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Is a Zionist alliance against Algeria viable?


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Is a Zionist alliance against Algeria viable?
Sunday, 28 November 2021 3:07 PM [Last Update: Sunday, 28 November 2021 3:34 PM]


What does an eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth mean? More than three weeks after the assassination of three Algerians with a drone, which was followed on November 26 by the physical elimination of a senior Polisario Front commander, Gantz landed in Morocco with the strict objective of making one. mega-base of chronic instability and this, in the service of the US / Israel axis which is poisoning the kingdom with its long-term military agreement, its Iron Dome batteries, its killer drones to be planted in Nador near the north of the Algeria, its intelligence exchanges, its joint military exercises and so on.

As proof, a 15-year-old Saharawi child was killed and other Saharawis wounded in Aguinit in Western Sahara, by a drone made in Turkey from the Moroccan army, the famous Bayraktar who at the moment is exercises, under the guidance of Zionist officers, to attack Algeria, its infrastructures, its army. To read the Israeli press, Morocco, which has now entered fully into the US-Israel axis, not only flies over the backs of its European partners but also at the cost of regional peace. The official visit of Israeli Minister of War Benny Gantz to Morocco, marked by the signing of a security cooperation agreement between the Kingdom and Israel, will undoubtedly increase his attacks and as long as they continue to go unpunished, the tension will increase. Especially since the US / Israel axis through Rabat interposed hopes to provoke a decisive tipping movement in the geostrategic balance of forces, more than ever fluctuating, of the Maghreb and the entire Mediterranean rim. “The political, economic and military repercussions of this agreement will undoubtedly reconfigure the map of geopolitical interactions in this geographical area,” writes Maariv.

Indeed, this military alliance does not seem to have been programmed into the Abrahamic Accord concluded in December 2020 between the Kingdom, on the one hand, and the United States of America and Israel, on the other. Why this agreement then? It seems that the main target, namely Algeria, would have taken the camp opposite by surprise by provoking a hasty reaction.


Against what is the US / Israel axis league so hastily by taking refuge behind Morocco? Against a marvelous anti-Israel lockdown dynamic that Algeria slowly but surely animates under a perfectly serene exterior. Indeed, and even as the United States tends to infiltrate the Sahel through France and also have Israel infiltrate there, Algeria, for its part, counter-attacks sometimes by strengthening its links with its neighbors in the Sahel, sometimes by helping them to diversify their partnership, including with the Russians. West Africa that the US / Israel axis covets thoroughly, from Chad to Niger via the Ivory Coast, and Senegal, this is where Algeria stands in their way. Ditto for Tunisia where the Americans and the Israelis were literally taken aback months ago by the president's train of changes and his anti-Zionist line through which more than one analyst would still see support and assistance. 'Alger.

Such Algeria obviously scares the USA and especially Israel which is still under the blow of the anti-Israel initiative of Algiers within the AU.

What if this Algeria surprises once again by helping and organizing these millions of intimately anti-Zionist Moroccans who are pounding the pavement from north to south these days against Israel, against Rabat against normalization? After all, an Israeli military base in the middle of Morocco is a danger above all against the Moroccan nation which does not want to sacrifice its interests on the US / Israel altar at any cost.

Huge demonstrations are now affecting all regions of Morocco, and no longer just the north. If the trigger is the high cost of living and the compulsory health pass, the real cause of this uprising, until then peaceful, is the normalization with the Zionist entity which has continued to be denounced by Moroccan citizens. in the face of the fait accompli by their king ... Things start to get complicated for the US / Israel axis in the early hours after the signing of the Israel / Rabat strategic alliance.

Rabat should take Hamas's advice before it is too late. Hamas calls on Morocco to sever relations with Israel before it is too late.

"What Morocco has done, whether its objective, is not to be justified," Hamas announced in a statement issued by al-Mayadeen which added: "The historical status that Morocco occupies as well as its position towards Palestine are by no means in accordance with normalization with the enemy. "

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