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Prominent Israeli Author: Apartheid more befitting term for "Israel"


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Prominent Israeli Author: Apartheid more befitting term for "Israel"​

  • By Al Mayadeen net
  • Source: Israeli media
  • 10 Dec 2021 14:54
The famous writer suggested that the West Bank under "Israel's" rule should no longer be referred to as occupation, but rather apartheid.

    • Bennett's government could not cure Israel of the Bennett's government could not cure "Israel" of the "sick evil" of occupation according to Grossman.
David Grossman, an Israeli author, suggested that "Israel's" occupation of parts of the West Bank should no longer be identified as occupation, detailing that a much harsher word is needed.
Grossman said to Israeli Army Radio that Apartheid is a more appropriate term.
The author described that occupation PM Naftali Bennett's government could not "cure 'Israel' of the sick evil that is the occupation."
This is not the first time the writer used this word to describe the crimes of "Israel."
Grossman divulged that “When 'Israel' occupies and oppresses another nation... and creates an apartheid reality in the occupied territories — it becomes a lot less of a home."
It seems that voices from within criticizing "Israel" are becoming more prevalent.
Last month, "Israel's" education minister stopped a professor from receiving an award due to his support of boycotts against the occupation.

Supporting boycotts​

The BDS movement is a nonviolent campaign against Israeli abuses against Palestinians. BDS stands for "boycotts, divestment, and sanctions" against "Israel".
The movement prides itself in being a “movement that works to end international support for Israel's oppression of Palestinians and pressure it to comply with international law.”
The Palestinian-led movement has for years urged artists to boycott "Israel" for its inhuman actions against Palestinians. Major performers, such as Lorde and Lana Del Ray have canceled appearances in solidarity with the Palestinian people and the apartheid violence they are subjected to.

Authors under attack​

A week ago, some 70 prominent authors, poets, and playwrights have signed a letter of endorsement in support of Irish author Sally Rooney's decision to prevent Israeli publishing house "Modan" from translating her latest work, "Beautiful World, Where Are You," into Hebrew.
Rooney indicated that her decision is part of a cultural boycott over Israel's treatment of Palestinians.


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United Kingdom
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United Kingdom
If the Jews in the US moved to Israel, this wouldn't be a problem. Also they would add 860,073,000,000 to the Israeli GDP.


Nation of residence
United States of America
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If the Jews in the US moved to Israel, this wouldn't be a problem. Also they would add 860,073,000,000 to the Israeli GDP.
You wrote: "If the Jews in the US moved to Israel, this wouldn't be a problem".

Speak for yourself. The Israelis are occupying Palestinian land that they will have to vacate sooner of later.

Billions reject the Israeli Apartheid regime.

Without US "donations", Israel will not survive today as a nation.


Nation of residence
United Kingdom
Nation of origin
United Kingdom
You wrote: "If the Jews in the US moved to Israel, this wouldn't be a problem".

Speak for yourself. The Israelis are occupying Palestinian land that they will have to vacate sooner of later.

Billions reject the Israeli Apartheid regime.

Without US "donations", Israel will not survive today as a nation.
I disagree with the perspective that the US donations to Israel protect it, for me its actually the nomadic Jewish population in the US seeking to exert control over the nationalist Jews in Israel. Israel would be better off without American/Neo-con/Jewish people expelled from the Russian Empire.

As another member pointed in another thread, Israel has made peace with many Arab nations since the collapse of Syrian power, the rise of Turkey and the threat of Iran. The Arabs need to themselves protect Israel as a powerful/capable ally against the rising Ottoman-Persian power.

So I don't see Israel falling or being defeated anytime soon. What I do see happening is the nomadic Jews in the US being kicked out for their parasitic and Satanic behaviour and being forced to move to Israel. This will in turn solve the Israeli demographic issues and bring in at least 500,000,000,000 to the Israeli economy. Making it an even greater power. However it would likely cause a civil war in Israel between the two factions of Jews people.


Nation of residence
United States of America
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I disagree with the perspective that the US donations to Israel protect it, for me its actually the nomadic Jewish population in the US seeking to exert control over the nationalist Jews in Israel. Israel would be better off without American/Neo-con/Jewish people expelled from the Russian Empire.

As another member pointed in another thread, Israel has made peace with many Arab nations since the collapse of Syrian power, the rise of Turkey and the threat of Iran. The Arabs need to themselves protect Israel as a powerful/capable ally against the rising Ottoman-Persian power.

So I don't see Israel falling or being defeated anytime soon. What I do see happening is the nomadic Jews in the US being kicked out for their parasitic and Satanic behaviour and being forced to move to Israel. This will in turn solve the Israeli demographic issues and bring in at least 500,000,000,000 to the Israeli economy. Making it an even greater power. However it would likely cause a civil war in Israel between the two factions of Jews people.
You wrote: "Israel has made peace with many Arab nations"
Israel made peace with a few Arab leaders in dictatorships like UAE, Bahrein and Morocco. These leaders represent only themselves and not their people.
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Nation of residence
United States of America
Nation of origin
I disagree with the perspective that the US donations to Israel protect it, for me its actually the nomadic Jewish population in the US seeking to exert control over the nationalist Jews in Israel. Israel would be better off without American/Neo-con/Jewish people expelled from the Russian Empire.

As another member pointed in another thread, Israel has made peace with many Arab nations since the collapse of Syrian power, the rise of Turkey and the threat of Iran. The Arabs need to themselves protect Israel as a powerful/capable ally against the rising Ottoman-Persian power.

So I don't see Israel falling or being defeated anytime soon. What I do see happening is the nomadic Jews in the US being kicked out for their parasitic and Satanic behaviour and being forced to move to Israel. This will in turn solve the Israeli demographic issues and bring in at least 500,000,000,000 to the Israeli economy. Making it an even greater power. However it would likely cause a civil war in Israel between the two factions of Jews people.
The Israeli people themselves have demonstrated that they are racist by nature. In Israeli society, Black Jews from Ethiopia are considered inferior to Jews who come from Europe. A formula from Self-Destruction of this Apartheid regime sooner or later.

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