, in the afternoon, South Korea followed with a scheduled submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) test, according to the Defense Ministry.

In addition to the SLBM, the South tested two different types of missiles on Wednesday: a long-range air-to-surface missile and a supersonic anti-ship missile, according to military authorities.

These weapons are expected to serve as a deterrent to nuclear-armed North Korea. Even though the South is equipped with conventional — not nuclear — warheads, they enhance the country's capacity to retaliate or counter an attack.



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The world's 7th independently developed SLBM launch is the first public release! Video of new domestic weapons such as supersonic cruise missiles / ADD provided

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□ The Defense Science Research Institute (ADD) successfully conducted a submarine launch test for an SLBM for the first time in Korea at the ADD Comprehensive Testing Center on the afternoon of September 15, with the President and the Minister of National Defense in attendance.

◦ The SLBM was mounted on the Dosan Ahn Chang-ho and was launched from underwater, and accurately hit the target.

*Dosan Ahn Chang-ho: A 3,000-ton class submarine built with domestic technology, delivered to the Navy in August of this year

◦ ADD has conducted several ground and water tank launch tests over the years. By successfully conducting an actual submarine launch test today, Korea became the 7th country in the world to successfully launch an SLBM submarine.

* Existing SLBM operating countries: 6 countries including the US, Russia, China, UK, France, and India

□ We also conducted an aircraft separation test of a long-range air-to-surface missile to be mounted on the KF-21, a next-generation fighter that is being developed with our technology.

◦ The long-range air-to-surface missile is currently in the search and development stage, and today's test is to detach the missile from the mounted aircraft, spread the missile's wings, and accurately fly to the target to strike. This flight test was successfully conducted.

◦ Long-range air-to-surface missiles are being developed with the goal of replacing missiles imported from abroad and having better stealth performance and longer range. is expected to be.

□ ADD also succeeded in developing a high-powered ballistic missile that dramatically increased the weight of the warhead.

◦ The missile developed this time is also capable of striking concrete buildings and underground tunnels, and can be neutralized by accurately and powerfully striking major targets.

◦ High-powered ballistic missiles with improved performance will be used as a core force to enhance our military's peacetime deterrence capabilities and project overwhelming response capabilities in case of emergency.

□ In addition to the development of high-power ballistic missiles, we also succeeded in developing supersonic cruise missiles that can strengthen the ability to deny access to sea power.

◦ The supersonic cruise missile developed this time has a higher speed than existing missiles, making it very difficult for enemy ships to respond, which further improves the missile's survivability and destructive power.

◦ Supersonic cruise missiles are expected to become a core force capable of responding more effectively to forces approaching Korea's territorial waters.

□ Lastly, ADD also succeeded in the combustion test of a solid propulsion engine for a space launch vehicle in July of this year.

◦ This test tested the technology for a space launch vehicle propulsion engine that can put a small satellite into low-Earth orbit, and it is expected to contribute greatly to the development of the domestic space industry if the technology secured this time is transferred to the private sector.

□ The success of this missile launch test is an important milestone in strengthening our military's leading security capabilities, and will contribute to realizing a strong national defense and a solid military readiness posture.








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The recent missile tests President Moon Jae-in oversaw and praised marked a milestone that experts say shows a rapidly growing South Korean missile capability. Here are key takeaways on what it means for North Korea and foreign powers.

Fend off North Korea

South Korea is the first non-nuclear state to have tested a submarine-launched ballistic missile. SLBMs -- which have also been developed by China, France, India, Russia, the UK and the US -- are designed to deliver a fatal second strike from an undisclosed location in deep seas.

North Korea, which revealed the latest Pukguksong-5 series in January this year, has never publicly test-fired an SLBM from a submarine, though it tested the Pukguksong-3 in October 2019 from a submerged barge -- a test many see as a job half done.

Pyongyang is believed to be working on building a 4,000-ton submarine that could carry as many as six SLBMs, twice the number its Romeo class carries. But even the 3,000-ton Romeo has yet to be made public. It is unclear whether North Korean submarines could make a successful SLBM strike.

Meanwhile Seoul has just shown it can fire as many as six SLBMs from its homegrown submarine, the Dosan class. The 3,000-ton vessel is one of the nine submarines South Korea plans on building by the early 2030s, when Seoul expects to see bigger submarines carrying as many as 10 SLBMs.

Last week, the North openly discredited the South’s SLBM test, calling it primitive and not a threat, but Pyongyang is seen as anxious about Seoul getting ahead in the arms race. The South’s missiles cannot carry nuclear warheads but can reach anywhere in the North, including its underground missile bases.

Contain outside aggression

The supersonic cruise missiles South Korea tested alongside the SLBMs reinforce the message that it is ready to deal with the imminent threat from North Korea but other potential outside aggression.

The anti-ship missile could travel up to Mach 3, three times the speed of sound, and fly up to 500 kilometers, covering the entire Korean Peninsula. North Korea is not believed to have the technology to counter supersonic missiles.

“The weapon is the most up to date cruise missile we have. This will be our core asset to contain outside aggression at our seas,” the Ministry of National Defense said. The missile will enhance the country’s naval power, according to the ministry.

“Some missiles are being made combat ready as we speak,” a military official said, without elaborating on details because of the sensitivity of the matter.

The military is planning to mount the missile on its homegrown fighter jet, known as the KF-21 Boramae, by the late 2020s. The jet’s prototype was unveiled in April and mass production will start as early as 2026.

Eyeing more powerful missiles

South Korea is looking to build missiles that are more powerful and fly further.

The military, which was cut loose in May from a Korea-US missile pact that had long capped Seoul’s missile program, has said it will make that happen in the next five years, during which it expects to spend at least 315 trillion-won ($271 billion) to bolster defense readiness.

“We will see more lethal missiles -- including surface-to-surface and surface-to-air -- becoming operational. More accurate, long-range missiles capable of striking targets just right will be a deterrence,” the Defense Ministry said.

According to Global Firepower’s index of most powerful armed forces this year, Seoul has a better conventional force than Pyongyang. The index puts South Korea at 6 and North Korea at 28 out of 140 countries.

But the index does not take into account the fact that the North has nuclear weapons, and its missiles have longer range than the South’s.

North Korea could strike about half of the world, including the US mainland, according to the Missile Defense Project of the Center for Strategic and International Studies and global think tanks. South Korea still has a long way to go to match North Korea in terms of range.



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A few months ago, I think I saw on South Korean news that Turkish-made SOM air-to-ground missiles can be used as missiles for KF-21, but now it is presumed that the South Korean Ministry of National Defense has decided to use domestic missiles for KF-21 🤔

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